Bitte wählen Sie eine der Bahnverwaltungen aus

Kürzel Bahnverwaltung Anzahl
AC Algoma Central Corporation [Wisconsin Central] 18
AMT Agence Metropolitaine de Transport 1
ARND Arnaud Railway 1
BCH BC Hydro & Power Authority (1988 --> SRY) 7
BCOL British Columbia Railway 42
BCVX West Coast Express 1
CANX CANAC International Inc. [CN] 1
CART Cartier Railway Co. [QCM] 11
CBNS Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia Railway [RailTex] 1
CCGX Cando Contracting 1
CDAC Canadian American Railroad [IRRC)[2002-->Railworld] 2
CFL Chemin de Fer Lanaudiere [Bell Gaz] 2
CMQ Central Maine & Quebec 3
CN Canadian National Railway Company 406
CNLX CANAC International Inc. [CN] 5
CP Canadian Pacific Rail System 344
CRLX Canadian Railserv 1
CTRW Carlton Trail Railway [OmniTrax] 2
CVR Cowichan Valley Railway 1
DVR Devco Railway 4
ENR E & N Railway [Rail America] 1
ET Edmonton Transit 1
ETL Essex Terminal Railway Company 1
FSDX Fraser Surrey Docks 1
GCRC Great Canadian Railtours 1
GEXR Goderich & Exeter [RailTex] 2
GOT Government of Ontario Transit 38
GWRS Great Western Railway 3
GWWD Greater Winnipeg Water District Railway 5
HBIX H. Broer Equipment Sales & Service Inc. 1
HBRY Hudson Bay Railway [OmniTrax] 4
HCRY Huron Central [GNWR] 1
HSKX Husky Oil 1
IB0008 Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan 2
IB0018 Eurocan Pulp & Paper, Kitimat B.C. 1
IB0025 Prairie Coal, SK 1
IB0026 Prince Rupert Grain, BC 1
IB0027 Algoma Steel 2
IB0033 Stelco, Hamilton ONT 14
IB0035 Esso Chemicals, Sarnia ON 1
IB0045 Casco, Cardinal ON 2
IB0055 Stone Consolidated, Bathurst NB 1
IB0062 Donahue Inc. 2
IB0083 Kidd Creek Mines, Timmins, ON 2
IB0085 Domtar Ltd. 3
IB0087 Howe Sound Pulp & Paper 1
IB0088 Port of Montreal 3
IB0096 Ciment St Laurent 1
IB0123 Don Hearn & Sons 1
IB0134 Sydney Steel 2
IB0146 Lafarge Cement 1
IB0153 St. Marys Paper 2
IB0155 Kruger Paper, Bromptonville QC 2
IB0158 Transport Martin Lajeunesse, East Angus QC 1
IB0167 Northwood Pulp & Timber 1
IB0168 North American Packaging Inc. (Norampac) 1
IB0171 Bloedel Stewart & Welch Ltd. 5
IB0184 Canadian Forest Products (CANFOR) 3
INCX International Nickel (Inco Ltd.) 19
IOCX Iron Ore Company of Canada 1
IRRS International Rail Road Systems [International Reload Systems] 1
MB0010 Orangedale Railway Museum 6
MB0020 Prairie Dog Central Railroad 1
MB0022 Acadian Railway 1
MLW Montreal Locomotive Works 1
MUCTC Montreal Urban Transit (--> AMT) 3
Museum Canadische Denkmals- und Museumsfahrzeuge 1
NBEC New Brunswick East Coast 1
NBSR New Brunswick Southern Railroad [OmniTrax] 1
NTX Neptune Bulk Terminals Canada, North Vancouver BC 1
OCRR Ottawa Central Railway 8
OCT OC Transpo, Ottawa ON 1
OKAN Okanagan Valley Railway 3
ONT Ontario Northland Railway 18
OSRX Ontario Southland Railway 11
PGE Pacific Great Eastern Railway (5.1972 renamed BCOL) 5
PHLX Parrish & Heimbecker Limited 2
QC Quebec Central (--> CP Rail) 1
QG Quebec Gatineau [G&W] 3
QNSL Quebec North Shore & Labrador Railway 12
QSR Quebec Southern [IRRC][2002-->Railworld] 1
RLNK RaiLink [seit 5.1999 Rail America] 5
RPRX Railpower Technologies 5
RS Roberval & Saguenay Railway Company 10
RTAX Rio Tinto Alcan, Kitimat BC 1
SLH St. Lawrence & Hudson [CP] 8
SLR St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad 2
SMNR Southern Manitoba Railway [TVRR] 1
SRY Southern Railway of British Columbia 7
TIR Thousand Islands Railway 2
TRR Thunder Rail 1
TRRY Trillium Railway Co. 1
TTC Toronto Transit Commission 11
VIA VIA Rail Canada 156
WCRY Waterloo Central Railroad 1
WPY White Pass & Yukon 1
YDHR York Durham Heritage Railway 6

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