Liste der verwendeten Abkürzungen für Bahnverwaltungen
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kürzel | Bahnverwaltung |
AA | Ann Arbor Railroad |
AAAX | AAA Warehouse Corporation |
AAF | All Aboard Florida [FEC] |
AALX | Advanced Aromatics LP |
AAPV | American Association of Private RR Car Owners, Inc. |
AARX | Association of American Railroads |
AATX | Ampacet Corporation |
AAX | American Agriculture & Chemical Co (Agrico) |
AB | Akron & Barberton Cluster Railway Company |
ABB | Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad Company (1994 --> AB) |
ABBX | Abbott Labs |
ABCR | Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast Railroad (1945 --> ACL) |
ABCX | Alabama Byproducts Corp. |
ABEX | Advanced Bio-Energy |
ABFS | ABF Freight System, Inc. |
ABFZ | == ABFS |
ABIX | Anheuser-Busch Incorporated |
ABL | Alameda Belt Line |
ABOX | Railbox Company (siehe RBOX) |
ABPR | Aberdeen & Briar Patch Railway Co. (87 --> ACWR) |
ABRX | AB Rail Investments Incorporated |
ABWX | Asea Brown Boveri Incorporated |
ACAX | == ACTX |
ACBL | American Commercial Barge Lines |
ACCX | Consolidated Coal Company |
ACDX | == ACTX |
ACE | Altamont Commuter Express [SJRRC] |
ACEF | A C E Freight Inc. |
ACEX | Ace Cogeneration Co. (Calif.) |
ACFX | American Car & Foundry Co. |
ACGX | Suburban Propane LP |
ACHX | American Cyanamid Co. |
ACIP | American Cast Iron Pipe, Birmingham AL |
ACIX | Arkansas Chemicals, Inc. (--> Great Lakes Chemical) |
ACJR | Ashtabula, Carson & Jefferson Railroad |
ACJU | American Coastal Lines Joint Venture Incorporated |
ACL | Atlantic Coast Line (1967 --> SCL) |
ACLU | Atlantic Container Line Limited |
ACLX | American Car Line Company |
ACMC | Atlas Car & Manufactoring Company |
ACMX | Voith Hydro Incorporated |
ACNU | AKZO Chemie B V |
ACPZ | American Concrete Products Company |
ACRC | Andalusia & Conecuh Railroad |
ACRX | American Chrome and Chemicals Incorporated |
ACRY | Arkansas Central Railway Co. |
ACSX | First Union Properties Incorporated |
ACSZ | American Carrier Equipment |
ACTU | Associated Container Transport (Australia) |
ACTX | Allied Chemical Company (Allied Corporation) |
ACUU | Acugreen Limited |
ACWR | Aberdeen, Carolina & Western Railway Company |
ACWZ | == CNW |
ACY | Akron, Canton & Youngstown (--> NS) |
AD | Atlantic & Danville Railway (--> NFD) |
ADBF | Adrian & Blissfield Rail Road Company |
ADCU | Flexi-Van Leasing Incorporated |
ADIX | Adirondack Scenic Railroad, Thendra NY |
ADMX | Archer Daniels Midland Company |
ADMX.1 | ADM elevator, Valdosta GA |
ADMX.2 | Archer Daniels Midland - Decatur IL |
ADMX.3 | Archer Daniels Midland - N. Kansas City MO |
ADMX.4 | Archer Daniels Midland - Lloydminster AB |
ADMX.5 | Archer Daniels Midland - Growmark-Wolcott Elevator, Wolcott KS |
ADMX.6 | Archer Daniels Midland - Clinton IA |
ADMX.7 | Archer Daniels Midland - Cedar Rapids IA |
ADMX.8 | ADM Milling (ex Dixie Portland Flour Mills) - Chicago IL |
ADN | Ashley Drew & Northern Railway Co. [Georgia Pacific] |
ADR | Adirondack Railway |
ADRX | Addeleston Recycling Corporation |
AEC | Atlantic & East Carolina Railway (1957 --> SOU) |
AECX | Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. |
AEE | American European Express |
AEFR | Aurora Elgin & Fox River Electric |
AEIX | Alan Eslisk |
AEIZ | Farrell Lines Incorporated |
AEPU | American Lines Incorporated |
AEPX | American Electric Power Service Corp. |
AERC | Albany and Eastern Railroad Company |
AESX | General Electric Railcar Services Corporation |
AEVX | AKZO Coatings Incorporated |
AEX | The Andersons |
AF | Alabama and Florida Railway Company |
AFCU | Afram Lines Incorporated |
AFCX | ATEL Leasing Corporation |
AFCZ | Afram Lines Limited |
AFIU | ABS Industrial Verification Incorporated |
AFIX | FIXCOR Industries Incorporated |
AFIZ | Agmark Foods |
AFIZ.1 | Ag Mark, Concordia KS |
AFLR | Alabama & Florida Railroad Inc. [PRC], umgezeichnet |
AFPX | Allied Signal Chemical Corp. |
AFRR | Amador Foothills Railroad |
AG | Abbeville Grimes Railway Co., Inc. |
AGCR | Alamo Gulf Coast Railroad Company [Martin Marietta] |
AGCX | Procor Limited |
AGEX | A. G. Pipe Lines Incorporated |
AGHX | Agrium U.S. Incorporated |
AGIX | AGRI Industries |
AGLF | Atlantic & Gulf Railroad Co. [Gulf & Ohio] |
AGLX | Andrews Petroleum Incorporated |
AGMX | Terra Nitrogen Limited Partnership |
AGPX | Ag Processing Incorporated |
AGPX.1 | Ag Processing Incorporated, Lincoln NE |
AGPX.2 | Ag Processing Incorporated, Hanover KS |
AGPX.3 | Ag Processing Incorporated, Ashville OH |
AGPX.4 | Ag Processing Incorporated, Lariat TX |
AGR | Alabama and Gulf Coast Railway LLC |
AGRD | A & G Railroad, L.L.C. |
AGRX | Agrifos LLC |
AGS | Alabama Great Southern (1969 --> SOU) |
AGTX | AmeriGas Propane L.P. |
AGVX | Ag Valley Co-Operative |
AGYX | Centrex Construction Products Inc (American Gypsum Company) |
AHCX | Arcadian Corporation |
AHW | Ahnapee & Western (--> FWV) |
AHWZ | == AHW |
AIDU | Albermarle Corporation |
AIEU | Aviation Import Export Incorporated |
AIKR | Aiken Railway Co. |
AINX | TTX Company - Acorn Division |
AIPX | Atlas Iron Processors Incorporated |
AIRX | American International Rail Services LLC |
AITU | Western Intermodal |
AJCU | Australia Japan Container Line |
AJPX | North American Chemical |
AKDN | Acadiana Railway Company |
AKFX | AKF Corporation |
AKLU | K Line |
AKMD | Arkansas Midland Railroad [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
AKMX | Helm Financial Corporation |
AKZX | AKZO Nobel Chemicals Incorporated |
AL | Almanor Railroad Co. |
ALAB | Alabama Railroad Co. |
ALAX | Equistar Chemicals LP |
ALBR | Albany Bridge Railroad |
ALCO | American Locomotive Co. |
ALCoA | == AOCX |
ALCX | Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Limited |
ALE | Allegheny & Eastern |
ALEX | AGRI Industries |
ALGX | Amsterdam Leasing |
ALIR | Alabama Railroad [PRC], umgezeichnet == ALAB |
ALLN | Allentown and Auburn Railroad |
ALLX | Alliance Machine Company |
ALM | Arkansas & Louisiana Mississippi Railroad Co. [Georgia Pac.] [2004 --> GNWR] |
ALMO | Arkansas & Louisiana Missouri Railroad (1993 --> ALM) |
ALMX | Trinity Rail Management Incorporated |
ALQS | Aliquippa & Southern Railroad |
ALR | Alton Railroad (1947 --> GMO) |
ALS | Alton & Southern Railway (1947 --> GMO) |
ALS2 | Alton & Southern [SSW, UP] |
ALTU | == VTGU |
ALTX | Alter Trading Co [Southern Illinois Railcar Co] |
ALUX | Alumax of South Carolina Incorporated |
ALY | Allegheny Railroad Company (93 --> ALE) |
AM | Arkansas & Missouri Railroad Co. |
AMAX | AMAX Coal Company |
AMBU | Amber Line Incorporated |
AMBX | American Boiler Works Incorporated |
AMC | Amador Central Railroad Co. [Georgia Pacific] |
AMCX | Amoco Chemical Company |
AMCZ | Interbulk Incorporated |
AMFU | Amphibious Container Leasing Limited |
AMGX | AMG Resources Corporation |
AMHR | Landisville Railroad Inc. |
AMIU | American Marine Industry |
AMIX | Railcar Leasing Specialists Incorporated |
AMIZ | == AMIU |
AMLX | American Railcar Company |
AMMU | Hyundai |
AMMX | Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company |
AMNX | American Railcar Leasing Partners |
AMOX | Amoco Oil Company |
AMOX.1 | Amoco Oil Company - Wood River IL |
AMOZ | American Oil Company |
AMPX | General Electric Railcar Services Corporation |
AMR | Arcata & Mad River Railroad |
AMRX | Consolidated Oil and Transportation Company Incorporated |
AMSX | AllTrans Management Services Corp |
AMTK | AMTRAK, National Railroad Passenger Corporation |
AMTZ | == AMTK |
AMXU | Americas Marine Express Incorporated |
AN | Apalachicola Northern Railroad [6.2005 --> GW] |
ANAU | Alliance Navigation Line Incorporated |
ANAX | General Electric Railcar Services Corporation |
ANCX | Norit Americas Incorporated |
ANDX | Andesite Rock Company |
ANKX | A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. |
ANR | Angelina & Neches River Railroad Co. |
ANSX | Ansco Investment Company |
AO | Appalachian & Ohio |
AOCU | Associated Octel Company Limited |
AOCX | Aluminium Company of America (ALCOA) |
AOIX | Ashland Petroleum Company |
AOK | Arkansas - Oklahoma Railway |
AOSX | Age of Steam Roundhouse, Sugarcreek OH |
AO~ | Arkansas & Ozarks |
APA | Apache Railway Company |
APAX | West Penn Power Co. |
APCU | American President Lines Limited |
APCX | Allied Lime Company |
APD | Albany Port District |
APEX | Apex Tank Car Line |
APIX | Commonwealth Plan Incorporated |
APLU | American President Lines Limited |
APLX | APL Land Transport Services Incorporated |
APLZ | American President Lines Limited |
APMU | Maersk Lines |
APMX | Air Products Manufacturing Company |
APNC | Appanoose County Community Railroad, Inc. |
APOX | Alabama Power Company |
APPX | Appalachian Railcar |
APRR | Albany Port Railroad |
APRX | Air Products and Chemicals Incorporated |
APTX | Air Products and Chemicals Incorporated |
APWX | Appalachian Power Company |
AQCX | Aqua-Chem Incorporated Cleaver Brooks Division |
AR | Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad Co. |
ARA | Arcade & Attica Railroad Corp. |
ARC | Alexander Railroad Company |
ARCB | American Railroad Corp. of Barrington, IL |
ARCX | Arizona Rail Car Incorporated |
ARDP | --> UP |
ARE | A. and R. Line Incorporated |
AREX | Aeropres Corporation |
ARGX | Associated Railcar Incorporated |
ARHU | CATU Containers S.A. |
ARHX | Arch Mineral Corporation |
ARIX | BOC Gases |
ARMH | --> DKS |
ARMN | --> UP |
ARMX | American Rail and Marine Corporation |
ARMZ | Armasal Line |
AROX | == GATX |
ARPX | Arco Products Company - Div of Atlantic Richfield Company |
ARR | Alaska Railroad Corporation |
ARRG | Altra Railroad |
ARSX | Aristech Chemical Corporation |
ART | American Refrigerator Transit Company |
ARTU | CATU Containers S.A. |
ARUX | Argos USA Ltd. |
ARVY | Arkansas Valley |
ARW | Arkansas Western Railway Co. |
ARWX | Alabama River Woodlands Incorporated |
ARZC | Arizona and California Railroad Company |
ASAB | Atlanta & St.Andrews Bay Railway Co. [BAYL] |
ASCX | Armco Steel Corporation |
ASFX | American Steel Foundry |
ASGX | Ash Grove Cement Company |
ASHU | Maritainer France SA |
ASHX | == GATX |
ASML | Atlanta, Stone Mountain & Lithonia Railway Co. |
ASR | Allegheny Southern Railway |
ASRX | Domino Sugar Company |
ASRY | Ashland Railway, Inc. |
ASRZ | Agri/Share Cooperative |
ASS | Allegheny & South Side |
ASTX | American Smelting & Refining (ASARCO) |
ASWX | American Steel & Wire |
ATCX | Austin & Texas Central |
ATEX | Asplundh Tree Expert Company Railroad Division |
ATGU | --> BNx |
ATGX | ATEL Leasing Corporation |
ATL | Austin, Todd & Ladd Railroad |
ATLT | AT and L Railroad Company |
ATLU | American Marine Industries |
ATLX | Atlas Machine and Iron Works Incorporated |
ATLZ | American Marine Industries |
ATMX | U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Office |
ATN | Alabama and Tennessee River Railway [OmniTrax] |
ATN1 | Alabama, Tennessee & Northern Railroad (1971 --> SLSF) |
ATOU | Atochem |
ATR | Alliance Terminal Railway |
ATRR | Alcoa Terminal Railroad |
ATRW | Anthracite Railway |
ATRX | Atlanta Chapter NRHS |
ATSF | Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway (--> BNSF) |
ATTX | TTX Company |
ATW | Atlantic & Western Railway Co. [6.2005 --> GW] |
AUAR | Austin Area Terminal Railroad |
AUCX | Auto-Train Corp. |
AUG | Augusta Railroad Co. |
AUNW | Austin & Northwestern Railroad [RailTex] |
AVAZ | == CSXT |
AVL | Aroostook Valley Railroad Co. |
AVLU | Allied Van Lines |
AVR | Allegheny Valley Railway [Carload Express] |
AWCX | Airco Welding Products |
AWDX | Atlantic of New York Incorporated |
AWIX | Albright and Wilson Americas Incorporated |
AWP | Atlanta & Westpoint Railroad (--> CSXT) |
AWVR | fiktive Eisenbahn im Film Unstoppable |
AWW | Algers, Winslow & Western Railway Co. |
AWZZ | McCloud Railway Company |
AXCU | Ace Transportation Company Incorporated |
AY | Atlantic & Yadkin Railway (1950 --> SOU) |
AYPX | xxxxA |
AZCR | Arizona Central Railroad, Inc. |
AZCX | Azcon Corporation |
AZER | Arizona Eastern Railway Co. [KYLE] |
AZEX | Arizona Electric Power Coop., Inc. |
AZMX | Arizona State Railway Museum |
AZPSX | Arizona Public Service |
B | Bamberger Electric Railroad |
B&S | Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad (1932 --> BO) |
B&W | siehe Roster S. 175 u. 185 |
BA | Boston & Albany (--> NYC) |
BACH | Barre & Chelsea Railroad |
BADX | Baden Investment Company |
BAEX | == AEX |
BANU | Bank Winter and Co Aktiengesellschaft |
BAP | Butte, Anaconda & Pacific (--> RARUS) |
BAPX | Bay Area Piggyback Incorporated |
BAR | Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co. |
BARU | Barons Leasing Corporation |
BARX | Bartlett Grain |
BARZ | == BAR |
BAWX | Babcock and Wilcox Company |
BAYL | Bay Line Railroad, L.L.C. [Watco] [6.2005 --> GW] |
BAYU | Mobay Chemical Corporation |
BAYX | Bayer Corporation |
BB | Buckingham Branch Railroad Co. |
BBCX | ABB Power Generation, Inc. |
BBLM | == AB |
BBOH | temporarily for Cargill at Bloomingburg OH |
BBR | Balfour Batty Rail |
BBRR | Bogalusa Bayou Railroad LLC |
BBRR1 | Beebe River Railroad (1942 ) |
BBSZ | Barbar Steamship Lines Incorporated |
BBTU | Bress Bulk International Bulk Transport and Consulting |
BC | Bellefonte Central Railroad |
BCAX | Blue Circle Incorporated |
BCCX | Border Chemical Company Limited |
BCDX | Borden Packaging and Industrial Products |
BCG | Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad Co. |
BCGX | Bay Cities Gas Corporation |
BCIU | Bay Cities Leasing Company |
BCIX | Blue Circle Incorporated |
BCJU | Bay Cities Leasing Company |
BCK | Buffalo Creek (--> CR) |
BCLR | Bay Colony Railroad Corp. |
BCLU | Bibby Bros Company |
BCMX | Bullet Concrete Materials Company |
BCPA | Broward County Port Authority |
BCQ | Bolton's Crown Quality Wheat Express |
BCR | Bay Coast Railroad |
BCRR | Boyne City Railroad |
BCRX | General Electric Railcar Services Corporation |
BCTR | Big Creek & Telocaset Railroad |
BCTX | Boise Cascade Corporation |
BCTZ | Boise Cascade Corporation |
BCWX | Union Tank Car Company |
BCYU | Bay Cities Leasing Company |
BDCM | Blue Diamond Coal Mining Co., Leatherwood KY |
BDCX | Anchor Glass Container |
BDLX | BDL Company |
BDMX | Blue Diamond Mining Incorporated |
BDNX | Baroid Drilling Fluids Incorporated |
BDRV | Belvidere & Delaware River Railway |
BDTL | Ballard Terminal Railroad Company |
BDW | Bad Water Line |
BEBX | Biofuel Energy of Fairmont MN |
BECX | FMC Corporation |
BEDT | Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal (1983 --> NYCH) |
BEEM | Beech Mountain Railroad Co. |
BENX | Investors Property Service |
BEPX | BioFuel Energy Corp, Pioneer Trail Energy LLC. |
BERR | Big Eagle Railroad |
BFC | == BC |
BFCR | == BC |
BFCX | Berwick Freight Car Company |
BFEX | Berthold Farmer's Elevator, Berthold ND |
BFGX | GEON Company |
BFHU | Bailee Freight Services Limited |
BFIX | == BSCX |
BFRR | Buffalo Ridge Railroad, Inc. |
BFSU | Bailee Freight Services Limited |
BGCM | Bountiful Grain & Craig Mountain Railroad |
BGEX | GATX Capital Corporation |
BGKU | Schering AG |
BGSX | Strata Corporation |
BH | Bath & Hammondsport Railroad Co. |
BHCR | Black Hills Central Railroad |
BHCU | Bridgehead Container Service |
BHP | BHP Nevada Railroad Company |
BHS | Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern Railroad |
BHW | Boot Hill & Western |
BI | Blairsville & Indiana |
BIAX | Ocala Recycling Recycling |
BIDU | Universal Bulk-Handling Limited |
BIG | Big Bend |
BIGA | Bingham & Garfield |
BIGX | Air Liquide America Corporation |
BIRR | Bellingham International Railroad |
BIS | == BLE |
BISX | Brandenburg Industrial Service Co |
BITY | Bristol Industrial Terminal Railway |
BJGX | B. J. Gas Supply Incorporated |
BJHX | BJ Titan Services Company |
BJOX | Citicorp Railmark Incorporated |
BJRY | Burlington Junction Railway |
BKLU | Bank Line Limited |
BKRR | Batten Kill Railroad Co., Inc. |
BKRU | Baker Tanks |
BKSR | Bering, Kiam & Southern Railroad |
BKTY | Missouri, Kansas, Texas (--> UP) |
BLA | Baltimore & Annapolis Railroad Co. |
BLCX | Commonwealth Plan Incorporated |
BLE | Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Co. |
BLH | Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton |
BLHR | Belvidere & Lehigh River Railway |
BLKU | Bulkhaul Company Limited |
BLKZ | Mid-American Intermodal Equipment Corporation |
BLMR | Blue Mountain Railroad, Inc. [WATCO] |
BLOL | Bloomers Shippers Connecting Railroad Co. |
BLOR | Bloomer Line |
BLR | Blacklands Railroad |
BLW | Baldwin Locomotive Works |
BM | Boston & Maine Railroad [Pan Am Railways] |
BMAZ | Transamerica Leasing Incorporated (Better Asset Management) |
BMDZ | == MDW |
BMEC | Brookville Mining Equipment |
BMEX | Brookville Mining Equipment Corporation |
BMH | Beaufort and Morehead Railroad |
BMIZ | Burlington Motor Carriers |
BML | Belfast & Moosehead Lake Railroad Co. |
BMLP | Black Mesa & Lake Powell, AZ |
BMRG | Blue Mountain & Reading Railroad (7.95 --> RBMN) |
BMS | Berlin Mills Railway |
BMSX | Bemis Company Incorporated |
BMZ | == BM |
BN | Burlington Northern Railroad |
BNAU | == BN |
BNAZ | == BN |
BNFE | == BN |
BNG | Blackwell Northern Gateway Railroad |
BNGX | Bunge North America |
BNIU | British and Irish Steam Packet Company |
BNPZ | Pacific Rail Services, Tacoma WA |
BNQ | == BN |
BNR | Blackwell Northern |
BNRQ | == BN |
BNRZ | == BN |
BNSF | Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co. |
BNZ | == BN |
BO | Boston & Ohio Railroad (1986 --> CSXT) |
BOCT | Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal |
BOGU | BSL Transport |
BOMX | B & O Railroad Museum, Inc. |
BONU | Bond International Limited |
BOP | Border Pacific Railroad |
BORX | U.S. Borax Incorporated |
BORZ | Ecorail Incorporated |
BOSU | W. BOS Vloeistof Transport B.V. |
BOTX | Botex International Metals |
BOZ | == BO |
BPAX | Bonneville Power Administration |
BPCX | Basin Electric Power |
BPIX | Nova Chemicals Incorporated |
BPLX | == BPIX |
BPPX | == GATX |
BPRR | Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad Inc. [GNWR] |
BRAN | Brandon Corporation |
BRC | Belt Railway of Chicago |
BREX | Big Rivers Electric Corp. |
BRFD | Branford Steam Railroad |
BRG | Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railroad |
BRI | Burlington - Rock Island Railroad (1950+) |
BRL | Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., AL |
BRLX | BRS Leasing Co., Inc. |
BRMX | Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum |
BRP | Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway (1932 --> BO) |
BRR | Belton Railroad Co. |
BRRC | Borinstein Railroad Co. |
BRRR | Beale River Railroad |
BRSC | Blue Ridge (SC) Railroad |
BRT | Blue Rock Transportation Co. |
BRW | Black River & Western Railroad Corporation |
BS | Birmingham Southern Railroad Co. |
BSCX | Bethlehem Steel Corp. |
BSCX.1 | Bethlehem Steel Corp., Lackawanna NY |
BSCX.2 | Bethlehem - Pacific Coast Steel, Seattle WA |
BSCX.3 | Bethlehem Steel Corp. - Johnstown PA |
BSDA | The Bi-State Development Agency |
BSE | Birmingham & Southeastern |
BSGX | Becker Sand & Gravel |
BSIX | == BSCX |
BSMX | Bay State Milling Company |
BSOR | Buffalo Southern Railroad |
BSPX | Otter Tail Power Co. |
BSRC | Boston Surface Railroad Co. |
BSRX | Branson Scenic Railroad |
BT | Bay Shore Terminal Railroad |
BTC | Birmingham Terminal Co. |
BTCO | Boston Terminal Co. |
BTR | Boston Terminal Railroad |
BTRR | Bush Terminal Railroad, Brooklyn |
BUFF | == BSOR |
BUGX | Dieselmotive Company Inc. (Bruggere and Monson) |
BUKX | Louisville Gas & Electric Co. |
BVRR | Boise Valley Railroad |
BVRY | Brandywine Valley Railroad Co. |
BWC | --> CR |
BXN | Bauxit & Northern Railway Co. [2005 --> RA] |
BYCX | Battle Ground Yacolt and Chelatchie Prairie RR Assoc. |
C&H | Cheswick & Harmar (1976++) |
CA | Chesapeake & Albemarle Railroad Co. [RailTex] |
CAAX | == CAGX |
CACV | Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley Railway Corp. |
CAD | Cadiz Railroad Co. (1988+) |
CAE | Chicago, Aurora & Elgin |
CAGX | ConAgra Inc. (3.2013 --> Cargill) |
CAGY | Columbus and Greenville Railway Co. |
CAGZ | == CAGY |
CAHE | == CH (Stan Lytle) |
CALA | Carolina Southern |
CALM | Caddo, Antoine & Little Missouri Railroad |
CARR | Carrollton Railroad |
CBFX | CIT Group |
CBGR | Council Bluffs Railway, Inc. |
CBGX | Consolidated Grain & Barge |
CBL | Conemaugh & Black Lick Railroad Co. |
CBOA | Council Bluffs & Ottumwa Railway, Inc. |
CBQ | Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (1970 mit GN,NP und SPS --> BN) |
CBQZ | == CBQ |
CBRA | Chillicothe Brunswick Rail Authority |
CBRL | Coos Bay Rail Line |
CBRLx | free 15.8.22 |
CBRW | Columbia Basin Railroad |
CBRY | Copper Basin Railway, Inc. [6.2005 --> GW] |
CBT | Citizens Better Transit, Portland OR |
CBYN | Crosbyton Railway |
CC | Chicago Central & Pacific Railroad Co. |
CCBX | == UCFX |
CCC | Cape Cod Central |
CCCL | Connecticut Central Railroad Co. (1999 --> PW) |
CCCR | Cowlitz, Chehalis & Cascade Railroad |
CCDX | Dayton Power & Light Co. |
CCET | Cinncinnati East Terminal Railroad |
CCEZ | == CC |
CCH | Columbus and Chattahoochee Railroad |
CCHR | Cape Cod & Hyannis Railroad |
CCKY | Chattanooga & Chickamauga Railway Co. [CAGY] |
CCLX | Crystal Car Line |
CCO | Chesaning Central & Owosso (Tourist Railroad) |
CCPA | Central Columbiana & Pennsylvania (--> YSRR) |
CCPN | Corpus Christi Terminal Railroad (G&W] |
CCPR | Chelatchie Praire Railroad |
CCR | Corinth & Counce Railroad (92 --> TNR [MSRC]) |
CCRA | Camp Chase Industrial Railroad, Columbus OH [Carload Express] |
Ccreek | Campbell Creek |
CCRL | Cleveland Commercial Railroad |
CCRX | Coastal Refining & Marketing |
CCRY | Charles City Rail Lines |
CCSR | Cape Cod Scenic Railroad [Museum] |
CCT | Central California Traction Co. |
CCTR | Port of Corpus Christi |
CCTX | Central Power & Light, TX |
CCUO | Chicago - Chemung Railroad Corp. |
CCW | Charles City Western |
CCX | Columbian Chemicals Co. [Phelps Dodge] |
CCY | Carbon County Railroad |
CDEX | Coastal Distribution |
CDGX | Service Oil Company |
CDOT | Connecticut Department of Transportation |
CDTX | CalTrans, California Dept. of Transportation |
CECX | Cummins Engine |
CEDR | Cedar River Railroad Company |
CEECO | Coast Engine & Equipment, Tacoma WA |
CEFX | CIT (Commercial Investment Trust) Equipment Finance |
CEI | Chicago & Eastern Illinois (1968 --> MP) |
CEIW | Central Indiana & Western Railroad Co. |
CEIX | Cleveland Electric Illuminating |
CEIZ | == CEI |
CELX | Celtran Inc. [Hoechst Celanese] |
CEPX | Cajun Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. |
CERA | Central Railroad Company of Indianapolis |
CF | Cape Fear Railways, Inc. |
CFBW | Chadds Ford & Brandywine |
CFE | Chicago, Fort Wayne and Eastern |
CFIX | Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp |
CFIXx | Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp |
CFMX | == CRGX |
CFNR | California Northern Railroad |
CFR | Central Florida Railroad (Sunrail) |
CFWR | Caney Fork & Western Railroad, Inc. |
CG | Central of Georgia (1963 --> SOU) |
CGAX | Cargill Inc. |
CGBX | Consolidated Grain & Barge |
CGCX | Continental Grain Co. |
CGCX.1 | Continental Grain Co. - Gilman IL |
CGCX.2 | Continental Grain Co. - Longview WA |
CGCX.3 | Continental Grain Co. - Tacoma WA |
CGIX | Collingwood Grain |
CGIX.1 | Collingwood Grain - Optikam OK |
CGIX.2 | Collingwood Grain - Plains KS |
CGIX.3 | Collingwood Grain - Hutchinson KS |
CGLX | == CGTX |
CGMX | == CGTX |
CGNE | Champagne Railroad, Inc. |
CGRX | Consolidated Grain & Barge |
CGRX.1 | Consolidated Grain & Barge - North Bend OH |
CGTT | == CGTX |
CGTX | CGTX, Inc. |
CGW | Chicago Great Western (68 --> CNW) |
CGWX | Crete Grain, Oakes ND |
CH | Calumet & Hecla |
CHAL | Chicago & Alton Railroad (1929 --> ALR) |
CHAT | Chattahoochee Bay Railroad [GW] |
CHAT1 | Chattahoochee and Gulf Railroad [G&O](2006 --> CHAT) |
CHNY | Cheney Railroad Co.,Inc. |
CHPX | Chaparral Steel |
CHPXx | Chaparral Steel |
CHR | Chestnut Ridge Railway Co. |
CHRC | Chaparral Railroad Co., Inc. |
CHRR | Chesapeake Railroad, Ridgeley MD |
CHRY | xxxxC |
CHS | Charlotte Southern |
CHSR | Chillicothe Southern Railroad Co. |
CHSX | Cenex Harvest States Co-Op |
CHTT | Chicago Heights Terminal Transfer (--> UP) |
CHV | Chattahoochee Valley Railway Co. (12.92++) |
CHVX | Chevron U.S.A. Inc. |
CHW | Chesapeake Western Railway [NW, seit 1954] |
CHWE | Chehalis Western Railroad [Weyerhaeuser] (1975 --> CMER) |
CI | Cambria & Indiana Railroad Co. (1994+) |
CIC | Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Railway Co. |
CIL | Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway == MON (--> LN) |
CIM | Chicago & Illinois Midland Railway Co. (1996 --> IMRR) |
CIND | Central Railroad Company of Indiana [RailTex] |
CINR | Central Indiana Railroad |
CIPX | Central Illinois Public Service |
CIRR | Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad [2004 --> GNWR] |
CIRY | Central Illinois Railroad Company |
CISD | Colonel's Island Railroad Co. |
CITX | CIT (Commercial Investment Trust) Equipment Finance |
CIUT | Cincinnati Union Terminal |
CIW | Chicago & Illinois Western (--> IC) |
CJRZ | C&J Railroad Co. |
CKFX | Keystone Foods, LLC |
CKIN | Chesapeake and Indiana Railroad Company |
CKRY | Central Kansas Railway (6.2001 --> Watco) |
CKSI | Carthage, Knightstown & Shirley Railroad |
CKSO | Condon, Kinzua & Southern Railroad (1977+) |
CLC | Columbia & Cowlitz Railway Co. |
CLCO | Claremont and Concord Railway Co., Inc. |
CLCX | Chattahoochie Locomotive Company [Chip Johnson] |
CLGR | Central Louisiana & Gulf Railroad Co. |
CLIF | Cliffside Railroad Co. |
CLIX | Corporate Leasing Inc. |
CLK | Cadillac & Lake City Railway Co. |
CLNA | Carolina Coastal Railway, Inc. |
CLNR | Columbia & Northern Railroad [PRC] |
CLP | Clarendon & Pittsford Railroad Co. |
CLPZ | == CLP |
CLSL | Columbia & Silver Creek Railroad (1982-1986) |
CLSX | Cargill Inc., Salt Division |
CLXX | Carload Express |
CM | Central Montana Rail, Inc. |
CMC | Coastal Marine Co. Railroad Inc. |
CMDX | == CRGX |
CMER | Curtis, Milburn & Eastern Railroad Co. |
CMGN | Central Michigan Railway Co. |
CMIX | Consolidated Minerals, Inc. |
CMKX | Country Mark CO-OP |
CMN | Chicago, Madison & Northern |
CMNW | Chicago, Missouri & Western (1988+, 1990--> GWWR) |
CMO | Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway (1972 --> CNW) |
CMPA | City of Madison Port Authority Railroad |
CMPS | Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound (1912 --> CMStP) |
CMR | Craig Mountain Railway |
CMRR | Catskill Mountain Railroad |
CMS | Cahokia Marine Service, Sauget IL |
CMSL | Cape May Seashore Lines |
CMStP | Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railroad (--> MILW) |
CMWX | xxxxC |
CMYX | Cumberland Mine |
CNAZ | == GTW |
CNJ | Central Railroad of New Jersey ( 1976 --> CR) |
CNL | Columbia, Newberry & Laurens Railroad |
CNNA | CN North America (--> CDN-CN) |
CNOR | Cincinnati Northern |
CNSM | Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee |
CNTP | Cinncinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific (--> SOU) |
CNUR | Connersville & New Castle |
CNW | Chicago & North Western Transportation Company (1995 --> UP) |
CNWA | == CNW |
CNWS | Carolina & Northwestern Railroad, Inc. |
CNWZ | == CNW |
CNY | Central New York Chapter NRHS |
CNYK | Central New York Railroad Corp. |
CNYX | Conrad Yelvington Distributors |
CNZR | Central New England Railroad |
CO | Chesapeake & Ohio Railway (1986 --> CSXT) |
COE | Colorado & Eastern Railroad Co. |
COEH | Conecuh Valley Railroad [G&O] |
COER | Crab Orchard & Egyptian Railroad |
COEZ | == COER |
COG | Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf |
COLT | City of Columbia Terminal Railway |
COLX | == WISX |
CONX | ConAgra Inc. (3.2013 --> Cargill) |
COPR | City of Prineville Railway |
COPR1 | Copper Range Railroad |
CORN | Cornwall Street Railway Lights & Power Co. Ltd. |
CORP | Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad [RailTex] |
CORX | Coors Brewing Co., Golden CO |
CORY | Columbia & Reading |
COZ | == CO |
CP | Central Pacific |
CPA | Coudersport & Port Allegany Railroad |
CPBU | == SOO |
CPBZ | == SOO |
CPDR | Carolina Piedmont Division, South Carolina Central Rail. |
CPDU | == DH |
CPDZ | == DH |
CPGX | Chambers Cogeneration LP |
CPLJ | Camp Lejeune Railroad Co. |
CPLT | Camino, Placerville & Lake Tahoe Railroad Co. (1986++) |
CPMA | Madison Railway |
CPOX | Consumers Power Co. |
CPPX | Consolidated Papers, Inc. |
CPR | CaterParrot Railnet |
CPRX | Carolina Power & Light, NC |
CPRY | Castro Point Railway (USA ???) |
CPSC | Cham-Pagne Switching Corp., Independence MO |
CQPA | Central Columbiana and Pennsylvania |
CR | Conrail, Consolidated Rail Corporation |
CRCU | == CR |
CRDX | Chicago Freight Car Leasing Co. |
CRE | == CR |
CREX | Citicorp Railmark Incorporated |
CRF | == CR |
CRGX | Cargill Inc. |
CRGX.1 | Cargill Inc. - Algona IA |
CRGX.10 | Cargill Grain - Lima OH |
CRGX.11 | Cargill Grain - Gibson City IL |
CRGX.12 | Cargill Grain - Savage MN |
CRGX.13 | Cargill Grain - Tuscola IL |
CRGX.14 | Cargill Grain - Sikeston MO |
CRGX.15 | Cargill Grain - Dana IN |
CRGX.16 | Cargill Grain - O'Neill NE |
CRGX.17 | Cargill Grain - Gibbon NE |
CRGX.18 | Cargill Grain - Dayton OH |
CRGX.2 | Cargill Grain - Toledo OH |
CRGX.3 | Cargill Grain - Carleton NE |
CRGX.4 | Cargill Grain - Bloomingburg OH |
CRGX.5 | Cargill Inc. - Ithaca NY |
CRGX.6 | Cargill Grain - Alta IA |
CRGX.7 | Cargill Grain - Dalhart TX |
CRGX.8 | Cargill Grain - Wood River NE |
CRGX.9 | Cargill Grain - Minot ND |
CRI | Chicago River & Indiana (--> PC) |
CRIP | Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad |
CRIX | Citicorp Railmark Incorporated |
CRL | Chicago Rail Link [OmniTrax] |
CRLE | Coe Rail, Inc. |
CRMX | Colorado Railcar |
CRN | Carolina & Northwestern Railway (--> SOU) |
CRPA | Central Railroad of Pennsylvania |
CRPU | == CR |
CRQU | == CR |
CRR | Clinchfield Railroad (--> CSXT) |
CRRX | Canon City & Royal Gorge |
CRS | Carolina Rail Services, Co. |
CRSX | Coast Rail Services |
CRTZ | == CR |
CRVC | Cimarron River Valley Railway |
CRW | Colorado River Western |
CRZ | == CR |
CS | Colorado & Southern [CBQ] (--> BN) |
CSCD | Cascade & Columbia River Railroad |
CSCX | Coal Supply Corp. |
CSIX | Cycle Systems |
CSKR | C&S Railroad Corporation |
CSL | Chicago Short Line Railway Co. (2002 --> SCIH) |
CSLI | CSX Intermodal, Inc. [CSXT] |
CSO | Connecticut Southern [RailTex] |
CSP | Camas Prairie Railroad Co. (3.2004 --> Great Northwest RR) |
CSR | Camden & Southern Railroad |
CSRR | Carbon and Schuykill Railroad Corp. |
CSRX | Conway Scenic Railroad |
CSRZ | == CSXT |
CSS | Chicago South Shore & South Bend Railroad |
CSSZ | == CSS |
CStPMO | == MILW |
CSUX | City of Colorado Springs |
CSXE | == CSXT |
CSXT | CSX Transportation |
CSXU | == CSXT |
CSXZ | == CSXT |
CT | Columbia Terminal Railroad |
CTA | Chicago Transit Authority |
CTCR | Central Texas & Colorado River Railway |
CTER | Cincinnati Terminal Railway |
CTEX | CEN-TEX Rail Link, Ltd. |
CTIE | --> KCS |
CTLC | Consolidated Terminals and Logistics Company |
CTML | Cairo Terminal Railroad Co. (--> STR) |
CTN | Canton Railroad |
CTR | Clinton Terminal Railroad |
CTRN | Central Tennessee Railway & Navigation Co. |
CTRR | Cloquet Terminal Railroad |
CTRW | Carlton Trail Railway |
CTS | Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad |
CUOH | Columbus & Ohio River. (1994 --> OCS) |
CUT | Cleveland Union Terminal |
CUTC | Cincinnati Union Terminal |
CUVA | Cuyahoga Valley Railway Co. (2002 --> CWRO) |
CV | Central Vermont Railway Inc. [CNNA] |
CVAR | Cedar Valley Railroad Company |
CVQ | == CV |
CVR | Cimarron Valley Railroad |
CVRR | Chester Valley Railroad |
CVRZ | == CV |
CVSR | Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad |
CVTX | Cleveland Valley & Terminal Railway, Inc. |
CW | Colorado & Wyoming Railway Co. |
CWC | Charleston & Western Carolina (--> ACL) |
CWCX | Cargill Ag Horizons, Cheyenne Wells CO |
CWEX | Commonwealth Edison Co. |
CWEX.1 | Commonwealth Edison Co. - Nuclear Plant Byron IL |
CWI | Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad Co. |
CWP | Chicago, West Pullmann & Southern Railroad Co. (1997 -->CRL) |
CWR | California Western Railroad |
CWRC | Central Wisconsin |
CWRO | ISG Cleveland Works Railway |
CWRR | Carolina Western Railroad |
CWRY | Commonwealth Railway, Inc. |
CWRZ | == PW |
CWW | Columbia & Walla Walla Railroad |
CWWR | Chehalis Western Railroad |
CXPZ | == CSLI |
CXRZ | == CSLI |
CYCY | Crystal City Railroad [Ironhorse Resources] |
CYDZ | Conrad Yelvington Distributors |
CYXX | Conrad Yelvington Distributors |
CZCX | Crown-Zellerbach Corp. |
CZRY | Carrizo Gorge Railway, Campo CA |
DAFX | Department of Defense (siehe DODX) |
DAIR | Dakota & Iowa Railroad |
DAKR | Dakota Rail, Inc. |
DAKX | DAK Americas LLC |
DANW | Danville & Western |
DAPX | Dairyland Power Coop, WI |
DART | Dallas Area Rapid Transit |
DAVX | W. R. Grace and Company - Conn. Davison Chemical Division |
DAX | Diamond Shamrock Chemicals Co. |
DBGX | DeBruce Grain Inc. |
DC | Delray Connecting Railroad Co. |
DCCX | McDonnell Douglas Corporation |
DCFB | Dodge City, Ford & Bucklin Railroad Co. (9.2000 --> BHW ) |
DCFX | == PLMX |
DCLR | Delaware Coast Line Railroad Co. |
DCON | Detroit Connecting Railroad |
DCR | Delmarva Central Railroad [Carload Express] |
DCRR | Dubois County Railroad |
DCTA | Dade County Transportation Administration |
DCTX | == PLMX |
DEEX | Detroit Edison Co. |
DEGX | Mississippi Power Co. |
DER | Dunn - Erwin Railway |
DESX | Diesel Electric Service Corp. |
DGHX | North American Chemical |
DGNO | Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad [RailTex] |
DGVR | Durbin & Greenbrier Valley Railroad, Inc. |
DH | Delaware & Hudson Railroad [CP Rail] |
DHMX | MCM Management Corp. |
DHNY | == DH |
DIR | Duluth & Iron Range Railway Co. |
DIRR | Dixie River Railroad |
DJJX | David J.Joseph Co. (siehe JTPX) |
DJPX | David J.Joseph Co. |
DJRX | David J.Joseph Co. |
DJTX | David J.Joseph Co. |
DKPX | Duke Power Company |
DKS | Doniphan, Kensett & Searcy Railway |
DL | Delaware-Lackawanna Railroad Co., Inc. [GVT] |
DLA | Defense Logistics Agency |
DLCT | Dayton, Lebanon & Cincinnati Traction Co. |
DLCX | Diesel Locomotive Co. |
DLMX | Daylight Locomotive and Machine Works, Portland OR |
DLS | Delaware, Lackawaxen and Stourbridge Railroad |
DLSX | Diesel Supply Company Incorporated |
DLW | Delaware, Lackawanna & Western (10.1960 mit ERIE --> EL) |
DLWR | Depew, Lancaster & Western Railroad Co., Inc. [GVT] |
DM | Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. (93 --> LSRC) |
DMCI | Des Moines & Central Iowa (1984 --> CNW) |
DME | Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corp. |
DMIR | Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Railway Co. |
DMM | Dansville & Mount Morris RR Co. |
DMT | Detroit Marine Terminal |
DMU | Des Moines Union Railway Co. |
DMVW | Dakota, Missouri Valley & Western Railroad, Inc. |
DN | Dakota Northern |
DNE | Duluth & Northeastern Railroad Co. |
DODX | Department of Defense |
DOIX | Department of Interior |
DORY | Dowdon Railway |
DoS | Donora Southern |
DOTX | U.S. Department of Transport - Federal Rd. Administration |
DOWX | Dow Chemical Co. |
DPC | DPC (Basic Magnesium Company), Henderson NV |
DPCX | Defense Plant Corp., Columbus MT |
DPDZ | == DH |
DPE | Dan Patch Electric Railroad |
DPGX | Tractech Systems |
DQE | DeQueen & Eastern Railroad Co. |
DR | Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad Co. |
DRG | Denver & Rio Grande (--> DRGW) |
DRGW | Denver & Rio Grande Western [SP] |
DRI | Davenport, Rock Island & North Western Railway Co. |
DRIR | Denver Rock Island |
DRR | Delaware Railroad |
DRRV | Dover & Rockaway River Railroad |
DRSX | D.O.T. Rail Services Incorporated |
DRSXx | DOT Rail Service of LaSalle IL |
DRWY | Denver Railway, Inc. (--> DRIR) |
DS | Durham & Southern Railway (1976--> SCL) |
DSA | Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic (1.1961 --> SOO) |
DSCX | Diesel Supply Leasing |
DSL | Dakota Short Line Railroad |
DSNGRR | Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad |
DSRC | Dakota Southern Railway Co. |
DSRR | Delta Southern Railroad Co. |
DSRX | Downeast Scenic Railroad |
DSSX | Detroit Salt Company, L.C. |
DT | Decatur Junction [Pioneer Railcorp] |
DTEX | DTE Railcar Services |
DTFR | U.S. Department of Transport - Federal Rd. Administration |
DTFX | DTE Railcar Services |
DTI | Detroit, Toldedo & Ironton (--> GTW) |
DTIZ | == DTI |
DTLX | Delta Tank Lines |
DTR | Denver Terminal (--> DRWY) |
DTRR | Danbury Terminal Railroad Company |
DTRY | Detroit Terminal Railway (1981 --> CR) |
DTS | Detroit & Toldedo Shore Line (--> GTW) |
DU | Delaware & Ulster Railroad |
DUPX | E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. |
DUT | Denver Union Terminal |
DV | Delaware Valley Railway Company, Inc. |
DVR | Death Valley Railroad |
DVRR | Dry Valley Railroad |
DVRR1 | Delaware Valley Railroad (1938 stillgelegt) |
DVS | Delta Valley & Southern Railway Co. |
DVSZ | == DVS |
DWP | Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Railway Co. [CNNA] |
EACH | East Camden & Highland Railroad Co. |
EARY | Eastern Alabama Railway |
EBL | East Branch and Lincoln |
EBSR | East Brookfield and Spencer |
EBT | East Broad Top Railroad (++ 4.1956) [Museum] |
ECBR | East Cooper & Berkeley Railroad Co. [SCPR] |
ECCX | East Carbon Development Co., East Carbon UT |
ECFX | Evergreen Freight Car Co. |
ECGX | Alabama Power Company |
ECRX | Econo Rail |
ECUX | Exxon Chemical Americas |
EDEX | Empire District Electric Co., Riverton KS |
EDGX | == WISX |
EDW | El Dorado & Wesson Railway Co. |
EE | Ellis & Eastern Co. |
EEC | East Erie Commercial Railroad Co. |
EFRX | Eastside Freight Railroad |
EFX | xxxxE |
EIRC | Eastern Illinois Railroad Co. |
EIRR | Eastern Idaho Railroad [WATCO] |
EJE | Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway |
EJR | East Jersey Railroad & Terminal Co. |
EL | Erie Lackawanna Railroad ( 1976 --> CR) |
ELFX | Electric Fuels Corp., FL |
ELKR | Elk River Railroad, Inc. |
ELOX | Elcon Inc. |
ELS | Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad Co. |
ELSX | Kentucky May Coal Corp. |
EMDX | Electro Motive Division of General Motors |
EMHR | East Mahanoy & Hazelton Railroad Company |
EMLX | EMD Leasing |
EPRY | East Penn Railways (2007 --> ESPN) |
EPTC | East Portland Traction Co. [Dick Samuels] |
ER | Effingham Railroad |
ERDX | Merchants Despatch Transportation Company |
ERIE | Erie Railroad (10.1960 mit DLW --> EL) |
ERSX | Eagle Railcar Corp. |
ESHR | Eastern Shore Railroad Inc. |
ESLJ | East St.Louis Junction Railroad |
ESPN | East Penn Railroad |
ESWR | Escalante Western Railway |
ETC | East Texas Central |
ETCX | Eastman Chemical Co. Inc. |
ETLX | Solvay Polymers Inc. |
ETRY | East Tennessee Railway Corp. [6.2005 --> GW] |
ETWNC | East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railroad (Tweetsie) |
EUGX | == FLIX |
EUKA | Eureka Southern Railroad Co. (93 --> NCRR) |
EV | Everett Railroad Co. |
EVNG | Evangeline Railway Company |
EVWR | Evansville Western Railway, Inc. |
EWG | Eastern Washington Gateway Railroad |
EWLX | Everywhere West Locomotive Leasing |
EWR | Erie Western |
EWRR | Eastern Washington Railroad |
EWSX | Indianapolis Power & Light Co. |
EWSX.1 | Indianapolis Power & Light Co. - Perry K. Plant |
FA | Fadale & Associates |
FAIX | Fadale & Associates Group |
FAPR | Floydada & Plainview Railroad Co. |
FBRX | Francois Bernard [FURX] siehe RFRR 8/2015 (13) |
FC | Fayette Central Railroad |
FC1 | Frankfort & Cincinnati (1985 ) |
FCC | Florence & Cripple Creek |
FCCX | Finova Capital Corp. |
FCEN | Florida Central Railroad [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
FCG | Fernwood, Columbia & Gulf (1972 --> ICG) |
FCOE | Farmers Co-Op Elevator |
FCR | Franklin & Carolina Railroad |
FCRD | First Coast Railroad [GNWR] |
FCRK | Falls Creek Railroad Co. |
FCRR | Fulton County Railroad |
FCYR | Franklin County Railroad Corp. |
FDDM | Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern (68 --> CNW) |
FE | Feliciana Eastern Railroad |
FEC | Florida East Coast Railroad |
FECZ | == FEC |
FEIX | Farmers Elevator Inc. |
FEIX.1 | Farmers Elevator Inc. - Beresford SD |
FEV | Fremont & Elkhorn Valley Railroad |
FFT | Florida Fun Train |
FGEX | Fruit Growers Express |
FGGX | Farmers Grain Coop |
FGGX.1 | Farmers Grain Coop - Cruger IL |
FGLK | Finger Lakes Railway |
FHPX | Fort Howard Paper Company |
FHRR | Ferdinand & Huntingburg Railroad Co. |
FIMX | Franklin Industrial Minerals [2006-> Lhoist] |
FIRR | Flats Industrial Railroad |
FIWE | Filmore Western Railroad |
FJG | Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville |
FLIX | Farmland Industries Inc. |
FLIX.1 | Farmland Industries Inc. - Hutchinson KS |
FLIX.2 | Farmland Industries Inc. - Topeka KS |
FLIX.3 | Farmland Industries Inc. - Ogallah KS |
FLIX.4 | Farmland Industries Inc. - Hereford TX |
FLIX.5 | Farmland Industries Inc. - Kansas KS |
FLNX | R.P. Flynn Inc. (Ohio Railway Supply), Kent OH |
FLNXx | löschen 22.1.21 |
FLSX | Great Miami, Inc. |
FLWBS | French Lick West Braden & Southern |
FM | Fairbanks-Morse |
FMID | Florida Midland Railroad Co. [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
FMRC | Farmrail Corp. |
FMWX | Fillmore & Western Railway |
FNOR | Florida Northern Railroad Co. [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
FP | Fordyce & Princeton Railroad Co. [2004 --> GNWR] |
FPAX | Formosa Plastics Corp. USA |
FPE | Fairport, Painesville & Eastern (84 --> NW) |
FPPX | Fayette Power Project, TX |
FRDN | Ferdinand Railroad (--> HS) |
FRDX | Ford Motor Co. |
Frisco | == SLSF |
FRR | Feather River Railway |
FRRR | Falls Road Railroad |
FRRX | Feather River Rail Society, Portola CA |
FRT | Fore River Transportation |
FRVR | Fox River Valley Railroad Corp. (1993 --> FVW) |
FRW | Feather River & Western Railroad |
FRY | Fore River Railway Corp. |
FS | Fairfield Southern Railroad |
FSR | Fort Smith Railroad [PRC], umgezeichnet |
FSVB | Ft.Smith & Van Buren Railway Co. (93 --> KCS) |
FTRL | Foster Townsend Rail Logistics |
FTRX | Foster Townsend Rail Logistics |
FURX | First Union Railcar |
FVW | Fox Valley & Western [Wisconsin Central] |
FWB | Fort Worth Belt Railway |
FWCR | Florida West Coast Railroad Co. |
FWD | Fort Worth & Denver (83 --> BN) |
FWDB | Fort Worth & Dallas Belt Railroad |
FWDR | Fort Worth & Dallas Railroad Co. |
FWDZ | == FWD |
FWPP | Fremont, West Point & Pacific Railway, Inc. |
FWR | Fort Worth Railway |
FWRD | Fairmont & Western Railroad Co.[LRS] |
FWRY | Fillmore & Western |
FWWR | Fort Worth & Western Railroad Co. |
GA | Georgia Railroad (--> CSXT) |
GAAB | Georgia & Alabama Division - South Carolina Central Railroad |
GACX | == GATX |
GAEX | == GATX |
GAHT | xxxxG |
GALX | Georgia Power Co. |
GAMD | Gainesville & Midland Railroad |
GANO | Georgia Northern Railroad (1966 --> SOU) |
GAOX | == GATX |
GARX | == GATX |
GASC | Georgia, Ashburn, Sylvester & Camilla Railroad |
GATU | == GATX |
GATX | General American Transportation Corp. |
GAUX | == GATX |
GAVX | Gavilon LLC. |
GAXX | Gerdau Ameristeel US Inc. |
GAYX | == GATX |
GBL | Georgetown - Breckenridge & Leadville Railroad |
GBPX | Green Bay Packaging |
GBRY | Gettysburg Scenic Railway |
GBW | Green Bay & Western Railroad Co. (1993 --> FVW) |
GBWB | == GBW |
GBWK | == GBW |
GBWM | == GBW |
GBWT | == GBW |
GC | Georgia Central Railway |
GCCX | == GATX |
GCER | Greenbrier, Cheat & Elk Railroad Co. (1961 ++) |
GCFX | Connell Leasing |
GCK | George's Creek Railway |
GCN | Garden City Northern Railway Inc. |
GCRC | The Golden Cat Railroad Corp. |
GCRTA | Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority |
GCRX | Grand Canyon Railway |
GCSR | Gulf Colorado & San Saba Railway [ARCB] |
GCSX | Granite City Steel |
GCTM | Gulf Coast Chapter NRHS |
GCTX | General Chemical Corporation |
GCW | Garden City Western Railway Co. |
GDCX | == GATX |
GEAX | Transcisco Leasing Co. |
GECX | General Electric Corporation |
GECX.1 | General Electric Corporation, Pittsfield MA |
GENR | Gettysburg & Northern [Pioneer] |
GENX | GE Rail Services |
GERR | Greenbrier & Elk River Railroad Co. (1917 --> GCER) |
GETY | Gettysburg Railroad Co. (2001 --> GENR) |
GF | Georgia & Florida Railway (--> NS) |
GFR | Grand Forks Railway Company |
GFRR | Georgia & Florida Railroad |
GFSX | == GATX |
GGE | Galesburg & Great Eastern Railroad |
GGMX | Golden Gate Railroad Museum, San Francisco |
GGPX | == GATX |
GGS | Georgia & Great Southern - South Carolina Central Rd. |
GHH | Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad |
GHRD | Green Hills Rural Development Authority |
GIEX | == GATX |
GIIX | Generation II Locomotives |
GITM | Golden Isles Terminal |
GJ | Greenwich & Johnsonville |
GKLX | Gold Kist |
GLC | Great Lakes Central Railroad |
GLCD | Great Lakes Coal & Dock |
GLCX | Great Lakes Carbon Corporation |
GLCX.1 | Great Lakes Carbon Corporation, St. Louis MO |
GLCX.2 | Great Lakes Carbon Co., Morgantown NC |
GLLX | Great Lakes Locomotive |
GLR | Georgetown Loop Railroad |
GLSR | Gloster Southern Railroad Co. |
GLSX | Great Lakes Steel Corp. (--> USX) |
GMAC | General Motors |
GMCT | G & MCT ??? |
GMN | Gulf, Mobile & Northern |
GMO | Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company (1972 mit IC' --> ICG) |
GMR | Georgia Midland (ex Ogeechee Railway) |
GMRC | Green Mountain Railroad Corp. |
GMRY | Great Miami & Scotio Railway Co. |
GMSR | Gulf & Mississippi Railroad |
GMTX | GATX Rail Locomotive Group |
GN | Great Northern Railway (1970 mit CBQ,NP und SPS --> BN) |
GNA | Graysonia, Nashville & Ashdown Railroad Co. (93 --> KCS) |
GNAX | Holcim (US), Inc. |
GNBC | Grainbelt Corp. [Farmrail Corp.] |
GNRR | Georgia Northeastern Railroad Co., Inc. |
GNWR | Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Co. |
GO | Gulf & Ohio |
GOCR | Gold Coast Railroad |
GOCX | Gulf Oil Corporation |
GOHX | == GATX |
GOMX | Avoca Loco Service LLC |
GPEX | == GATX |
GPFX | == GATX |
GPLX | == GATX |
GPRY | Great Plains Railway |
GRCX | Granite Rock Co. |
GRCX.1 | Granite Rock Co. - Aromas CA |
GRCX.2 | Granite Rock Co. - Logan CA |
GRD | Gardendale Railroad, Inc. |
GRDX | Grand River Dam Authority, OK |
GRE | Grand Rapids Eastern Railroad, Inc. [RailTex] |
GREX | Georgetown Rail Equipment |
GRIV | Gauley River Railroad |
GRLW | Greenville and Western Railway |
GRN | Greenville & Northern Railway Co. [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
GRNW | Great Northwest Railroad [Watco] |
GRR | Georgetown Railroad Co. |
GRRR | Grasse River Railroad |
GRRY | Grand River Railway Co. |
GRS | Guilford Rail System (BM, MEC, ST) |
GRW | Gary Railway |
GRWR | Great Walton Railroad Company |
GRYR | Grenada Railway |
GSCX | == GATX (General American Transportation Corp.) |
GSF | Georgia, Southern & Florida Railway (--> SOU) |
GSLX | George R. Silcott (D), Amridge PA |
GSM | Great Smoky Mountains Railway, Inc. |
GSNX | Gulf States Utility Co., TX |
GSOR | == IHRC |
GSRX | Golden Spike Rail |
GSSX | Gulf States Steel (ex Republic Steel Corp) |
GSW | Great Southwest Railway (1985 --> MP) |
GSWR | Georgia & Southwestern Div. - South Carolina Central Rd. |
GTA | == GTW |
GTI | Guilford Transportation Industries (BM, MEC, ST) (2006 --> PAR) |
GTLX | Great Lakes Railcar |
GTR | Great River Railroad |
GTRA | Golden Triangle Railroad |
GTSC | Glassport Transportation Center, Glassport PA (????) |
GTW | Grand Trunk Western Railroad [CNNA] |
GTWQ | == GTW |
GU | Grafton & Upton Railroad Co. |
GUAX | Georgia Power Co. |
GUCR | Gulf Coast Railroad |
GUEX | == GATX |
GURZ | siehe GU |
GVL | Genesee Valley Leasing |
GVRX | Grapevine Vintage Railroad |
GVSR | Galveston Railway, Inc. [6.2005 --> GW] |
GVT | Genesee Valley Transportation [GVT] |
GWF | Galveston Wharves |
GWI | Genesee & Wyoming Industries |
GWR | Great Western Railway Co. |
GWRC | Georgia Woodlands Railroad Co. |
GWRR | Goodwin Railroad |
GWRX | Great Western Railway Co. |
GWWE | Gateway Eastern [GWWR] |
GWWR | Gateway Western Railway [2002 --> KCS] |
HABX | Habco International Inc. |
HAL | Hilton & Albany Railroad |
HALX | Holland America Lines |
HATX | Helm Atlantic Leasing |
HB | Hampton & Branchville Railroad Co. |
HBL | Harbor Belt Line Railraod, L.A. |
HBT | Houston Belt & Terminal Railway |
HCRC | Hillsdale County Railway Co., Inc. (93 --> IN) |
HCRR | Honey Creek Railroad |
HCTX | == MMAX |
HCYR | Horry County Railway Co. |
HE | Hollis & Eastern Railroad Co. |
HECX | Hoosier Energy REC Inc. |
HELX | Helm Equipment Leasing Corporation |
HEQX | == HELX |
HERR | Herrin Transportation Company |
HESR | Huron & Eastern Railway Co. |
HFPX | == GATX |
HHLX | H and H Locomotive Leasing, Inc. |
HILX | Hilman Company |
HJVX | == HLLX |
HKGX | Haines & Kibblehouse Inc. |
HKP | H.K. Porter |
HLCX | Helm Leasing |
HLGX | Helm/General Electric |
HLLX | Helm Locomotive Leasing |
HLMX | HELM Financial Corp. |
HLSC | Hampton Railway |
HMCR | Huntsville & Madison County Railroad Authority |
HMFX | Florida Rock Industries |
HMJX | == HELX |
HN | Hutchinson & Northern Railway |
HNE | Hillsboro & North Eastern (+) |
HOB | Hoboken Terminal |
HOG | Heart of Georgia |
HOKX | Occidental Chemical Corp. |
HORR | Horwith Railroad |
HOSR | Hoboken Shore Railroad (1978+) |
HPDT | High Point, Thomasville & Denton Railroad Co. |
HPJX | HELM-Pacific Leasing |
HRC | Historical Railroad Cars |
HRR | Hondo Railway LLC |
HRRC | Housatonic Railroad Co., Inc. |
HRRx | Haysi Railroad (--> CSXT) |
HRSX | Harbor Rail Services of California |
HRT | Hartwell Railroad Co. |
HS | Hartford & Slocomb Railroad Co. (2006 --> CHAT) |
HSFZ | == ATSF |
HSR | Hoosier Southern |
HSRR | Hardin Southern Railroad |
HSRZ | siehe HS |
HSW | Helena Southwestern Railroad Co. |
HTR | Hudson Terminal Railway, Hudson CO |
HTW | Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington (10.71+) |
HTZX | Herzog Transit Services, Irving TX |
HUNX | CP Huntington Railroad Historical Society, Inc. |
HUTX | Hutchison Salt Company, Hutchison KS |
HVRR | Heber Valley Railroad |
HZGX | Herzog Railroad Contractor |
HZRX | Horizon Rail |
IAAFE | xxxxI |
IAIS | Iowa Interstate Railroad, Ltd. |
IANR | Iowa Northern Railroad Co. |
IANW | Iowa Northwestern Railroad |
IARR | Iowa River Railroad |
IASZ | siehe IAIS |
IATR | Iowa Traction Railroad Co. |
IB | Industriebahnen in USA |
IB0001 | Pickering Lumber Company |
IB0002 | Steptoe Valley Mining Company |
IB0003 | Clover Valley Lumber Co. |
IB0004 | Coal Processing Co. |
IB0005 | West Side & Cherry Valley Railway |
IB0006 | Elk River Coal & Lumber |
IB0007 | Alberene Stone Co. |
IB0008 | Hutchinson Lumber |
IB0009 | Coos Bay Lumber Co. |
IB0010 | Tidewater Grain |
IB0012 | W.T. Carter & Brother Lumber |
IB0013 | Ismithian Canal Commission |
IB0014 | Lufkin Land & Lumber Co. |
IB0015 | Laurel River Lumber Co. |
IB0016 | Rock Creek Lumber Co, Trinity |
IB0017 | Rentz Lumber Co. |
IB0018 | Johnston Terminal, Muskogee OK |
IB0019 | Sharon Steel |
IB0020 | Rayonier Lumber Company |
IB0021 | Allegheny Petroleum, Ambridge PA |
IB0022 | Carbon Limestone Co., Carbon OH |
IB0023 | Oahu Sugar Co. |
IB0024 | New York Air Brake Co. |
IB0025 | McLouth Steel |
IB0026 | Olin Mathiesen Chemical |
IB0026.1 | Olin Mathiesen Chemical - Saltville VA |
IB0026.2 | Olin Mathiesen Chemical - Pasadena TX |
IB0026.3 | Olin Mathiesen Chemical - Lake Charles LA |
IB0027 | Fort Street Union Depot |
IB0028 | Naples Terminal Co. , Naples IL |
IB0029 | Traux-Traer Coal |
IB0030 | Cedar Bay Generating Company, Jacksonville FL |
IB0032 | Maule Industries, Medley FL |
IB0033 | Union Equity Grain |
IB0033.1 | Union Equity Grain, Pasadena TX |
IB0033.2 | Union Equity Grain, Kansas KS |
IB0034 | Pacific Lumber |
IB0035 | Sloite Corporation, Sealston VA |
IB0036 | Indianapolis Coke |
IB0037 | Argos Cement, Roberta AL |
IB0037.1 | loeschen |
IB0037.2 | loeschen |
IB0037.3 | loeschen |
IB0037.4 | loeschen |
IB0037.5 | loeschen |
IB0038 | United DSI Transports |
IB0039 | H.O. Forgy |
IB0040 | State Line Energy |
IB0041 | Chattanooga Industrial |
IB0042 | Hess Cartage, Melvindale MI |
IB0043 | Houston Chemical |
IB0044 | Arco Polymers Inc., Williams TX |
IB0045 | Mosaic Phosphates, Ft. Meade FL |
IB0046 | Georgia Pacific Corp. |
IB0046.1 | Georgia Pacific Corp., Muskogee OK |
IB0047 | Amax Chemical Corp., Brewster FL |
IB0048 | Supreme Warehouse Corp., Melvindale MI |
IB0049 | Manufacturers Service Corp., Melvindale MI |
IB0050 | Calumet Hecla Copper |
IB0051 | Linden Chlorine Products, Linden NJ |
IB0052 | St.Regis Paper Co. |
IB0053 | VIC Industries, Hornell NY |
IB0054 | Champion Paper Co. |
IB0055 | Morton Salt |
IB0056 | Transco Railcar, Oelwein IA |
IB0057 | C&K Coal Co., Rimersburg PA |
IB0058 | Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co. |
IB0059 | Eveready Machinery, Portsmouth VA |
IB0060 | Clichfield Coal, Nora VI |
IB0061 | Warner Sand & Gravel |
IB0062 | Stupp Corp. |
IB0063 | Godchaux Co. |
IB0064 | Raritan River Sand Co. |
IB0065 | Hobart Mills |
IB0066 | Brownlee-Olds Lumber Co. |
IB0067 | Consolidated Rock Products |
IB0068 | Los Angeles Harbor |
IB0069 | Sharp & Fellows Contracting Co. |
IB0070 | Argent Lumber Co. |
IB0071 | Fruit Growers Supply Co. |
IB0072 | Outer Harbor Terminal |
IB0073 | U.S. Potash Co. |
IB0074 | Choctow River Lumber Co. |
IB0075 | U.S. Gypsum |
IB0076 | Campbell Limestone |
IB0077 | Louisana Lumber |
IB0078 | Western Ind. Aggr. |
IB0079 | West India Fruit & Steamship |
IB0080 | Indiana & Ohio Power Co. |
IB0081 | United Illuminating |
IB0082 | Hayes-Albion Corp. |
IB0083 | Federal Crushed Stone Corp. |
IB0084 | Flambeau Paper |
IB0085 | Columbia Industrial Center, Vancouver WA |
IB0086 | Fairmont & Baltimore Coal & Coke |
IB0087 | Ely-Thomas Lumber Co. |
IB0088 | Haws Refractories |
IB0089 | Midvale Steel Corporation |
IB0090 | Coal Terminal |
IB0091 | W.H. Eccles Lumber Co. |
IB0092 | Quality Aggregate, Gads Hill MO |
IB0093 | Safe Harbor Power & Light |
IB0094 | Mack Trucks |
IB0095 | Frontier Rail |
IB0096 | Huntington & Broad Top Mountain |
IB0097 | Union Switch & Signal |
IB0098 | Standard Slag |
IB0099 | North Michigan Iron Mine |
IB0100 | Transmodal, Camden NJ |
IB0101 | Union Terminal Co. |
IB0102 | Giddeon Grain |
IB0103 | Temple Industries |
IB0104 | Carlton & Coast |
IB0105 | Hillcrest Lumber |
IB0106 | Kinzua Pine Mills |
IB0107 | Western Coal & Coke |
IB0108 | Saginaw Timber |
IB0109 | Monon Crushed Stone |
IB0110 | Broken Arrow Inc., Tooele UT |
IB0111 | Meridian Aggregates, Mill Creek OK |
IB0112 | Woodward Iron Co. |
IB0113 | Medford Corporation, OR |
IB0114 | Cherry River Boom & Lumber |
IB0115 | Hopkinsville Elevator Company, Hopkinsville KY |
IB0116 | Union Starch & Refining Co. |
IB0117 | Miles Laboratory |
IB0118 | Hammond Lumber |
IB0119 | Kirby Lumber |
IB0120 | Rockwell Hanford, Hanford WA |
IB0121 | Inland Container |
IB0122 | Cinclaire Plantation, Brushy LA |
IB0123 | Spreckels Sugar Co. |
IB0124 | Lake Erie Railcar |
IB0125 | Pacific States Steel |
IB0126 | Corn Products Co. |
IB0127 | Bethlehem Mines (--> BSCX) |
IB0128 | Steel Processing Services, Albertville AL |
IB0129 | Monsanto Chemical |
IB0129.1 | Monsanto Chemical, Anniston AL |
IB0130 | Safe Harbor Water Power Company |
IB0131 | Arkansas Nuclear |
IB0132 | Empire Coke, Birmingham AL |
IB0133 | Owens Illinois, Birmingham AL |
IB0134 | Stockham Valves & Fitting Co., Birmingham AL |
IB0135 | Georgia Marble |
IB0135.1 | Georgia Marble - Tate GA |
IB0136 | Freight Car Service |
IB0137 | Farmers United Co-op Elevator |
IB0138 | Hass Gravel |
IB0139 | Century Coal |
IB0140 | Stay Sales, Ease Coulee AL |
IB0141 | Alabama River Pulp, Fountain AL |
IB0142 | Alabama Marble, Gantts Quarry AL |
IB0143 | Budd Co. |
IB0144 | Tuskeegee |
IB0145 | France Stone Co. |
IB0146 | Intern. Intermodal Center of Alabama, Huntsville |
IB0147 | Aesco Steel, Montgomery AL |
IB0148 | Scott Paper Co., Mount Vernon AL |
IB0149 | TVA-Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals AL |
IB0150 | LPC. Inc., Tarrant City AL (Lehigh Portland ????) |
IB0151 | Poinsett Lumber & Manufactoring Co., Tarrant AL |
IB0152 | Simpson Timber |
IB0153 | Alaska Lumber & Pulp, Sitka AK |
IB0154 | Duval Sulphur, Sahuarita AZ |
IB0155 | Nekoosa Paper |
IB0156 | Arkansas Lime Co, Batesville AR |
IB0157 | Gifford Hill Inc. |
IB0157.1 | Gifford Hill Inc., Harleyville SC |
IB0158 | Arkansas Eastman, Batesville AR |
IB0159 | Gardiner Big River, Helena AR |
IB0160 | Chrome Crankshaft |
IB0161 | Sims/LMC Metals, Richmond CA |
IB0162 | Meadow River Lumber Co., Rainelle W. VA. |
IB0163 | Continental Can Co., Port Wentworth GA |
IB0164 | Airco Alloy & Carbide |
IB0165 | Sidbec-Dosco Steel |
IB0166 | Midwest Steel & Alloy |
IB0167 | Ronald M. Delevan Industries (RMDI) (D) |
IB0168 | Detroit Steel, Portsmouth OH |
IB0169 | Streigel Supply & Equipment |
IB0170 | McCloud River Lumber |
IB0171 | Plasser American |
IB0172 | Timken Roller Bearing, Canton OH |
IB0173 | Winifrede |
IB0174 | West Pitt Exet |
IB0175 | Winchester Ag Service, Winchester OH |
IB0176 | Joseph Behr & Sons |
IB0177 | Koppers Coke |
IB0178 | Bolander-Conlan Terminal Co., Minneapolis MN |
IB0179 | JJ Coan |
IB0180 | A.E. Staley Co. |
IB0181 | Anaconda Aluminium |
IB0182 | Miller Compressing |
IB0183 | Doyle McCormack |
IB0185 | Port of Longview, WA |
IB0186 | New Jersey Zinc Co. |
IB0187 | Alan Wood Iron & Steel Co. |
IB0188 | Foley Brothers Construction |
IB0189 | American Rolling Mills |
IB0190 | Construction Services, Inc. |
IB0191 | Texas Construction Materials |
IB0192 | Atlantic Coal Company |
IB0193 | Chattanooga Traction |
IB0194 | Duluth Union Depot & Transfer |
IB0195 | Anaconda Copper Mining |
IB0196 | Acme-Newport Steel |
IB0197 | Milwaukee Coke & Gas (1942 --> IB0874) |
IB0198 | Continental Steel |
IB0199 | Mound City Terminal St. Louis, MO |
IB0200 | Alberene Stone Corp. of Virginia |
IB0202 | Marble Cliff Quarry |
IB0203 | Polarized Steel |
IB0204 | Goodpasture Grain & Milling Co. |
IB0205 | Copperweld Steel Co. |
IB0206 | Iriquois Terminal |
IB0207 | Isaac Corp., Defiance OH |
IB0208 | Keystone Steel & Wire Co. |
IB0209 | Electric Energy Inc., Joppa IL |
IB0210 | Harlem Transfer |
IB0211 | Tangent Rail Services |
IB0212 | National Academy of Railroad Sciences |
IB0213 | Donner Steel Co. |
IB0214 | Ingersoll Rand |
IB0215 | Red River Lumber Co. |
IB0216 | Hoboken Manufacturers' (Seatrains) |
IB0217 | Michigan Limestone & Chemical |
IB0218 | Universal Atlas Cement |
IB0219 | Railcar Maintenance |
IB0220 | Inland Waterways (--> IB0221) |
IB0221 | Federal Barge Lines |
IB0222 | Loveland Elevator |
IB0223 | B. Perini |
IB0224 | Hickory Grove Coal Mining Corp., Jasonville IN |
IB0225 | Sheffield Steel |
IB0226 | Semet-Solvay |
IB0227 | Tennessee Copper |
IB0228 | U.S. Pipe & Foundry |
IB0229 | Chicago District Electric Generating Corp. |
IB0230 | Inland Empire Paper Company |
IB0231 | Medusa Portland Cement |
IB0232 | Twin Mountain Rock |
IB0233 | Wickwire-Spencer Steel Division of CF&I |
IB0234 | Patapsco Scrap Co. |
IB0235 | Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp |
IB0236 | Michigan Elevator Co. |
IB0237 | Corn Industries, Winston-Salem NC |
IB0238 | Citizens Gas & Coke of Indianapolis |
IB0239 | G.H.R. Foundry |
IB0240 | Mead Corporation |
IB0241 | Lone Star Cement |
IB0242 | Mores & Ory Sand & Gravel |
IB0243 | Ingalls Shipbuilding |
IB0244 | Reichold Chemical, Pensacola FL |
IB0245 | New Haven Terminal |
IB0246 | Co-Op Grain |
IB0247 | Illinois Steel Company |
IB0248 | Howard Terminal |
IB0249 | Detroit Harbor Terminal, Inc. |
IB0250 | Big Rock Stone & Gravel, Little Rock AR |
IB0251 | Allis-Chalmer |
IB0252 | World Wide Auctioneers, Greenville SC --> IB0302 |
IB0253 | Big Six Coop |
IB0254 | Eli Lilly Corp., Lafayette IN |
IB0255 | BK Engineering |
IB0256 | Bradshaw Gravel |
IB0257 | Bode Grain Co-Op Association [2005 --> NEW Coop] |
IB0258 | Monarch Cement |
IB0259 | Canterra Energy |
IB0260 | ABC Rail Corporation, Calera AL |
IB0261 | Speno Rail Services |
IB0262 | Lonestar Locomotive Repair LLC |
IB0263 | Winters Railroad Service |
IB0264 | CitiSteel USA Inc. |
IB0265 | Standard Steel Works |
IB0266 | Muskingum Electric Railroad |
IB0267 | AGP Elevator, Atchison KS |
IB0268 | Navajo Mine Railroad |
IB0269 | Deseret-Western Railway, Rangeley CO |
IB0270 | Railroad Builders |
IB0271 | CoGentrix |
IB0272 | Watonwan Farm Service, St. James MN |
IB0273 | Squaw Creek Coal |
IB0274 | Orr Tank Car Lines |
IB0275 | Platte Generating Station, Grand Island NE |
IB0276 | Lukens Steel |
IB0276.1 | Lukens Steel, Coatesville PA |
IB0277 | Intercoastal Tubular, Harvey LA |
IB0278 | Arco Petroleum |
IB0280 | Protexa Burlington International [BN] |
IB0281 | Minndak Farmers Coop., Wahpeton ND |
IB0282 | Kasten Railcar, Edwardsville IL |
IB0283 | Mol-Dok Inc. |
IB0284 | Champion Building Products |
IB0285 | Indiantown Generating Plant, Lake Okechobee FL |
IB0286 | Kohler Co, Kohler WI |
IB0287 | unbekannt |
IB0288 | Southern Wood Piedmont |
IB0289 | Farmers Commission, Ada OH |
IB0290 | United Road Machinery |
IB0291 | Black Beauty Coal, Washington IN |
IB0292 | California Steel Industries |
IB0293 | Toledo Edison |
IB0294 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
IB0295 | Sunrise Co-Op Elevator |
IB0296 | Kerr-McGee Chemical |
IB0297 | Smith & Chambers |
IB0298 | Bayou Railcar |
IB0299 | Krautkramer Ultrasonics |
IB0300 | Standard Oil |
IB0301 | Jahncke Gravel (Feliciana Eastern RR) |
IB0302 | World Wide Railroad Supply |
IB0303 | Marquette Cement |
IB0304 | American Grain Co. Inc. |
IB0305 | Proctor & Gamble |
IB0306 | Avon Grain (auch Wiederverkäufer) (1993 --> ITEC) |
IB0307 | B-Four Coal, St.Charles KY |
IB0308 | North Star Steel Co., Kingman AZ |
IB0309 | Three Rivers (??) |
IB0310 | Dravo Corp., Neville PA |
IB0311 | Berman Iron & Metal |
IB0312 | Hanna Furnaces |
IB0314 | Tarmac, Medley FL |
IB0315 | Jefferson Smurfit Corp., Jacksonville FL |
IB0316 | ConAgra Flour Milling, Superior WI (3.2013 --> Cargill) |
IB0317 | Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining, Kellogg ID |
IB0318 | Renville Elevator Co. |
IB0319 | Greenville Manufacturing, OH |
IB0320 | Neosho Quarry |
IB0321 | Nevada Power |
IB0322 | American Aggregates, IN |
IB0323 | Roanoke Cement, VA |
IB0324 | Western Indiana Gravel |
IB0325 | Bottineau Farmers Elevator, Bottineau ND |
IB0326 | USI Chemical |
IB0327 | St.Hilaire Co-Op Elevator, St.Hilaire MN |
IB0328 | Mittal Steel |
IB0329 | River Services, MN |
IB0330 | Hoosier Construction |
IB0331 | Glacier Sand & Gravel, Steilacoom WA |
IB0332 | Nekoosa Edwards-Paper |
IB0333 | American Milling |
IB0334 | Hallet Dock Co., West Duluth MN |
IB0335 | Border Steel Mills, TX (--> 1997 Villacero) |
IB0336 | Fort Campbell Rail |
IB0337 | Southeastern Specialists, Jacksonville FL (--> IB0615) |
IB0338 | Atlas Powder Company |
IB0339 | Paxton & Vierling Steel, Carter Lake IA |
IB0340 | UPL Corp. |
IB0341 | Central Foundry |
IB0342 | Tery Redinger Coal, Bethlehem PA |
IB0343 | Long Construction, Billings MT |
IB0344 | Albert City Elevator |
IB0345 | Roanoke Valley Energy |
IB0346 | Michigan-California Lumber |
IB0347 | American Financial Group |
IB0348 | Hardemann Grain & Seed |
IB0349 | Locomotive Marketing Inc. (D) |
IB0350 | Penn Dixie Steel |
IB0351 | Huntsville Arsenal-Chemical Warfare Service |
IB0352 | Lucas County Port Authority, Toledo OH |
IB0353 | Hammermill Paper |
IB0354 | W.J. Smith Wood Preserving [MKT] |
IB0355 | Indiana Wood Preserving, Terre Haute |
IB0356 | Glenbrook Nickel, Riddle OR |
IB0357 | Laughlin Steel, Dallas TX |
IB0358 | Robert Dollar Co. |
IB0359 | Metro East Industries (D), East St.Louis |
IB0360 | ELF AtoChem |
IB0361 | Palo Grain, Tulia TX |
IB0362 | Chicago International Port |
IB0363 | Peaker Services |
IB0364 | Buick Motor Division, Detroit MI |
IB0365 | Premium Standard Farms of Princeton, MT |
IB0366 | Virginia Pocahontas Coal |
IB0367 | Wisconsin Steel [International Harvester] |
IB0368 | Hantz Locomotive Service |
IB0369 | General Motors Chevrolet Motor |
IB0370 | Foote Minerals Co. |
IB0371 | National Zinc Division, St.Joseph Resources |
IB0372 | Benson-Quinn Terminals Inc., Corson SD |
IB0373 | Hilliard Enterprises |
IB0374 | Ozark Mountain Railcar (D) |
IB0375 | GenOn |
IB0376 | McCoy Elkhorn Coal |
IB0377 | Mid-South Terminal |
IB0378 | Hercules Powder |
IB0379 | Rome Locomotive Works |
IB0380 | Ennis Paikin Steel (D), St. Louis MO |
IB0381 | Flying J Oil, North Salt Lake City UT |
IB0382 | Lakeside Transportation, Moberly MO |
IB0383 | Exxon-Coker, Baton Rouge LA |
IB0384 | Standard Gravel |
IB0384.1 | Standard Gravel - Clifton IA |
IB0385 | Phoenix Cement |
IB0386 | Peerless Cement, Smith Creek MI |
IB0387 | Savannah River Plant |
IB0388 | Birmingham Bolt |
IB0389 | Erie Mining Company |
IB0390 | Marietta Air Base, GA |
IB0391 | Balkan Mining |
IB0392 | Keene Carriers |
IB0393 | Wilson Railway Corp. (1991++) |
IB0394 | Michigan Maple Block Co. |
IB0395 | Rail World Locomotive Leasing |
IB0396 | Intercity Metals, Portland OR |
IB0397 | Joseph Simon, WA |
IB0398 | Joe Moody Equipment |
IB0399 | Costain Coal Inc. |
IB0400 | Toledo Ore Docks |
IB0401 | Cycle Systems |
IB0401x | free |
IB0402 | Koppers Company |
IB0403 | Mike's Inc. (D), Wood River IL |
IB0404 | Ray County Co-Op |
IB0405 | River City Construction, Baltimore OH |
IB0406 | Nicholson Terminal & Dock |
IB0407 | Tulsa Port of Catoosa |
IB0408 | Peoria Locomotive Works |
IB0409 | Tamper Track Renewal Systems |
IB0410 | United Grain |
IB0411 | Copper Range Railroad |
IB0412 | Island Creek Fuel & Transportation Co. |
IB0413 | Transfer Terminal Corp. |
IB0414 | Ferruzi Grain Terminal |
IB0415 | Department of Energy (DOE) |
IB0416 | Continental Leasing |
IB0417 | Gaylord Container |
IB0418 | Bayou Steel Corp., Laplace LA |
IB0419 | Oglebay Norton Co. |
IB0420 | Bulkmatic Transfer, Parkersburg WV |
IB0421 | Iron Horse Resources |
IB0422 | Black River Ltd. Partnership, Ft.Drum NY |
IB0423 | Southern Clay, Gordon GA |
IB0424 | Penn Dixie Cement |
IB0425 | Seminole Phosphates |
IB0426 | Raritan River Steel, Perth Amboy NJ (--> 2004 Gerdau Ameristeel) |
IB0427 | Cisco Grain Co-Op, Cisco IL |
IB0428 | Howe Coal |
IB0429 | Foster Farms, Delhi CA |
IB0430 | Alton Barge, Alton IL |
IB0431 | Mountain Diesel Transportation |
IB0432 | Pacific Rail Industries |
IB0433 | Century Locomotives |
IB0434 | North American Cyanamide Co. |
IB0435 | Itel Railcar |
IB0436 | Rail Managers Association, Devon PA |
IB0437 | North American Car |
IB0438 | G & S Motors |
IB0439 | Cincinnati Exposition |
IB0440 | Agrex Inc. |
IB0441 | Allied Tube & Conduit Co. |
IB0442 | Reading Coal Co. |
IB0443 | First Mississippi Corp. |
IB0444 | New Jersey Steel Structure Co. |
IB0445 | Mississippi River Grain Co. |
IB0446 | Old Ben Coal Co. |
IB0447 | JR Milling |
IB0448 | Kokomo Grain Co. |
IB0449 | Central Soya |
IB0450 | Draper Corporation |
IB0451 | Raymond International |
IB0452 | Armstrong Cork, Willville NJ |
IB0453 | Orange & Rockland Utility Company |
IB0454 | Public Service Company of New Hampshire |
IB0455 | Holyoke Water & Power Co. |
IB0456 | Groveton Paper Co. |
IB0457 | Forest Product Treating |
IB0458 | General Dynamics Electric Boat, Groton CT |
IB0459 | Tri States Concrete Co. |
IB0460 | Granite Mountain Quarries, Little Rock AR |
IB0461 | Superior Stone Co, Rion SC |
IB0462 | Oak Ordinance Depot |
IB0463 | Dominion Mines Co, Centerpoint IN |
IB0464 | National Fireworks Co. |
IB0465 | Victor Oolitic Stone Co., Bloomington IN |
IB0466 | Todd-Bath Shipyards, S.Portland ME |
IB0467 | L. Alpern, Portland ME |
IB0468 | Sidney Steel, Sidney NS |
IB0469 | Sobin-Chlor Alkali |
IB0470 | Greater Portland Public Development Corp |
IB0471 | East Kentucky Power |
IB0472 | W.R. Grace Chemicals |
IB0473 | United Electrics |
IB0474 | Bulk Terminal |
IB0475 | Coffield Warehouse |
IB0476 | Arkansas Railway Supply |
IB0477 | Highland Corporation |
IB0478 | Foreman Portland Cement |
IB0479 | Arkansas Cement (--> Ash Grove Cement) |
IB0480 | Planters Peanut Co., Ft.Smith AR |
IB0481 | Riceland Foods |
IB0482 | Quincy Soybean Co. |
IB0483 | Potlatch Forest Products, McGehee AR |
IB0483.1 | Potlatch Corp. - Cypress Bend AR |
IB0484 | American Bridge |
IB0485 | Razorback Steel, Newport AR |
IB0486 | Maryland Slag |
IB0487 | Braswell Sand & Gravel, Wilton AR |
IB0488 | Tyson Feed Mill |
IB0489 | Jones Brothers Inc., Anita CA |
IB0490 | Hingham Shipyard |
IB0491 | Fiberboard Products, Antioch CA |
IB0492 | Texas Export Railroad |
IB0493 | Tidewater Oil |
IB0494 | Solano Rail Car Co., Benicia CA |
IB0495 | Erny's Grain Elevator |
IB0496 | Diamand International |
IB0497 | CertainTeed Corp. [Saint-Gobain] |
IB0498 | Citrus Industry Supply, Corona CA |
IB0499 | Pacific Coast Cement, Eloit CA |
IB0500 | Kaiser International |
IB0501 | E.B. Willis Co., Fresno CA |
IB0502 | A.L. Gilbert Co., Keyes CA |
IB0503 | Koppel Bulk Terminal, Long Beach CA |
IB0504 | Metropolitan Stevedore, Long Beach CA |
IB0505 | Pabco Gypsum Inc., Mojave CA |
IB0506 | Newhall Land & Farming Co., Newhall CA |
IB0507 | Port of Oakland, Oakland CA |
IB0508 | Levin Richmond Terminal Co., Richmond CA == PRT ! |
IB0509 | American Bulk Loading Exports, San Pedro CA |
IB0510 | Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro CA |
IB0511 | Alameda County, Santa Rita CA |
IB0512 | Delta Bulk Terminals, Stockton CA |
IB0513 | National Metals, Terminal Island CA |
IB0514 | CSR, Port Reading NJ |
IB0515 | TPL, Inc. |
IB0516 | Ideal Cement |
IB0517 | Industrial Processing Co, Devonia TX |
IB0518 | U.S. General Services Administration, Denver CO |
IB0519 | Great Western Sugar Co. |
IB0520 | City of La Junta, CO |
IB0521 | American Tube & Stamping |
IB0522 | Firma in Pueblo, CO |
IB0523 | American Crystal Sugar, Rocky Ford CO |
IB0524 | Intermountain Transportation Service, Rocky Ford CO (siehe IMW) |
IB0525 | Mechtron Corp., Wilmington DE |
IB0526 | Dallas Union Terminal |
IB0527 | Mobile Minerals & Mining Co [Mobile Chemical] |
IB0528 | Midwest Dock |
IB0529 | International Harvester |
IB0530 | North Dakota Wheat Growers |
IB0531 | Cyprus Mines |
IB0532 | Pillsbury Inc. |
IB0533 | Hardin Grain |
IB0534 | Superior Tie & Timber |
IB0535 | Chiriqui Land Co. |
IB0536 | Texas Generating |
IB0537 | Pennsylvania Forge Co., Philadelphia PA |
IB0538 | Sahara Coal Co., Marion IL |
IB0539 | P.H. Glatfelter Co., Spring Grove PA |
IB0540 | AK Steel |
IB0541 | Midwest Metallics, Chicago IL |
IB0542 | Olympic Mill Service |
IB0543 | Midwest Railroad Construction |
IB0544 | Louisiana Pacific |
IB0545 | Diamond Match, Chico CA |
IB0546 | Progress Loadout, Democrat KY |
IB0547 | Enterprise Coal (ESCO), Robinson Creek KY |
IB0548 | Huntsville & Madison County Airport Authority |
IB0549 | Studebaker Corporation |
IB0550 | Gulf Coast Rail Service Corporation |
IB0550.1 | Gulf Coast Rail Service - Sweetwater TX |
IB0550.2 | Gulf Coast Rail Service - Orange TX |
IB0551 | Hawbaker Construction, Pleasant Gap PA |
IB0552 | Levine & Sons, Scrap Brokers, Ft. Wayne |
IB0553 | Lakes Farm Service Inc. |
IB0554 | KCT Elevator, Kansas City MO |
IB0555 | Kelley Construction |
IB0556 | Holston Ordinance Depot, Kingsport TN |
IB0557 | Kimerling & Sons, Birmingham AL |
IB0558 | Marta Track Constructions |
IB0559 | Mulberry Phosphates Inc., Royster FL |
IB0560 | Frankonia Paper |
IB0561 | Rail Associates |
IB0562 | Gateway Rail Services |
IB0563 | Bethlehem Cornwall Corp. |
IB0564 | Steel Dynamics |
IB0564.1 | Steel Dynamics, Butler IN |
IB0564.2 | Steel Dynamics, Pittsboro IN |
IB0564.3 | Steel Dynamics, Columbia IN |
IB0565 | Rohm & Haas, Phliladelphia |
IB0566 | Locomotive Troubleshooters |
IB0567 | Sony's Body & Paint |
IB0568 | Omni Source, Ft. Wayne |
IB0569 | Pete Replinger (REPCO) |
IB0570 | Samuels Pacific Industries, OR [Dick Samuels] |
IB0571 | Tank Car Co of America |
IB0572 | Cove Contractors, Panama City FL |
IB0573 | Learner Scrap, Stockton FL |
IB0574 | Peninsula Machinery & Equipment (D) |
IB0575 | Levin Metals Co., Richmond CA == PRT |
IB0576 | Southland Paper Co. |
IB0577 | Alexander Chemical, Kingsbury IN |
IB0578 | Commodity Resource Corp., Caledonia NY |
IB0579 | Badger Sand & Gravel, Taylor WI |
IB0580 | Great Lake Forest |
IB0581 | Ponderay Newsprint |
IB0582 | Port of Panama City, FL |
IB0583 | Golden State Feed and Grain Co. |
IB0584 | Caulfield Ltd., Riga MI |
IB0585 | Neosha Rail Service |
IB0586 | B&LS Contracting |
IB0587 | Alco Springs Industries |
IB0588 | C&W Coal, Overfield WV |
IB0589 | Louisiana Dock Co. |
IB0590 | Bonneville Transloaders, WY |
IB0591 | Erickson Light & Power, Lansing MI |
IB0592 | Amber Milling |
IB0593 | Chrysler Corporation |
IB0593.1 | Chrysler Corporation - Indianapolis Foundry |
IB0594 | Michigan Elevator Exchange, Carrollton MI (--> CMGX) |
IB0595 | Locomotive Repair Service, Beggs OK |
IB0596 | Stiner-Liff, Nashville TN |
IB0597 | Harley Davidson |
IB0598 | Port of Muskogee, OK |
IB0599 | BTR Terminal |
IB0600 | Rainy River Forest Products, Steilacoom WA |
IB0601 | Stelco |
IB0602 | Oil-Dri Production |
IB0603 | Deron Manufacturing Ltd., Spokane WA |
IB0604 | Cold Storage |
IB0605 | Romeoville Quarry |
IB0606 | Illinois Railway Supply, Albany IL |
IB0607 | Western Aggregates, CO |
IB0608 | Ryder Rail Services |
IB0609 | Rick and Larry, siehe X22109 (38) |
IB0610 | Motive Power Inc. (D) |
IB0611 | PSC Metals |
IB0612 | PCS Phosphates |
IB0613 | TSP Phosphates, Aurora NC |
IB0614 | Berwick Railcar |
IB0615 | Quantum Rails Inc., Jacksonville FL |
IB0616 | Farmers Commission Co., Upper Sandusky OH |
IB0617 | Universal Cyclops Steel |
IB0618 | Walton Agri Services, Upper Sandusky OH |
IB0619 | Washburn Wire Co. |
IB0620 | Wyandot Dolomite, Carey OH |
IB0621 | Mobil Locomotive Service |
IB0622 | John Morrel |
IB0623 | Intermet |
IB0623.1 | Intermet - Archer Creek Plant, Lynchburg VA |
IB0624 | Consolidated Builders |
IB0625 | Mason Walsh Atkinson Kier |
IB0626 | Bettendorf Inc. |
IB0627 | Texana Tank Car, Nash TX |
IB0628 | Florida Portland Cement, Brookville FL |
IB0629 | General Power Systems |
IB0630 | Florida Power & Light |
IB0631 | Nasa Ames Research Center |
IB0632 | Grace Agricultural Chemical |
IB0633 | Central Farmers Co-Op |
IB0634 | Hardaway Construction Co., Port Tampa FL |
IB0635 | Tampa Electric Co., Tampa FL |
IB0636 | Swift & Co, Agricola FL (--> Estech Agricultural Chemicals) |
IB0637 | Tampa Port Authority, FL |
IB0638 | Occidental Petroleum Co. |
IB0639 | Seaboard Grains, Athens GA |
IB0640 | Atlantic Steel Company |
IB0640.1 | Atlantic Steel Company - Atlanta GA |
IB0641 | Columbia Nitrogen, Augusta GA |
IB0642 | Dawes Silica Mining, Eden GA |
IB0643 | Fitzgerald Rail Service, Fitzgerald GA |
IB0644 | Birmingham Slag Co. |
IB0645 | National Gypsum |
IB0645.1 | National Gypsum - Gibsonburg OH |
IB0645.2 | National Gypsum - Dartmouth NS |
IB0645.3 | National Gypsum - Milford Station NS |
IB0646 | Continental Foundry |
IB0647 | Catham Iron & Metal, Savannah GA |
IB0648 | Kaiser Agricultural Chemical Co. |
IB0649 | Savannah Machine & Shipyard |
IB0650 | Amalgamated Sugar Co. |
IB0651 | Beker Industries, Soda Springs ID |
IB0652 | Alton Box Board, Alton IL |
IB0653 | Luntz Corp., Barberton IL |
IB0654 | West Virginia Pulp & Paper |
IB0655 | Morton Thiokol, Chicago IL |
IB0656 | Calumet Steel, Chicago Heights, IL |
IB0657 | Dubuque Sand & Gravel, East Dubuque IL |
IB0658 | United Electric Coal, Dunfermline IL |
IB0659 | Shippers Car Line, East St.Louis IL |
IB0660 | Construction & Mining Inc. |
IB0661 | Louisville Cement, Speed IN |
IB0662 | American Brake Shoe |
IB0663 | Thomas Steel |
IB0664 | Jacobs Brothers Scrap Iron |
IB0665 | Ziegler Coal |
IB0666 | Allied Mills |
IB0667 | Burns Bailing |
IB0668 | free 13.9.23 |
IB0669 | Blaw Knox Foundry Mill |
IB0670 | Virginia Limestone, Ripplemead VA |
IB0671 | Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabethport NJ |
IB0672 | Gary Slag Co. |
IB0673 | American Sheet & Tube |
IB0674 | West Palm Beach Terminal |
IB0675 | Amaizo Rail Switching Service |
IB0676 | La Salle Steel |
IB0677 | Standard Railway Equipment |
IB0678 | Kaiser Aluminium |
IB0679 | Merchants Grain Co. |
IB0680 | Transcar Service Co. |
IB0681 | J.I. Chase Co. |
IB0682 | Bondurant Grain |
IB0683 | Lasco |
IB0684 | Chemplex |
IB0685 | Corn Processing Co. |
IB0686 | Central States Warehouse Co. |
IB0687 | Matoon Service Inc |
IB0688 | Indiana Port Commission |
IB0689 | George Hedge Construction |
IB0690 | Charolais Coal, St.Charles KY |
IB0691 | Indiana Pickling & Processing |
IB0692 | Buckeye Cellulose |
IB0693 | Trumbull Electric Service, Girard OH |
IB0694 | Atlantic Richfield |
IB0695 | Nacme Steel Processing |
IB0696 | Wilson Fertilizer and Grain |
IB0697 | Wortington Steel |
IB0698 | AFG Industries, Kingsport TN |
IB0699 | Whitaker Coal, KY |
IB0700 | Foster Dixiana Sand |
IB0701 | Tarmac Carolina |
IB0702 | Columbia Silicate Sand |
IB0703 | Spartan Iron & Metal, Spartanburg SC |
IB0704 | Berwind Railway Service |
IB0705 | General Motors Central Foundry, Defiance OH |
IB0706 | New Haven Trap Rock |
IB0707 | Henckels & McCoy (D) |
IB0708 | Dominion Foundries & Steel (Dofasco) |
IB0709 | Metamore Elevator Co., Metamore OH |
IB0710 | Green Valley Coal, WV |
IB0711 | Emmons Industries |
IB0712 | Farm Bureau Co-Op |
IB0713 | Edon Farmers Co-Op |
IB0714 | Lyon Industries , Ebensburg PA |
IB0715 | Inco Alloy |
IB0716 | Naval Ammunition Depot, Portsmouth VA |
IB0717 | Heckett Engineering |
IB0718 | Behimer & Kisner |
IB0719 | Southern Scrap Material, Shreveport LA |
IB0720 | Passenger & Freight Locomotive |
IB0721 | Collingwood Grain, Guymon OK |
IB0722 | Osborn McMillan Grain Elevator, Superior WI |
IB0723 | Railway Supply of Indiana |
IB0724 | Rapides Gravel |
IB0725 | Witte Gravel |
IB0726 | Louisiana Industries |
IB0727 | Whistler Equipment Corp. |
IB0728 | S & L Metals |
IB0729 | University of Minnesota |
IB0730 | Lipsett Steel |
IB0731 | General Standard |
IB0732 | Bran Back Equipment |
IB0733 | Pullman-Standard Car Mfg Co |
IB0734 | Tube City Iron & Metal |
IB0735 | Material Services Corp. |
IB0736 | Estech Agricultural Chemicals |
IB0737 | Northern Indiana Docks |
IB0738 | Whitten Machinery |
IB0739 | L. Gardinier |
IB0740 | LGN |
IB0741 | Kuhlman Bulk Terminals |
IB0742 | LTA Industries, Dallas TX |
IB0743 | Argee , Salt Lake City UT |
IB0744 | Gibbs Railway Equipment |
IB0745 | Logistics Management System, Presque Isle ME |
IB0746 | Bill Lamb (D) |
IB0747 | IEI Container Corp. |
IB0748 | Joliet Railway Equipment (JRE) |
IB0749 | Striegel Railway Equipment |
IB0750 | Allegheny Power System |
IB0751 | Sharpsville Quality Products |
IB0752 | Dynegy Inc. |
IB0753 | Farmers Export Co. |
IB0754 | Pacific Dismantlers |
IB0755 | Brazos Engineering |
IB0756 | Interpol Ltd. |
IB0757 | Shamrock Coal |
IB0758 | San Antonio Ordnance (Army) |
IB0759 | La Farge Corp. |
IB0760 | Cherokee Brick & Tile Co, Macon GA |
IB0761 | Edgar Thomson Works, Pittsburgh |
IB0762 | Chicago Bridge & Iron |
IB0763 | High Plains Coop |
IB0764 | National Malleable & Steel Casting |
IB0765 | Conserve |
IB0766 | Tomasso Inc. |
IB0767 | Mettiki Coal |
IB0768 | Oregon Steel Mills |
IB0769 | Mount Airy Cold Storage Co. |
IB0770 | Churches Ferry Farmer's Co-op |
IB0771 | Reserver Iron & Metal |
IB0772 | Penna Ordnance Works |
IB0773 | Philadelphia Electric Company |
IB0774 | Empak Power Industries |
IB0775 | PAC Tank, Deer Park TX |
IB0776 | Columbia Grain Inc., Portland OR |
IB0777 | Tidewater Contruction Co., Dozier Corner VA |
IB0778 | Virginia Railcar and Loco, Little Creek VA |
IB0779 | Golden Age Railroad Equipment |
IB0780 | Cox Metal Processing |
IB0781 | Stanray Products |
IB0782 | Southern Electric International |
IB0783 | Atlantic City Electric Co. (--> Atlanta Electric Co.) |
IB0784 | Texaco Oil Co. |
IB0785 | C&S Ohio Electric |
IB0786 | Clinchfield Coal Co. |
IB0787 | Marathon Southern Co. |
IB0788 | Inland Lime & Stone Co. |
IB0789 | Clark Refining |
IB0790 | Peco Energy |
IB0791 | American Can |
IB0792 | Buckeye Steel & Casting Co. |
IB0793 | North West Cement, Mason city IO |
IB0794 | Newport Steel Corp. |
IB0795 | Cleveland Quarries |
IB0796 | Chicago Grain |
IB0797 | Royster Inc. |
IB0798 | Sahara Coal, Harrisburg IL |
IB0799 | Shore Line Locomotive |
IB0800 | Proler International |
IB0801 | Mississippi Steel |
IB0802 | Birmingham Southeast Steel |
IB0803 | Heart of Iowa Coop |
IB0804 | Holland Co. |
IB0805 | Colorado Springs Public Utilities |
IB0806 | Kaiser Cement |
IB0807 | Mid Atlantic Material |
IB0808 | A.O. Smith Corp. |
IB0809 | Port of Ambridge |
IB0810 | C&F Locomotive Service (D) |
IB0811 | Millenium Rail |
IB0812 | Sprouce Creek Processing |
IB0813 | Marathon Oil |
IB0814 | Eastern Associated Coal, Wharton WV |
IB0815 | Paikin (D) |
IB0816 | Central Appalachian Coal |
IB0817 | Hall Buck Marine Termial |
IB0818 | Harmac Pacific |
IB0819 | American Compressed Steel |
IB0820 | Southern Rails Inc. |
IB0821 | Hobet Mining |
IB0822 | Ketchikan Pulp |
IB0823 | Meadowland Farmers Co-Op |
IB0824 | Erie City Iron Works |
IB0825 | American Calcium Products |
IB0826 | Calufield Inc, Riga MI |
IB0827 | Tacoma Export Marketing |
IB0828 | Electric Transport of America |
IB0829 | South Carolina Electric & Gas |
IB0830 | Snowmass Coal Co. |
IB0831 | Sierra Pacific |
IB0832 | Comet Midwest Locomotive (D) (4.1999 --> MWLX) |
IB0833 | Marion (OH) Industrial Center |
IB0834 | Southern Freight Logistics |
IB0835 | Yale Farmers Elevator Co-Op, Yale SD |
IB0836 | Western Consolidated Co-Op,Holloway MN |
IB0837 | Interprovincial Pipe & Steel |
IB0838 | DOME Railway Services |
IB0839 | Olowalu Sugar, Maui |
IB0840 | Pioneer Mill Co. |
IB0841 | Faulkner Farms, Santa Paula CA |
IB0842 | Oro Dam Constructors |
IB0843 | Merritt Chapman Scott, Lewiston NY |
IB0844 | Perini Corp., Del Rio TX |
IB0845 | S.J. Groves & Sons |
IB0846 | Steiner-Liff Iron & Metal |
IB0847 | Rouge Steel, Detroit |
IB0848 | GWI Switching Service |
IB0849 | Keystone Generating |
IB0850 | Taylor Machine Works |
IB0851 | Great Northern Paper |
IB0852 | Ferrous Processing & Trading |
IB0853 | MO Portland Cement |
IB0854 | Poplar Ridge Coal |
IB0855 | Seatrains Inc. (s. auch IB0216) |
IB0856 | Pittsburgh Steel |
IB0857 | Turner Lumber Co, Perry FL |
IB0859 | Columbia Iron & Metal Co., Girard OH |
IB0860 | Joliet Arsenal, Joliet IL |
IB0861 | ShafBrosLog ???? |
IB0862 | Brewster Phosphate, Brewster FL |
IB0863 | Tennessee Chemical Corp., Copperhill TN |
IB0864 | DavChem ???? |
IB0865 | Sanitary District of Chicago |
IB0866 | CJ Langenfelder & Sons |
IB0867 | Basic Magnesia, Port St Joe FL |
IB0868 | Pacific Railcar, Finley WA |
IB0869 | Westroc Ind. |
IB0870 | Mid America Scrap |
IB0871 | Perini & Sons |
IB0872 | U.S. Plywood |
IB0873 | U.S. Railway Equipment Co, Washington IL |
IB0874 | Milwaukee Solvay Coke Co |
IB0875 | Erman Howell |
IB0876 | Intercontinental Steel, Houston |
IB0877 | Board of Public Utilities, Kansas City MO |
IB0878 | Etiwanda Steel Products Inc, Etiwanda CA |
IB0879 | Cooperative Farm Chemicals Association, Lawrence KS |
IB0880 | Donner-Hanna Coke Corp., Buffalo NY |
IB0881 | Brook Scanlon Lumber |
IB0882 | Humble Oil |
IB0883 | Tate & Lyle (formerly A.E. Staley Co.) |
IB0884 | Zacky Farms |
IB0885 | Mid Texas International |
IB0886 | Juliana Coal |
IB0887 | Harvesters Grain |
IB0888 | Kentucky-Ohio-Transfer |
IB0889 | Texas Industries Cement |
IB0890 | Newton Asphalt |
IB0891 | Rail System Inc. |
IB0892 | Emons Transportation |
IB0893 | Pine Flat Dam Constructors |
IB0894 | Pacific Terminal, Long Beach CA |
IB0895 | Stauffer Chemicals |
IB0896 | John Bradley (D) |
IB0897 | Southwest Railway Const. Co |
IB0898 | Willis Bros. |
IB0899 | Parker Bros. |
IB0900 | Pennsylvania Department of Transportation |
IB0901 | Northern Illinois Coal Company, Wilmington IL |
IB0902 | St. Joe Mineral |
IB0903 | Dundee Cement Co. |
IB0904 | RJ Reynolds |
IB0905 | Intra-Plant Switching Corp. |
IB0906 | Martindale Feed Mill |
IB0907 | Anbel Corp. |
IB0908 | Simpson Pasadena Paper |
IB0909 | Peck Iron & Metal |
IB0910 | Crosset Lumber |
IB0911 | Jewel Smokeless Coal Co |
IB0912 | Structural Metals |
IB0913 | Collins Pine Company |
IB0914 | Forestex, Forest Grove OR |
IB0915 | Valsetz Lumber |
IB0916 | DLX Inc |
IB0917 | Stimson Lumber |
IB0918 | Jeffboat Shipyards |
IB0919 | Delta Oil Mills |
IB0919.1 | Delta Oil Mills, Jonestown MS |
IB0920 | Monroe Sand & Gravel |
IB0921 | Scotia Coal |
IB0922 | Minnesota Power & Light |
IB0923 | Locomotive Specialty |
IB0924 | Robertson Terminals, Deer Park TX |
IB0925 | Guyon Pipe & Valve Co |
IB0926 | Duval Corp |
IB0927 | Todd-California Shipbuilding |
IB0928 | Oregon Shipbuilding |
IB0929 | U.S. Maritime Administration |
IB0930 | American Ship Dismantling |
IB0931 | NW Steel Rolling Mills |
IB0932 | Salmon Bay Steel |
IB0933 | Prescott Equip |
IB0934 | Safety Steel, Victoria TX |
IB0935 | Goodyear |
IB0936 | Boston Metals |
IB0937 | Sinclair Refining, Houston TX |
IB0938 | Proctor Steel |
IB0939 | International Terminal |
IB0940 | Kraft Foods |
IB0941 | New England Coal & Coke |
IB0942 | LaClede Steel |
IB0943 | Corbin Railway Service |
IB0944 | Quick Car Service |
IB0945 | Cornhusker Rail Car Service |
IB0946 | S.A. Healy Construction |
IB0947 | U.S. Asphalt |
IB0948 | Pittsburgh & Conneaut Dock |
IB0949 | Continental Forest Products, Ashland WI |
IB0950 | Electric Service |
IB0951 | New York Shipbuilding & Dry Dock |
IB0952 | Transisco Rail Service |
IB0953 | Central Iowa Railway |
IB0954 | Billings Grain Terminal |
IB0955 | Missouri Chemical Works |
IB0956 | Ladish Malting Co., Ladish ND |
IB0957 | Western Sugar |
IB0958 | Titan Railroad Services |
IB0959 | Champion International |
IB0960 | Oklahoma Grain |
IB0961 | Esso Agricultural Chemicals |
IB0962 | City of Minneapolis |
IB0963 | J-Star Consolidated Inc., Moline OH |
IB0964 | Tilcon Connecticut |
IB0965 | DeBardeleben Coal |
IB0966 | Newport Industries, Pensacola FL |
IB0967 | Centre Lime |
IB0968 | Black Hills Warehouse |
IB0969 | Southeast Grain |
IB0970 | T&K Evans Grain |
IB0971 | Mansbach Metal |
IB0972 | Kahuku Plantation, Keana HI |
IB0973 | Joliette Farmers Grain, Joliette ND |
IB0974 | United Foods |
IB0975 | Pikeville Coal |
IB0976 | Camp Ford Industrial Park |
IB0977 | Pierre Farmers Elevator Assn |
IB0978 | Caparo Steel |
IB0979 | Cedrite Technologies |
IB0980 | F&M Coal |
IB0981 | Quickway Crane & Shovel, St. Louis MO |
IB0982 | Layne & Meyers Grain |
IB0983 | Empire Reeves Steel |
IB0984 | Green River Steel |
IB0985 | Jewell Ridge Coal |
IB0986 | Montpelier Stone |
IB0987 | Alabama Asphaltic Limestone |
IB0988 | Southern Stone |
IB0989 | Hooker Chemical Co. |
IB0990 | Deitch Corporation |
IB0991 | Rauer Coal |
IB0992 | Tanoma Mines |
IB0993 | Conemaugh Generating Station |
IB0994 | Rust Engineering |
IB0995 | Suncook Valley |
IB0996 | Donahue/Clarement Paper |
IB0997 | Guy F. Atkinson |
IB0998 | St Joseph Lead Co., Herculaneum MS |
IB0999 | Zinc Corp of America |
IB1000 | Dequesne Light |
IB1001 | Dixie Agri Supply |
IB1002 | Johnson County Industrial Airport Administration |
IB1003 | M4 Holdings |
IB1004 | United Aggregates |
IB1005 | BM Weiss |
IB1006 | Houdaille Construction Materials |
IB1007 | Hydro Power, Bridgeton NJ |
IB1008 | Heartland Co-Op, Avon IA |
IB1009 | Texas Crushed Stone |
IB1010 | Reynolds Metals |
IB1011 | Atlantic Mining |
IB1012 | Lynchburg Foundry |
IB1013 | PLM Railcar Maintenance Corp. |
IB1014 | Longview Fibre, Longview WA |
IB1015 | Jesse Branch Coal |
IB1016 | Bebe Coal |
IB1017 | Benningham & Balor |
IB1018 | Branham & Baker |
IB1019 | State of WV |
IB1020 | Simplot Chemicals |
IB1021 | ISTRA |
IB1022 | Rinker Materials Corp., Pennsuco FL |
IB1023 | Golden Oak Mining |
IB1024 | Massey Coal Terminal |
IB1025 | Atlas-Lederer |
IB1026 | Atlanta Electric Co. |
IB1027 | American Extruded Prod |
IB1028 | American Viscose Corp. |
IB1029 | Avtex Fibers |
IB1030 | Tarelton Construction |
IB1031 | Chicago Gravel Co. |
IB1032 | River King Mine No.6, Baldwin IL |
IB1033 | Grain Producers |
IB1034 | Mississippi Chemical Corp. |
IB1035 | Kraft Paper |
IB1036 | Southwest Lumber Mills |
IB1037 | Northern Rail Services |
IB1038 | Fuel & Iron Corp., Harriet NY |
IB1039 | K&L Feed Mill |
IB1040 | Mid States Grain Terminal |
IB1041 | Alpha Portland Cement Co., Alden NY |
IB1042 | Pennsylvania Electric |
IB1043 | Altoona Freight Car & Parts |
IB1044 | Dierks Forest Industries (--> WEYU) |
IB1045 | Trinity River Authority |
IB1046 | Manufactures Equipment |
IB1047 | Utah Power & Light, Martin UT |
IB1048 | Farmers Union Elevator |
IB1049 | Loram |
IB1050 | Basic Materials |
IB1051 | Tippins Machine Co |
IB1052 | EK Pletcher |
IB1053 | Industrial Service Co |
IB1054 | DeKalb Country Co-Op |
IB1055 | Board of Water & Light, Lansing MI |
IB1056 | Springfield Hospital |
IB1057 | Railroad Scrap, Hubbard OH |
IB1058 | Escambia Chemical Co. |
IB1059 | Scullin Steel Co. |
IB1060 | Boone Valley Co-Op (--> AGPX) |
IB1061 | Pielet Brothers (--> Midwest Metallics) |
IB1062 | St. Louis Grain |
IB1063 | Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co. |
IB1064 | Nipak Industries |
IB1065 | Almont Shipping, Wilmington NC |
IB1066 | Pacific Railroad Constructors |
IB1067 | Southern Illinois Electric |
IB1068 | Texas Gravel |
IB1069 | City of Baltimore |
IB1070 | Hanna Nickle Smelting |
IB1071 | Iron & Steel Products |
IB1072 | Pinto Island Metals |
IB1073 | Nassua Metals |
IB1074 | Donovan Lovering & Doyle Construction |
IB1075 | Hallock & Howard Lumber |
IB1076 | Portland Public Docks-Terminal |
IB1077 | White Trucking |
IB1078 | Truax-Traer Coal (4.1962 --> Consolidated Coal Co) |
IB1079 | Aberdeen Proving Grounds |
IB1080 | Miller Milling |
IB1081 | West End Iron Works |
IB1082 | Bunge Grain (--> CRGX) |
IB1083 | Holnam Inc. |
IB1084 | P.W. Duffy |
IB1085 | Proler Steel, Houston TX |
IB1086 | Equity Export, Houston TX |
IB1087 | Heckett Switching Services |
IB1088 | Syro Steel |
IB1089 | St Louis Public Service |
IB1090 | Burnside Bulk Terminal |
IB1091 | Inland Terminal |
IB1092 | Kentucky Lake Dock |
IB1093 | Reed Crushed Stone |
IB1094 | Badgett River Terminal |
IB1095 | Cedar Chemical Co. |
IB1096 | Farmer Rancher |
IB1097 | Oneida Coal |
IB1098 | River & Rail Inc. |
IB1099 | Pennzoil Sulphur |
IB1100 | Southern Aggregate Co. |
IB1101 | International Paper |
IB1102 | Long Bell Lumber |
IB1103 | Rochester Gas & Electric |
IB1105 | Pacolet Manufacturing Co. |
IB1106 | North Central Grain Co-op |
IB1107 | Missouri Farmers Association |
IB1108 | Atlas Railroad Contractors |
IB1109 | Indian Hills & Iron Range |
IB1110 | Graham Grain |
IB1111 | Monterey Coal Co., Carlinville IL |
IB1112 | Grande Ronde Lumber |
IB1113 | Stoddard Lumber |
IB1114 | General Crushed Stone |
IB1115 | Buzzi Unicem |
IB1116 | Clean Coal Terminals |
IB1117 | Westmoreland Coal |
IB1118 | Transportation Services, Marion AR |
IB1119 | Anchor Grain co., Colfax IL |
IB1120 | Eastern Gas & Fuel |
IB1121 | Prolerized New England |
IB1122 | Lyondell Corp. |
IB1123 | Kanawha Coal |
IB1124 | Jarrett Ranches |
IB1125 | Colorado Sweet Gold Llc, Johnstown CO |
IB1126 | U.S. Government |
IB1127 | Purdue University |
IB1128 | Northern Waterways |
IB1129 | Cargo Carriers |
IB1130 | Canton & Carthage |
IB1131 | John J Craig |
IB1132 | Waldo Bugbee |
IB1133 | SeaLand |
IB1134 | Glassport Terminal |
IB1135 | Crowell Long Leaf Lumber |
IB1136 | Garrison Spillway Constructors |
IB1137 | International Multifoods |
IB1138 | Canestale Contracting |
IB1139 | Callahan Construction |
IB1140 | Montana Resources, Butte MT |
IB1141 | Briggs & Turivas |
IB1142 | Bound Brook Curshed Stone |
IB1143 | New Jersey Quarry |
IB1144 | MariTrad |
IB1145 | National Lead Co., Phoenix NJ (--> NL Industries) |
IB1146 | Cambria Slope Prep Plant |
IB1147 | General Coal |
IB1148x | free 15.9.23 |
IB1149 | Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co |
IB1150 | R C Stanhope |
IB1151 | Western Indiana Gravel, West Lafayette IN |
IB1152 | Cruman Equip Co |
IB1153 | Connecticut Co |
IB1154 | East Hartford Freight Co |
IB1155 | Kennebec Wharf & Coal |
IB1156 | Western Energy Co. |
IB1157 | Sharpsville Steel Fabricators |
IB1158 | Weston & Brooker Crushed Stone |
IB1159 | Celeanese |
IB1160 | Sprouse Creek Coal |
IB1161 | Spruce Creek Mining |
IB1162 | Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power |
IB1163 | Kansas & Missouri Elevator |
IB1164 | Jones Coal |
IB1165 | New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board |
IB1166 | International Warehouse Service |
IB1167 | Fair River Gravel, Belle Chasse LA |
IB1168 | Overseas Railways, Belle Chasse LA |
IB1169 | Equitable Equipment |
IB1170 | Chattanooga Coke & Chemical |
IB1171 | Southern Coke |
IB1172 | Erie Coke |
IB1173 | New Orleans Public Bulk Terminal |
IB1174 | Avondale Shipyards |
IB1175 | American Minerals |
IB1176 | Pacific Car & Foundry |
IB1177 | Unarco Transportation Equipment, Omaha NE |
IB1178 | Rosedale Coal Co, Maidsville WV |
IB1179 | Kentucky Criterion Coal |
IB1180 | Maben Energy |
IB1181 | South Point Ethanol |
IB1182 | Anderson Windows |
IB1183 | Despatch Shops |
IB1184 | Koppel Steel |
IB1185 | Huston Shipbuilding Corp |
IB1186 | Noranda Mines |
IB1187 | Allen Wood Steel Corp. |
IB1188 | Magor Car Co |
IB1189 | Fruehauf Rail Car |
IB1190 | Berwind-White Coal Mining |
IB1191 | Drummond Co (ex Alabama Byproducts) |
IB1192 | Berwick Forge & Fabrication |
IB1193 | Gulf Pulp & Paper |
IB1194 | Dominion Terminal Associates, Newport News VA |
IB1195 | Kermit Coal |
IB1196 | Wolf Creek Collieries |
IB1197 | Masonite Corp |
IB1198 | Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical |
IB1199 | Peter Kiewit & Sons |
IB1200 | MA Patout & Sons |
IB1201 | Friend Sand & Gravel, Petersburg VA |
IB1202 | Niagra Mohawk Power |
IB1203 | Sheyenne Valley Grain Co-op |
IB1204 | Koppel Grain |
IB1205 | New York Dock Railway |
IB1206 | Siskin Steel & Supply |
IB1207 | Cytec Industries |
IB1208 | Agmark Intermodal Systems |
IB1209 | Sidney Warehousing & Terminal |
IB1210 | Bandas Industries |
IB1211 | American Coal Terminals |
IB1212 | Texas International Terminals |
IB1213 | Spencer Industries |
IB1214 | Eveready Battery |
IB1215 | MacMillan Bloedel |
IB1217 | Hennisingen Cold Storage, North Richland WA |
IB1218 | LAMCO |
IB1219 | Atlantic Gulf Stevedores |
IB1220 | Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry |
IB1220.1 | Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry - Provo UT |
IB1221 | Montgomery Maintenance & Heavy Equipment |
IB1222 | Metal & Thermite Co |
IB1223 | Ohio Lime |
IB1224 | Standard Grain |
IB1225 | Columbia Steel & Shafting |
IB1226 | Dexter Sulphite Pulp |
IB1227 | Saint John Drydock |
IB1228 | Southern Cement |
IB1229 | Woodhouse Terminal |
IB1230 | Railroad Maintenance & Construction |
IB1231 | FMC Naval Systems |
IB1232 | Hackett Engineering |
IB1233 | Georgetown Steel |
IB1234 | McGraw Construction |
IB1235 | United Auto Disposal |
IB1236 | United Metal Recyclers |
IB1237 | Defense Supply Agency |
IB1238 | Bailessey Construction |
IB1239 | CCF |
IB1240 | Great Lakes Pulp & Paper |
IB1241 | Zalev Brothers |
IB1242 | Fort Worth Sand & Gravel |
IB1243 | WA Smith |
IB1244 | U.S. Nuclear Rocket Development Center, Jaskass Flats NV |
IB1245 | Nelson Aggregates |
IB1246 | Elders Grain |
IB1247 | Monolith Portland Cement |
IB1248 | BF Shaw |
IB1249 | Sanderson & Porter Construction |
IB1250 | Virginia-Carolina Chemical |
IB1251 | Duquesne Slag |
IB1252 | Greenville Steel Car Co., Greenville PA |
IB1253 | Etna & Montrose |
IB1254 | Mississippi River Sand & Material |
IB1255 | Amherst Industries |
IB1256 | South Coast Corp |
IB1257 | Marrow Steel |
IB1258 | Wyoming Rail Car Co., Evanston WY |
IB1259 | United Cement |
IB1260 | Vigoro Industries |
IB1261 | Morrell & Co |
IB1262 | Iowa Public Service Co |
IB1263 | Philadelphia Coke |
IB1264 | McGraw-Edison |
IB1265 | Holt Hauling & Warehousing |
IB1266 | Bell Asbestos |
IB1267 | U.S. Railway Manufacturing |
IB1268 | MCP Corp |
IB1269 | Dura-Bond Protective Coatings, Export PA |
IB1270 | Saginaw Dock & Terminal |
IB1271 | Bird International |
IB1272 | Schnitzer Steel Products |
IB1273 | Cook Industries |
IB1274 | Memphis Terminal |
IB1275 | Hemlock Farmers Co-op |
IB1276 | Jeddo Highland Coal Co |
IB1277 | Steel Corp. of West Virginia |
IB1278 | Pennsylvania Glass Sand |
IB1279 | Bellefield Boiler Plant |
IB1280 | Portland Dock Yard |
IB1281 | Fought & Co Inc |
IB1282 | Atlas Steel |
IB1283 | Steel Style Shipyard |
IB1284 | Equip Corp of America |
IB1285 | Long Island Lighting |
IB1286 | Terra Chemical |
IB1287 | Port of Seattle |
IB1288 | Houston Truck & Equipment |
IB1289 | Milton Mfg Co., Milton PA |
IB1290 | EW Bliss |
IB1291 | Midwest Grain Co |
IB1292 | Port of Grays Harbor |
IB1293 | Rail Car Nebraska |
IB1294 | Metal Processing Corp. |
IB1295 | Kaiser Southern Nitrogen |
IB1296 | Howat Concrete |
IB1297 | Kingsport Iron & Metal |
IB1298 | Barracksville Mine, Barracksville WV |
IB1299 | Ag Products, St. Joseph MO |
IB1300 | Kentucky Carbon |
IB1301 | Port of Montana, Silver Bow MT |
IB1302 | Texas Railway Car Corp. |
IB1303 | Westmac |
IB1304 | San Miguel Electric Co-Op, Cambello TX |
IB1305 | Christopher Coal Co |
IB1306 | Pittsburg Coal Co. |
IB1307 | CannCoal |
IB1308 | Elkhorn Coal Co., Wayland KY |
IB1309 | HC Frick Coke Co. |
IB1309.1 | HC Frick Coke Co., New Salem PA |
IB1309.2 | HC Frick Coke Co., Bute PA |
IB1309.3 | HC Frick Coke Co., Philadelphia PA |
IB1309.4 | HC Frick Coke Co., Muse PA |
IB1309.5 | HC Frick Coke Co., Sygan PA |
IB1309.6 | HC Frick Coke Co., Leckrone PA |
IB1310 | National Tube |
IB1311 | Wilputte Coke Oven |
IB1312 | TataIron |
IB1313 | Allegheny Ludlum Steel |
IB1314 | Buffalo Slag Co., Buffalo NY |
IB1315 | Cambria Slag Co. |
IB1316 | Central Iron & Steel |
IB1317 | Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Cincinnati OH |
IB1318 | Columbia Southern Chemical |
IB1319 | Eagle Coal Co., Butler PA |
IB1320 | Harmar Coal |
IB1321 | Mathias Coal Co., Library PA |
IB1322 | Mountaineer Coal Co. |
IB1323 | PBG Limestone |
IB1324 | GenPortCmnt |
IB1325 | Stolt Creek Coal, Chicago IL |
IB1326 | Ethyl Oil Corporation, Baton Rouge LA |
IB1327 | Lehigh Structural Steel |
IB1328 | Glen Alden Coal Co. |
IB1329 | V-Day Coal Co, Danville IL |
IB1330 | Walter Bledsoe & Co, West Terre Haute IN |
IB1331 | est Fork Colleries Co., Shinnston WV |
IB1332 | Western Grain and Feed, Fresno CA |
IB1333 | Crucible Steel Co of America |
IB1334 | North American Coal |
IB1335 | Interlake Iron |
IB1336 | Kentucky Power |
IB1337 | PorNewOrl |
IB1338 | UniCarCan |
IB1339 | Fordyce Lumber, Fordyce AR |
IB1340 | Wisconsin Sand & Gravel |
IB1341 | Remington Arms Co. |
IB1342 | National Supply Company |
IB1342.1 | National Supply Co., Ambridge PA |
IB1342.2 | National Supply Co., Torrance CA |
IB1343 | Southern Electric Generating Co, Wilsonville AL |
IB1344 | Carbon Fuel |
IB1345 | Crozer Coal & Land Co., Lynco WV |
IB1346 | Guyan Eagle Coal Co., Ambersdale WV |
IB1347 | Jamison Coal & Coke Co |
IB1348 | Nassau Coal Co., Black Wolf WV |
IB1349 | West Virginia Coal and Coke |
IB1350 | Hanna Coal Co |
IB1351 | Baker Wood Preserving Co., Marion OH |
IB1352 | Central Hudson Gas & Electric, Roseton NY |
IB1353 | Pineland Timber |
IB1354 | Harrisburg Steel Co., Harrisburg PA |
IB1355 | Hartford Electric Light Co. |
IB1356 | Merry Brothers Brick & Tile, Augusta GA |
IB1357 | Raymond City Coal |
IB1358 | Crestland Co-Op, Creston IA |
IB1359 | Mossgrove Mining Co., Kittanning PA |
IB1360 | Cascade Timber Company |
IB1361 | American Creosote Works |
IB1362 | American Radiator & Standard Corp., Buffalo NY |
IB1363 | Koenig Coal Co. |
IB1364 | Edgewater Steel, Verona PA |
IB1365 | Mathieson Chemical Corp |
IB1366 | Southwest Steel |
IB1367 | Baltimore Gas and Electric |
IB1368 | Ohio Edison Co. |
IB1369 | Phoenix Iron & Steel, Harrisburg PA |
IB1370 | Western Electric Co |
IB1371 | Genesee Leroy Stone Corp., Leroy NY |
IB1372 | General Electric - Nucleonics Project |
IB1373 | Leslie Salt Co., Newark CA |
IB1374 | Interstate Terminal Warehouse, Chicago IL |
IB1375 | Pennsylvania Ordinance Works, Allenwood PA |
IB1376 | Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna IL |
IB1377 | Southwestern Stone |
IB1378 | Tennessee Products & Chemical, Rockwood TN |
IB1379 | Gilliam Coal & Coke Co, Crumpler WV |
IB1380 | Pickands Mather Co. |
IB1381 | United Pocahontas Coal Co, Crumpler WV |
IB1382 | Lordstown Ordnance, Lordstown OH |
IB1383 | Municipal Dock & Terminal, Jacksonville MD |
IB1384 | Pfizer Chemical Co, Grotin CT |
IB1385 | Naval Ammunition Depot, Charleston SC |
IB1386 | Diamond Shamrock Coal |
IB1386.1 | Diamond Shamrock Coal, Deer Park TX |
IB1387 | Purdy Co. |
IB1388 | Cornhusker Ordnance Plant, Ovina NE |
IB1389 | Kankakee Ordnance Works, Kankakee IL |
IB1390 | Hannibal Connecting |
IB1391 | BrunnerMondCorp |
IB1392 | Bird Coal |
IB1393 | Blue Valley Coal |
IB1394 | Climax Molybdenum Co, Climax CO |
IB1395 | Crucible Fuel |
IB1396 | Duquesne Light Co. |
IB1397 | Emerald Coal & Coke Co, Clarksville PA |
IB1398 | Farland Fuel Co. |
IB1399 | Gay Mining Co, Timbar WV |
IB1400 | Kovalchick Salvage Co., Burham PA |
IB1401 | Grand Rapids Plaster, Grand Rapids MI |
IB1402 | Hanna Iron Ore Co., Iron River MI |
IB1403 | Keystone Coke |
IB1404 | Independence Coal & Coke Co., Kenilworth UT |
IB1405 | Sikeston Power, Sikeston MO |
IB1406 | KentElkCoal |
IB1407 | Mountain Fuel, Flemington WV |
IB1408 | National Mining |
IB1408.1 | National Mining, Sygan PA |
IB1409 | New River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Co, Dunlap NY |
IB1410 | Pittsburgh Limestone Corp. |
IB1411 | Pocahontas Fuel Co |
IB1412 | Preston County Coke Co, Cascade WV |
IB1413 | Scotia Coal & Coke Co, Oak Hill WV |
IB1414 | Slab Fork Coal, Slab Fork WV |
IB1415 | Southern Harlan Coal Co., Rue KY |
IB1416 | Springfield Coal Co. |
IB1417 | StithCoal, Leespeer AL |
IB1418 | Stonega Coal & Coke Co., Glenbrook KY |
IB1419 | Rock & Rail |
IB1420 | U.S. Coal & Coke Co |
IB1421 | Walsh Construction Co., Toledo OH |
IB1422 | National Locomotive, Waterloo IA |
IB1423 | Suriname |
IB1424 | AR Davis Sand & Gravel |
IB1425 | Anniston Army Depot, Anniston AL |
IB1426 | Berman Bros, Birmingham AL |
IB1427 | TR Miller Mill Co, Brewton AL |
IB1428 | LaRoche Industries (ex US Steel - Agri-Chemical) |
IB1429 | Mississippi Lime Co. |
IB1430 | Gulf States Paper Corp, Holt AL |
IB1431 | Koppers Chemical, Montgomery AL |
IB1432 | Meade Containerboard Co, Stevenson AL |
IB1433 | General Electric Apparatus Repair Shop, Chamblee GA |
IB1434 | Degussa Inc, Theodore AL |
IB1435 | Tyson Foods |
IB1436 | Batesville White Lime, Batesville AR |
IB1437 | Jersey Shore Steel, Avis PA |
IB1438 | Ralston Purina, Flagstaff AZ |
IB1439 | Bethlehem Shipyard Inc |
IB1440 | Judson Steel, Emeryville CA |
IB1441 | Stone & Webster Engineering |
IB1442 | McNary Dam Construction |
IB1443 | Ameron Pipe, Hayward CA |
IB1444 | Oliver Brothers Salt, Hayward CA |
IB1445 | Garfield Co |
IB1446 | California Clay Co |
IB1447 | Northern Redwood Lumber Co, Kobbell CA |
IB1448 | U.S. Vanadium Corp, Laws CA |
IB1449 | Richmond Shipbuilding Corp. |
IB1450 | Cates Equipment |
IB1451 | J L Immel Co, Richmond CA |
IB1452 | M Lummis Co, Richmond CA |
IB1453 | Rockfield |
IB1454 | Grant Rock |
IB1455 | Alabama Drydock |
IB1456 | Calveras Cement, San Andreas CA |
IB1457 | Bay Area Rapid Transit, San Pable CA |
IB1458 | Action Tank Co, Stockton CA |
IB1459 | McCormick & Baxter Creosoting Co |
IB1460 | Harvey Aluminum, Torrance CA |
IB1461 | Ozark Mahoning Mining, Cuadrey CO |
IB1462 | Theo. Hamm Brewing Co. |
IB1463 | General Iron Works, Denver CO |
IB1464 | Resurrection Mining Co, Leadville CO |
IB1465 | Tunnel Construction Co, Loveland CO |
IB1466 | Dragon Cement |
IB1467 | Rocky Mountain Cement |
IB1468 | Dewey Cement |
IB1469 | Stanley Tool Works, Bridgeport CT |
IB1470 | Stanley Inc., New Britain CT |
IB1471 | Connecticut Light & Power |
IB1472 | Phoenix Steel Corp, Claymont DE |
IB1473 | Naval Mine Depot, Yorktown VA |
IB1474 | Delmarva Power & Light, Delmarva, DE |
IB1475 | Eppinger & Russell |
IB1476 | Borden Chemical |
IB1477 | Smith-Douglas Phosphates, Coronet FL |
IB1478 | Gardiner Chemical, East Tampa FL |
IB1479 | C G Willis Co, Jacksonville FL |
IB1480 | Jackson County Grain Terminal |
IB1481 | Edwards |
IB1482 | Hillyer Deutsch Edwards |
IB1483 | Fielddale Farms Feed Mill, Baldwin GA |
IB1484 | Jerita |
IB1485 | Worthington Pump Machinery Corp. |
IB1486 | Atlantic Creosoting |
IB1487 | DE Ordnance Plant |
IB1488 | Farmers Grain Dealers Association, Avon IA |
IB1489 | Kingsbury Ordinance Plant |
IB1490 | Worcester County |
IB1491 | Massachusetts Electric |
IB1492 | Alter Inc. |
IB1493 | Farmers Co-Op Association |
IB1494 | Bayside Elavator |
IB1495 | Northwestern States Portland Cement |
IB1496 | Langren Grain Co, Onawa IA |
IB1497 | Koehring Co, Waverly IA |
IB1498 | U.S. Rubber Co. |
IB1499 | Raritan Arsenal |
IB1500 | Washington Construction Co, Soda Springs ID |
IB1501 | Morrell Meats |
IB1502 | A. M. Byers Co. |
IB1503 | Federal Enamel Stamping Co, Chicago IL |
IB1504 | Thrall Car Manufacturing Co, Chicago IL |
IB1505 | Verson All-Steel Press Co, Chicago IL |
IB1506 | Umatilla Ordnance Depot |
IB1507 | McGrath Sand & Gravel, Chillicothe IL |
IB1508 | Concrete Materials |
IB1509 | Cora Dock & Terminal, Cora IL |
IB1510 | Consumers Co. |
IB1511 | Crystal Lake IL |
IB1512 | U.S. Department of Interior |
IB1513 | American Cement |
IB1514 | Linde Air |
IB1515 | Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. |
IB1516 | Kankakee Electric Steel Works |
IB1517 | Illinois Grain Co, Paxton IL |
IB1518 | ACS, Riverdale IL |
IB1519 | Early & Daniels, Sheldon IL |
IB1520 | Central Illinois Light Co. |
IB1521 | Burns Harbor |
IB1522 | Iroquois Terminal |
IB1523 | Columbia Cellulose |
IB1524 | Kingan |
IB1525 | Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, Mishawaka IN |
IB1526 | Kickapoo Sand & Gravel C, Peru IN |
IB1527 | Atlas Cement |
IB1528 | Conners Steel |
IB1529 | Glover Corp., Corbin KY |
IB1530 | Blackhawk Mining |
IB1531 | Primary Energy |
IB1532 | Bull Creek Mining, Lancer KY |
IB1533 | Riverway Inc., Louisville KY |
IB1534 | Elwood Ordnance Plant |
IB1535 | Volunteer Ordnance Works |
IB1536 | Solvay Process, Baton Rouge LA |
IB1537 | Texas A&M |
IB1538 | Triad Chemical Co., Donaldsonville LA |
IB1539 | Celotex Corp. |
IB1540 | Tremont Lumber |
IB1541 | Coastal Sand & Gravel, Lacombe LA |
IB1542 | Judice Armature, New Orleans LA |
IB1543 | Port of New Orleans Public Grain Elevator |
IB1544 | Louisiana Arsenal, Shreveport LA |
IB1545 | Riverwood International |
IB1546 | Woodward Walker Lumber, Taylor LA |
IB1547 | Edward Levy Metals, Westwego LA |
IB1548 | Gilbert & Barker Mfg Co., Springfield MA |
IB1549 | Watertown Arsenal, Watertown MA |
IB1550 | Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood MD |
IB1551 | Maryland Rail Car, Elk Mill MD |
IB1552 | Uvalde Rock Asphalt |
IB1553 | North Carolina Shipbuilding |
IB1554 | Delta Chemicals, Kidders ME |
IB1555 | Dragon Products |
IB1556 | Wallace Stone Co., Bay Port MI |
IB1557 | Boke Trading |
IB1558 | Evans Products |
IB1559 | Keywell Corp., Detroit MI |
IB1560 | Louis Pandos Iron & Metal, Holland MI |
IB1561 | Ishpeming Steel Co. |
IB1562 | Negaunee Mine Co., Ishpeming MI |
IB1563 | Summit Steel, Lansing MI |
IB1564 | Manistique Pulp & Paper, Manistique MI |
IB1565 | American Bean & Grain, Sunfield MI |
IB1566 | Penn Mining Co., Vulcan MI |
IB1567 | White Pine Copper Co., White Pine MI |
IB1568 | Northern Pump Co., Minneapolis MN |
IB1569 | USS Argi Chem, Crystal City MO |
IB1570 | City Utilities of Springfield MO |
IB1571 | Hanson Material Service |
IB1572 | Weldon Springs Ordnanace Works |
IB1573 | Naval Ammunition Depot, Fallbrook CA |
IB1574 | Metro Track |
IB1575 | Sunflower Ordnance Works |
IB1576 | Jenkins Bros. |
IB1577 | Fiber Industries |
IB1578 | Mechanical Piping |
IB1579 | Horton Iron & Metal, Wilmington NC |
IB1580 | National Sun Industries, Enderlin ND |
IB1581 | U.S. Metals & Refining, Careret NJ |
IB1582 | Mississippi Test Site |
IB1583 | Kerr Glass, Millville NJ (--> National Glass) |
IB1584 | National Glass, Millville NJ (--> Foster Forbes) |
IB1585 | Foster Forbes Glass, Millville NJ |
IB1586 | Jersey Central Power & Light, Phillipsburg NJ |
IB1587 | NL Industries, Phoenix NJ |
IB1588 | Public Service Electric & Gas |
IB1589 | South Jersey Port Corp., South Camden NJ |
IB1590 | Kansas City Board of Public Utilities |
IB1591 | Fibreboard Products, Sparks NV |
IB1592 | Trans-Northern Inc., Algoma WI |
IB1593 | International Milling, Buffalo NY |
IB1594 | Standard Milling Co., Buffalo NY |
IB1595 | Fort Orange Paper Co., Castleton-on-Hudson NY |
IB1596 | Wickwire Brothers Inc., Cortland NY |
IB1597 | Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. |
IB1598 | Independent Cement, Hudson NY |
IB1599 | Dresser Industries, Olean NY |
IB1600 | Atlantic Cement Co., Port Ivory NY |
IB1601 | Briggs Manufacturing Co |
IB1602 | Revenna Ordnance Plant, Akron OH |
IB1603 | Iroquis Gas |
IB1604 | BF Goodrich Chemical, Avon Lake OH |
IB1605 | Fredrick Steel Co., Cathrage OH |
IB1606 | Federal Steel & Wire, Cleveland OH |
IB1607 | Ralston Steel, Columbus OH |
IB1608 | National Cash Register, Dayton OH |
IB1609 | Scioto Ordinance Plant, Marion OH |
IB1610 | Magnolia Petroleum, Beaumont TX |
IB1611 | Cravatt Coal Co. |
IB1612 | Sturm & Dillard Co., Siding OH |
IB1613 | Steetley Resources Co, Woodville OH |
IB1614 | McDonald Steel Corp., Youngstown OH |
IB1615 | Dolese Brothers Co., Richards Spur OK |
IB1616 | Gregory Timber Co., Glendale OR |
IB1617 | Smurfit Newsprint, Newburg OR (--> SP Newsprint) |
IB1618 | CK Spaulding Pulp & Paper, Newburg OR |
IB1619 | Newburg Paper, Newburg OR |
IB1620 | Publishers Paper, Newburg OR |
IB1621 | Inter City Materials |
IB1622 | Oregon-Washington Plywood |
IB1623 | Carmeuse Lime & Stone, Inc. |
IB1624 | Panther Valley Coal, Landsford PA |
IB1625 | Teledyne Columbia Summerhill, Carnegie PA |
IB1626 | Centralia Mining Co, Centralia PA |
IB1627 | Bostonia Tipple |
IB1628 | Pittsburgh Plate Glass (--> PPG Industries) |
IB1629 | Garrett Railroad Car Parts, Darlington PA |
IB1630 | South Union Coal Co., Greensburg PA |
IB1631 | Morrisville Scrap Metals, Morrisville PA |
IB1632 | Vulcan Detinning, Neville PA |
IB1633 | NJ Sales, Palmer PA |
IB1634 | Northern Metals Co., Philadelphia PA |
IB1635 | Philadelphia Gas Works Co., Philadelphia PA |
IB1636 | U.S. Navy Yard |
IB1637 | Phoenix-Apollo Steel Co., Phoenix PA |
IB1638 | Damien Heintz, Pittsburgh PA |
IB1639 | Quality Coal Co., Sayre PA |
IB1640 | Vesta Coal Co., Vestaburg PA |
IB1641 | South Dakota Wheat Growers |
IB1641.1 | South Dakota Wheat Growers, Wolsey SD |
IB1642 | Bombardier, Barre VT |
IB1643 | Winnsboro Granite Co |
IB1644 | Central Electric Power Corp., Conway SC |
IB1645 | Lavion |
IB1646 | Carolina Giant Cement, Harleyville SC |
IB1647 | JM Huber Co., Jackson SC |
IB1648 | Courteney Mills, Newry SC |
IB1649 | Hamburg Industries, North Augusta SC |
IB1650 | Hoechst Celanese Corp., Rock Hill SC |
IB1651 | Montague Steel Co., Sumpter SC |
IB1652 | Palmetto Brick Co., Sumpter SC |
IB1653 | Todco, Alcoa TN |
IB1654 | Southern Iron & Equipment, Ashland City TN |
IB1655 | Beech Grove Processing, Beech Grove TN |
IB1656 | Velsicol Chemical, Chattanooga TN |
IB1657 | Cities Service Co., Copperhill TN |
IB1658 | WT Bush Brick, Nashville TN |
IB1659 | U.S. Engineers Department |
IB1660 | Thorstenberg Materials Co., Altair TX |
IB1661 | Carborundum Co |
IB1662 | Day & Zimmerman |
IB1663 | Hunkin-Conkey Construction |
IB1664 | FredSnareCoro |
IB1665 | Bethlehem Limestone |
IB1666 | Howe Sound, Holden WA |
IB1666.1 | Howe Sound, Chelan WA |
IB1667 | Virginia Electric Power |
IB1668 | SchenTurbDiv, Schenectady NY |
IB1669 | Iowa Ordnance Plant |
IB1670 | ArmyAirBase, Orlando FL |
IB1671 | DelOrdDep, Pedricktown NJ |
IB1672 | KyOrdWrks, Kevil KY |
IB1673 | Lone Star Defense Corp, Hooks TX |
IB1674 | ColGenStl |
IB1675 | FranSugar |
IB1676 | Warner Co. |
IB1677 | LaSalleCokeWrks |
IB1678 | Tank Lining & Rail Car Repair, Fort Worth TX |
IB1679 | Bauer Dredging, Port Lavaca TX |
IB1680 | Houston Compressed Steel |
IB1681 | Bauer Barge Co., Houston TX |
IB1682 | Southern Pacific Tie Plant, Houston TX |
IB1683 | Texas Utilities Co-Op, Jasper TX |
IB1684 | Longhorn Ordinance Works, Karnack TX |
IB1685 | Mississippi Delta Equipment, Knoxville TX |
IB1686 | R.G. LeTourneau Co. |
IB1687 | Franklin Lime Co., Nolanville TX |
IB1688 | El Paso Products Co., Odessa TX |
IB1689 | Harvest Queen Elevator, Plainview TX |
IB1690 | The Texas Co., Port Arthur TX |
IB1691 | Quality Service Railcar Repair, Ranger TX |
IB1692 | Anderson Clayton Foods, Sherman TX |
IB1693 | Union Oil Co., Smiths Bluff TX |
IB1694 | Safety Railway Service, Victoria TX (SRSV) |
IB1695 | Lion Coal Corp., Wattis UT |
IB1696 | Olavarrie & Co |
IB1697 | United Coal Co., Big Rock VA |
IB1698 | Blue Ridge Talc Co., Henry VA |
IB1699 | Rangaire Corp |
IB1700 | Clover Power Station, Clover VA |
IB1701 | USAR Quartermasters Corp |
IB1702 | Mason Lumber |
IB1703 | Buncher Rail Car Service, Lynchburg VA |
IB1704 | Roane Electric Steel, Rockwood TN |
IB1705 | Pier IX Coal Terminal Co |
IB1706 | Norfolk Steel, Norfolk VA |
IB1707 | Atlantic Wood Industries |
IB1708 | Richmond Marine Terminal, Richmond VA |
IB1709 | Illinois-Wisconsin Sand & Gravel |
IB1710 | Conserv Phosphates |
IB1711 | Norris Co |
IB1712 | Curtis Marine Supply |
IB1713 | Electro-Metallurgical |
IB1714 | Trego Stone Co., Skippers VA |
IB1715 | Lamson Equipment Co., Kennewick WA |
IB1716 | General Metals, Tacoma WA |
IB1717 | Hines |
IB1718 | Crane Manufacturing & Service Corp, Cudahy WI |
IB1719 | George J Meyer Manufacturing Co., Cudahy WI |
IB1720 | Busch Agriculutral Resources Inc., Manitowoc WI |
IB1721 | Bucyrus Erie Co. |
IB1722 | Milwaukee Metropolotan Sewerage District, Milwaukee WI |
IB1723 | Wisconsin Public Service, Milwaukee WI |
IB1724 | Mosinee Paper Mills, Wausau WI |
IB1725 | Spring Ridge Coal, Boldair WV |
IB1726 | Anus Mining Co., Fayette WV |
IB1727 | Cedar Coal Co., Orgas WV |
IB1728 | Island Coal, Pine Creek WV |
IB1729 | Beckley Lick Run Coal, Ricard WV |
IB1730 | Mae West Prep Plant, Uneeda WV |
IB1731 | Rawhide Tipple Co., Volga WV |
IB1732 | Western Railroad Builders, Casper WY |
IB1733 | Casper Iron & Steel, Casper WY |
IB1734 | Exxon Oil, Casper WY |
IB1735 | Pacific Power & Light |
IB1736 | Union Pacific Coal Co. |
IB1737 | Irving F Genson |
IB1738 | Commercial Distribution Center, Independence MO |
IB1739 | Power Fluid & Metals |
IB1740 | Ingles Stone Co. |
IB1741 | Bunker Hill Mine |
IB1742 | Victory Salvage |
IB1743 | Pittsburg-Des Moines Steel Co. |
IB1744 | Hughes Tool Co. |
IB1745 | Boeing Aircraft |
IB1746 | Ortner Freight Car |
IB1747 | Norton Co. |
IB1748 | Export & Importing |
IB1749 | General Steel Castings |
IB1750 | Hagerstown & Frederick (IB oder RR ????) |
IB1751 | Potomic Edison |
IB1752 | Superior Steel Co. |
IB1753 | Monongahela Iron & Metal |
IB1754 | Butler Bros. |
IB1755 | Worth Steel Co. |
IB1756 | Vanadium Corp. |
IB1757 | Industrial Electric Co. |
IB1758 | Tonawanda Iron Co. |
IB1759 | Ralph Baggley Jr. |
IB1760 | City of St. Louis |
IB1761 | Cincinnati Gas & Electric |
IB1762 | Deuth & Sons |
IB1763 | Blake Bros. |
IB1764 | Stephens-Jackson Co. |
IB1765 | North Bangor Slate Co. |
IB1766 | Spanish Creek Lumber Co. |
IB1767 | United Commercial Co. |
IB1768 | Cleveland Frog & Crossing |
IB1769 | Pettibone Ohio Inc. |
IB1770 | Sherwin-Williams Co. |
IB1771 | Coleman Disposal Co. |
IB1772 | T.J. Forschner Construction Co. |
IB1773 | L.E. Meyer Construction Co. |
IB1774 | Hoerner-Waldorf Paper Products |
IB1775 | Schuykill Metals Corp. |
IB1776 | Hyman-Michaels |
IB1777 | Franco Railroad Construction |
IB1778 | Atlas Mine & Mill Supply |
IB1779 | Pacific Fur & Hide Co. |
IB1780 | R.R. Allen |
IB1781 | Cape Fear Car Service |
IB1782 | Triump Explosives |
IB1783 | Black Hills Power & Light |
IB1784 | Southern Precision |
IB1785 | Menominee Enterprises |
IB1786 | Ravenna Ordnance Depot |
IB1787 | Nebraska Defense Corp. |
IB1788 | Southern Illinois Power Co-Op |
IB1789 | Cameo Plastics |
IB1790 | Spang Ghalfant Steel Co. |
IB1791 | City of New York |
IB1792 | Moorehead Electric |
IB1793 | Southwest Forest Industries |
IB1794 | U.S. Navy Yard Brooklyn |
IB1795 | Hempt Bros. Sand & Gravel |
IB1796 | Fellsmere Sugar |
IB1797 | Port Townsend Railroad |
IB1798 | Southeastern Shipbuilding |
IB1799 | Hingman Industrial Center |
IB1800 | SME Limestone |
IB1801 | Sumner County Grain |
IB1802 | Hudson Iron & Metal |
IB1803 | Illinois Coal Corp. |
IB1804 | Chicago Fly Ash Co. |
IB1805 | Railway & Industrial Services |
IB1806 | Buchans Mining Co. |
IB1807 | Orlando Coals |
IB1808 | Procor Sulphur |
IB1809 | Tamco |
IB1810 | Santa Fe Tie & Lumber Preserving (1950 --> ATSF) |
IB1811 | Toyo Ameron Mitsui Steel, Etiwanda CA |
IB1812 | Willamette Industries |
IB1813 | Lakeshore Energy |
IB1814 | B.P. Oil |
IB1815 | Attebury Grain |
IB1816 | Quad Cities Rocket |
IB1817 | Uniserv, Petroleum OH |
IB1818 | Maywood Coop Association, North Platte NE |
IB1819 | Cohen Brothers , Rockport IN |
IB1820 | Solutia Inc. |
IB1821 | Spartan Steel Coatings, Monroe MI |
IB1822 | Ortonville Stone |
IB1823 | Cherokee Rail Systems, Brentwood TN |
IB1824 | Marcus Corp., Denver CO |
IB1825 | Simmons Foods |
IB1826 | North American Fly Ash, Pegs NM |
IB1827 | Frascatti Shops Inc., Mobile AL |
IB1828 | Vista Chemicals |
IB1829 | West Bend Elevator Co., Algona IA |
IB1830 | Ed Futch of Savannah |
IB1831 | Stirrat Coal, Stirrat WV |
IB1832 | Asphalt Materials |
IB1833 | 3M Corp. |
IB1834 | Midwest Farmers Coop, Alton IA |
IB1835 | Caddo/Bossier Port, Shreveport LA |
IB1836 | John A. Roebling's Sons |
IB1837 | Phillips West Coal |
IB1838 | Willchemco |
IB1839 | ABC Coke |
IB1840 | Bates & Rogers Construction |
IB1841 | Alstom Canada - Hornell NY |
IB1842 | Wilson-Cramer Locomotive Co. |
IB1843 | Scranton Equity Grain, Scranton ND |
IB1844 | Packaging Corp. of America |
IB1845 | Western Rail Dismantlers |
IB1846 | Pro Rail |
IB1847 | Allen Grain |
IB1848 | New Ridge Mining |
IB1849 | Sidney Coal |
IB1850 | Standbridge Color, Social Circle GA |
IB1851 | Thompson Service, Nashville TN |
IB1852 | Clara City Farmer's Elevator, Clara City MN |
IB1853 | Dyno Nobels, Louisiana MO |
IB1854 | AgRail LLC, Bloomington IL |
IB1855 | Thomas Carver Rail Leasing |
IB1856 | Port of Indiana |
IB1857 | Hanson Aggregates |
IB1858 | Westvaco, Wickliffe KY |
IB1859 | Mon Valley Works |
IB1860 | Chino Mines |
IB1861 | Celanese Corp. |
IB1862 | Arch of Kentucky Coal |
IB1863 | Trinity Rail Service, Mile City MT |
IB1864 | C.F. Industries |
IB1864.1 | C.F. Industries - Mapleton IL |
IB1865 | Deer Park Rail Services |
IB1866 | West Central Co-Op, Jefferson IA |
IB1867 | Wind River Grain |
IB1868 | State Line Co-Op, Burt IA |
IB1869 | Circle Four Farms, Milford UT |
IB1870 | El Paso Iron & Metal |
IB1871 | Farmers Elevator Co. Alvarado (FECA) |
IB1872 | IC Rail Marine [IC] |
IB1873 | Laser Materials Services, Lordstown OH |
IB1874 | Pennsylvania Transformer Technology |
IB1875 | Wallace Co. CO-OP, Sharon Springs KS |
IB1876 | Chesapeake Auto Terminal, Chesapeake VA |
IB1877 | Gopher State Scrap & Metal, Mankato MN |
IB1878 | Ag Partners - Alta IA |
IB1879 | Tillamook County Naval Airport Commission |
IB1880 | Morris Stone Division/Morris Leasing |
IB1881 | Milano Metals, Mt. Vernon IL |
IB1882 | Eastern Farmers Co-Op, Jasper MN |
IB1882.1 | Eastern Farmers Co-Op, Corson SD |
IB1883 | Riverwood Paper, West Monroe LA |
IB1884 | Dakota Plains Ag Center |
IB1885 | ISG Resources |
IB1886 | Dodd Quarries |
IB1887 | Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co |
IB1888 | I M Svc Corp |
IB1889 | Checker Motor Corp., Kalamazoo |
IB1890 | Erman Corp., Kansas City KS |
IB1891 | Indiana Univ. |
IB1892 | Mountain Cement |
IB1893 | Prairie Land |
IB1894 | Wright Coop Association, Wright KS |
IB1895 | Dodge City Co-Op, Ensign KS |
IB1896 | La Porte County Farm Bureau Co-Op, Malden IN |
IB1897 | Indiana Grain Co-Op |
IB1898 | Lattimore Materials |
IB1898.1 | Lattimore Materials, Strington OK |
IB1898.2 | Lattimore Materials, Royse City TX |
IB1898.3 | Lattimore Materials, Plano TX |
IB1899 | Chattanooga Rail Car, Lordstown OH |
IB1900 | Geon Plastics, Carson CA |
IB1901 | Kalama Export, Kalama WA |
IB1902 | Hoffmann Transportation |
IB1903 | Michigan Alkali Co. |
IB1904 | Columbia Falls Aluminum, Columbia Falls MT |
IB1905 | Doe Run Co., Glover MO |
IB1906 | Great Western Dock & Terminal |
IB1907 | Ophir Mining & Minerals |
IB1908 | Alliance Grain, Gibson City IL |
IB1909 | Kentlant Elevator |
IB1910 | New Boston Rail Services |
IB1911 | Penny Newman Grain, Guernsey CA |
IB1912 | Plantation Foods |
IB1913 | Smith-Miller Construction |
IB1914 | National Mines |
IB1914.1 | National Mines, Beartown WV |
IB1914.2 | National Mines, Vail KY |
IB1915 | AvonColl |
IB1916 | DavConCoalCoke, Pt Marion PA |
IB1917 | NewportMine, Ironwood MI |
IB1918 | VeronaMining, Caspian MI |
IB1919 | Auglaize Farms |
IB1920 | Blanchard Valley Grain Farmners |
IB1921 | Curtis Bay Co. |
IB1922 | Dixon Marquette Cement |
IB1923 | Shepard Grain |
IB1924 | Hochstetlers Grain |
IB1925 | Coast Rail Services, Anaheim CA |
IB1926 | Williams Alaska Petroleum, Anchorage AK |
IB1927 | Continental Grain & Barge |
IB1928 | Stringtown Materials, Stringtown OK |
IB1929 | Southwest Grain, Lemmon SD |
IB1930 | Penn-Ohio Logostics of McDonald OH |
IB1931 | Turner Locomotive & Components (D), Des Moines IA |
IB1932 | Railco, Portland OR |
IB1933 | Atlanta Rail Car |
IB1934 | Fasco Mills, Seward IL |
IB1935 | IFE Leasing, Saugus CA |
IB1936 | Seaboard Allied Milling, Minot ND |
IB1937 | AIMCOR Marine Terminal, Galveston |
IB1938 | W.B. Johnston Grain, Enid OK |
IB1939 | Swanson Milling, Hughson CA |
IB1940 | H&N International Terminal, Marion AR |
IB1941 | Southern Ohio Coal |
IB1941.1 | Southern Ohio Coal - Martinka Mine Colfax VA |
IB1942 | Martinka Mine, Colfax VA |
IB1943 | Champaign Landmark Inc., Mechanicsburg OH |
IB1944 | Northern Plains Cooperative, Shelby SD |
IB1945 | EKA Chemical, Columbus MS |
IB1946 | GST Steel, Kansas City |
IB1947 | Galamet Auto Shredders, Kansas City |
IB1948 | United Farmers Cooperative |
IB1948.1 | United Farmers Cooperative - Tamora NE |
IB1948.2 | United Farmers Cooperative - Shelby NE |
IB1949 | Shennopin Coal |
IB1950 | Watseka Farmers Grain (--> Watseka Interstate) |
IB1951 | Milner Milling |
IB1952 | BASF |
IB1953 | W.B. Johnson Grain, Shattuck OK |
IB1954 | Universal Trans Corp, Valdosta GA |
IB1955 | Reames Concrete, Valdosta GA |
IB1956 | Farmway Co-Op, Glen Elder KS |
IB1957 | Northern States Paper |
IB1958 | Royster Clark |
IB1959 | Clark Landmark Grain, S Charleston OH (-->SW Landmark Grain) |
IB1960 | Southwest Landmark Grain, S Charleston OH |
IB1961 | McCarthy Impovement Co. |
IB1962 | Cemex California Cement, Victorville CA |
IB1963 | Floyd Valley Grain, Hinton IA |
IB1964 | Starke County Farm Bureau Coop, Hamlet IN |
IB1966 | BPB Gypsum, Nashville AR |
IB1967 | SP Newsprint, Newburg OR |
IB1968 | Elmhurst Chicago Stone |
IB1969 | Gernatt Asphalt of Great Valley NY |
IB1970 | W.F. Hall Printing, Chicago IL |
IB1971 | Oliver Coal Co. |
IB1972 | Hayden Coal |
IB1973 | Boone County Coal |
IB1974 | Consolidated Sand & Gravel |
IB1975 | PCS Nitrogen, Geismar LA |
IB1976 | Northwest Grain, Warren MN |
IB1977 | Nevada Electric Investment Corp. |
IB1978 | Bendix |
IB1979 | Tampa Bulk Services |
IB1980 | Met. Edison |
IB1981 | Schnitzer Leasing |
IB1982 | Burdick Grain |
IB1983 | North American Salt, Trona CA |
IB1984 | Fischer, Ross, McDonald & Kahn, Azusa CA |
IB1985 | Kaiser Paving, Livermore CA |
IB1986 | Alpert&Alpert |
IB1987 | Central Valley Ag, St. Edward NE |
IB1988 | Badger Mining, WI |
IB1989 | Associated Electric Power |
IB1990 | Sherwood-Templeton Coal |
IB1991 | Navajo Ordnance Depot |
IB1992 | East St Louis Stone |
IB1993 | South Dakota Cement Plant, Rapid City SD |
IB1994 | Northern Railcar Leasing |
IB1995 | Rabanco, Seattle WA |
IB1996 | Salina Grain Terminal, Wolcott KS |
IB1997 | Smoot Grain, Wolcott KS |
IB1998 | Far-Mar Co, Kansas City KS |
IB1999 | Gilchrist-Fordney, Laurel MS |
IB2000 | Gilchrist Timber, Gilchrist OR |
IB2001 | Crown Pacific, Gilchrist OR |
IB2002 | International Forest Products, Gilchrist OR |
IB2003 | Evans Railcar |
IB2004 | Gunderson Rail Car Services, Springfield OR |
IB2005 | Neptune Bulk Terminals |
IB2006 | US Bureau of Reclimation (Owyhee Dam, OR) |
IB2007 | General Construction Co. |
IB2008 | Eldon C. Stutsman Trucking Co., Hills IA |
IB2009 | Nathon Harper, Gig Harbor WA |
IB2010 | Yakima Interurban Lines, Yakima WA |
IB2011 | Modoc Technical School, Stockton CA |
IB2012 | George Lavacot |
IB2013 | City of Tacoma, Tacoma WA |
IB2014 | Skagit Steel & Iron Works, Sedro Woolley WA |
IB2015 | Carl Weissman & Sons, Great Falls MT |
IB2016 | Alaska Junk Co. (D), Portland OR |
IB2017 | J. V. Markey (D9, Seattle WA |
IB2018 | Hanford Engineering Works, Hanford WA |
IB2019 | Tauber-Arons Auctioneers (D) |
IB2020 | Farmers Co-Operative |
IB2020.1 | Farmers Co-Op - Ida Grove IA |
IB2020.2 | Farmers Co-Op - Bayard IA |
IB2020.3 | Farmers Co-Op - Hanska MN |
IB2020.4 | Farmers Co-Op - Dows IA |
IB2020.5 | Farmers Co-Op - Rake IA |
IB2021 | Horsehead Corporation, Monaca PA |
IB2022 | Malcom Black Enterprises |
IB2023 | Chisholm Coal, Jamboree KY |
IB2024 | ISG Sparrows Point, Inc. |
IB2025 | Simon and Sons |
IB2026 | Colona Terminal, Monaca PA |
IB2027 | Lifeline Foods, St. Joseph MO |
IB2028 | Saturday Loco Services |
IB2029 | W.T. Smith Lumber, Chapman AL |
IB2030 | Iluka Corp., Green Cove Springs FL |
IB2031 | Shelly Materials, Kent OH |
IB2032 | Peerless Eagle Coal |
IB2033 | New Ulm Quartzite Quarries, New Ulm MN |
IB2034 | AGS Steel |
IB2035 | Cornerstone |
IB2036 | Glenrock Coal, Glenrock WY |
IB2037 | Kaufman Grain Co. |
IB2038 | Modoc Railroad Academy, Pleasant Grove CA |
IB2039 | Nidera Grain |
IB2040 | Liberty Railway Serives, Pueblo CO |
IB2041 | Farmers Commission, Kenton OH |
IB2042 | J. Robinson Reclaiming |
IB2043 | Mainline Rock and Ballast, Pedernal NM |
IB2044 | Four Star Truck Sales, Oakes ND |
IB2045 | Jersey Contracting |
IB2046 | William J. McCormack Sand Co., South Amboy NJ |
IB2047 | Lithcote, Evanston WY |
IB2048 | Industrial Salvage & Metals Company, Salt Lake City UT |
IB2049 | Polson Logging Co., Hoquiam WA |
IB2050 | Farmland Service Cooperative |
IB2051 | Multiserve |
IB2052 | NEW Co-opeartive Inc. (Northeast Webster) |
IB2053 | Northern Ag Services |
IB2054 | Port of Tucson |
IB2055 | Standard Sand and Silica |
IB2056 | Seattle City Light |
IB2057 | Illinois Slag & Ballast, Chicago IL |
IB2058 | Gunderson Northwest, Finley WA |
IB2059 | Feather River Pine Mills, Feather Falls CA |
IB2060 | Mississippi Valley Equipment |
IB2061 | Port of Olympia, WA |
IB2062 | Richfield Oil Company |
IB2063 | Mitchell Company |
IB2064 | Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Chicago IL |
IB2065 | Appalachian Fuels, Ashland KY |
IB2066 | Williams Bulk Transfer, Williams IA [Alliant Energy] |
IB2067 | Coastal Transportation, Seattle WA |
IB2068 | Conoco Oil |
IB2069 | GTA - Superior Terminal, Superior WI |
IB2070 | City of Yuma, Yuma AZ |
IB2071 | Junction City Mining Co., Junction City GA |
IB2072 | Gadsden Switching Service |
IB2073 | Adams-Warnock, Savannah GA |
IB2074 | Impact Co-Operative, Circleville IN |
IB2075 | Red Cloud Grain |
IB2076 | LGE Sand & Gravel |
IB2077 | Dalles Portage Railroad, The Dalles OR |
IB2078 | Swayne Lumber Co., Oroville CA |
IB2079 | Cleveland & Pittsburgh Docks |
IB2080 | Kensal Farmers Elevator, Kensal ND |
IB2081 | N.F. Lampson, Pasco WA |
IB2082 | NWSC Crane |
IB2083 | Toonerville Trolley |
IB2084 | Prairie States Warehouse, Danville IL |
IB2085 | Columbia-Geneva Steel Co., Geneva UT (--> USX) |
IB2086 | BP Products, Cherry Point WA |
IB2087 | Ellwood Engineered Castings, Hubbord OH |
IB2088 | Valley Mould, Hubbard OH |
IB2089 | Prairie States Grain |
IB2090 | Dakota Quality Grain |
IB2091 | Salt Lake Rail Services, Salt Lake City UT |
IB2092 | Kodiak Mining, Helena AL |
IB2093 | Arizona Grain Inc., Casa Grande AZ |
IB2094 | Qualitech Steel Corp. |
IB2095 | H&K Group |
IB2096 | Ogden Business Depot, siehe DLA |
IB2097 | South Hopkins Coal Company |
IB2098 | W.M. Ritter Lumber Company |
IB2099 | Elk River Mill and Lumber Company |
IB2100 | Bear Harbor Lumber Company |
IB2101 | Southern Humboldt Lumber Company |
IB2102 | Cortez Mines Limited |
IB2103 | O.F. Jordan Co., Chicago IL |
IB2104 | R. R. Donnelley Co., Chicago IL |
IB2105 | Stolthaven Terminals Inc., Chicago IL |
IB2106 | National Castings, Cicero IL |
IB2107 | ABC Nako Inc., Cicero IL |
IB2108 | Johnstown America, Danville IL |
IB2109 | Limestone Quarries Ltd. |
IB2110 | Lauhoff Grain Co., Danville IL |
IB2111 | Upjohn Co. |
IB2112 | Pharmacia & Upjohn, Portage MI |
IB2113 | General Railroad Services |
IB2114 | Fisher Farmers Grain & Co-Op, Dewey IL |
IB2115 | Marta Transportation Contractors of Chicago |
IB2116 | Agri Grain Marketing, East Dubuque IL |
IB2117 | IEI Barge Services, East Dubuque IL |
IB2118 | St. Paul Ammonia |
IB2119 | N-Ren Nitrogen Corp. |
IB2120 | Phoenix Nitrogen |
IB2121 | IMC Nitrogen |
IB2122 | Royster-Clark Nitrogen Inc., East Dubuque IL |
IB2123 | Interrail Transport, East St. Louis |
IB2124 | Pillsbury Grain, East St. Louis |
IB2125 | Charlotte Pipe & Foundry, Ewardsville IL |
IB2126 | Roblin Steel |
IB2127 | Victoria Soya Mills |
IB2128 | Consol Energy Inc. |
IB2129 | Austeel Steel Corp. |
IB2130 | Central Riverfront |
IB2131 | Garvey International, Ottawa IL |
IB2132 | Ludlow Cooperative Elevator, Paxton IL |
IB2133 | Alter Recycling (formerly Luria Brothers) |
IB2134 | IBS Scrap Iron & Metals, Peoria IL |
IB2135 | Komatsu-Dresser |
IB2136 | Watseka Interstate (ex Watseka Farmers Grain) |
IB2137 | Illinois Brick Co., Blue Island IL |
IB2138 | National Portland Cement, Bethlehem PA |
IB2139 | Andersons Inc., Rising IL |
IB2140 | Hicks Gas, Roberts IL |
IB2141 | Interpace Inc., South Beloit IL |
IB2142 | Eastern Illinois Clay, St. Anne IL |
IB2143 | Rock River Lumber & Grain Co., Sterling IL |
IB2144 | Utah Copper (--> KCCX) |
IB2145 | Rio Tinto Minerals (formerly U. S. Borax), Boron CA |
IB2146 | Elk Run Coal Company, Sylvester WV |
IB2147 | Sidney Coal Co., Sidney KY |
IB2148 | Transoceanic Terminal |
IB2149 | Imperial Chemical Industries |
IB2150 | Northwest Pulp & Timber Company |
IB2151 | Honeywell, Hopewell VA |
IB2152 | Idaho National Engineering Laboratory |
IB2153 | Apache Nitrogen, Benson AZ |
IB2154 | Chattahoochee Railcar Services |
IB2155 | Kaysen Railcar Services |
IB2156 | Heron Lake Bio Energy, Heron Lake MN |
IB2157 | Dunn Roadbuilders, Laurel MS |
IB2158 | Patriot Renewable Fuels, Annawan IL |
IB2159 | Lincoln Energy, Nevada IA |
IB2160 | Pilgrims Pride Corp. |
IB2161 | Advantage Metals |
IB2162 | EMMA |
IB2163 | New England Wood Preserving |
IB2164 | Leetsdale Industrial Park, Leetsdale PA |
IB2165 | Sun Prarie Grain, Mohall ND |
IB2166 | USA Waste, Sealston VA |
IB2167 | Tri-State Quarry |
IB2168 | Montgomery Gravel |
IB2169 | Byers Terminal, Houston TX |
IB2170 | Delaware VM Corp |
IB2171 | JW Murphy Co |
IB2172 | Blue Earth Farmer Elevator |
IB2173 | H&S International |
IB2174 | Inman Corporation |
IB2175 | Wheelstar Corp Railcar Repair Div |
IB2176 | Morse & Ory Gravel |
IB2177 | Rexene Products |
IB2178 | |
IB2179 | Beard Industries |
IB2180 | Jordan Foster Scrap |
IB2181 | XStratra Copper |
IB2182 | Amaizing Energy, Dennison IA |
IB2183 | Calco Chemical Co. |
IB2184 | Hanson, Davis OK |
IB2185 | Northstar Transloading |
IB2186 | Ohio Steel & Plate |
IB2187 | Tenaha Railport |
IB2188 | Tru Horizons |
IB2189 | Hockley Railcar, Hockley TX |
IB2190 | Koch Industries |
IB2191 | Rosebud Mining |
IB2192 | Bakken Transload |
IB2193 | Gulf South Railcar, Georgetown LA |
IB2194 | Luminent |
IB2195 | Carolina Aluminum Co. |
IB2196 | Kaiser Permanente Corp. |
IB2197 | New York & Pennsylvania Co. |
IB2198 | Servtex Materials Co. |
IB2199 | Union Electric Co. |
IB2200 | Big Spring Railservice, Big Spring TX |
IB2201 | Whitin Machine Works |
IB2202 | Worchester County Electric Co. |
IB2203 | B.V. Hedrick Sand & Gravel Co. |
IB2204 | Ager Sullivan Lumber Co. |
IB2205 | Alabama Grain Elevator Co. |
IB2206 | American Potash & Chemical Corp. |
IB2207 | Ashland Lime & Portland Cement |
IB2208 | Ballard & Ballard |
IB2209 | Baugh Chemical Co. |
IB2210 | Bigelow Sanford Carpet Co. |
IB2211 | Birdsboro Slag Products |
IB2212 | Cadillac Soo Lumber Co. |
IB2213 | Carthage Paper |
IB2214 | Central Illinois Electric & Gas |
IB2215 | Central Texas Gravel Co. |
IB2216 | Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co. |
IB2217 | Cleveland Municipal Light |
IB2218 | Columbia River Contractors |
IB2219 | Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric |
IB2220 | Consolidated Steel Corp. |
IB2221 | Crosby Naval Stores |
IB2222 | Curtis-Wright Corp. |
IB2223 | Deepwater Operating Co. |
IB2224 | Diamond Alkali |
IB2225 | Elliot Co. |
IB2226 | Elmira Foundry Co. |
IB2227 | General Public Utilities Nuclear Corp |
IB2228 | Gulf Wood Preserving Corp. |
IB2229 | H. J. Kaiser Shipbuilding |
IB2230 | Harlan Construction |
IB2231 | Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. |
IB2232 | Hazel Brook Coal Co. |
IB2233 | Henry Bickel Co. |
IB2234 | Higgins Aircraft Industries |
IB2235 | Ideal Basic |
IB2236 | Illinois Electric & Gas |
IB2237 | J. A. Jones Construction Co. |
IB2238 | J. H. Williams Co. |
IB2239 | Jefferson Boat & Machine |
IB2240 | Kalamazoo Parchment Co. |
IB2241 | Kosmos Portland Cement |
IB2242 | Landis Tool Co. |
IB2243 | Lee Tidewater Cypress Co. |
IB2244 | Louisville Neoprene Works |
IB2245 | Ludlow Manufacturing & Sales Co. |
IB2246 | Lynn Sand & Stone Co. |
IB2247 | Magma Copper |
IB2248 | Marion Power Shovel Co. |
IB2249 | Metal & Thurmit Corp. |
IB2250 | New Orleans Public Grain Elevators |
IB2251 | Ohio Valley Electric |
IB2252 | Oregon Portland Cement |
IB2253 | Oswego Falls Corp. |
IB2254 | Pacific Coast Aggregates |
IB2255 | Pennsylvania Power Co. |
IB2256 | Petoskey Portland Cement |
IB2257 | Polasott Lumber & Manufacturing Co. |
IB2258 | R. L. White - White Mines |
IB2259 | Roebling Steel |
IB2260 | Southwest Construction Materials |
IB2261 | Spencer Chemical Co. |
IB2262 | T. A. D. Jones & Co. |
IB2263 | T. J. Moss Tie Co. |
IB2264 | Tennessee Products Corp. |
IB2265 | Turner Construction Co. |
IB2266 | U.S. Maritime Commission |
IB2267 | U.S. Maritime Corp - Martinship Division |
IB2268 | Utah-Stearns Construction |
IB2269 | Blackfoot Coal & Land Corp. |
IB2270 | Columbia Quarry Co. |
IB2271 | Western Massachusetts Electric |
IB2272 | Cooper Besemer Corp. |
IB2273 | Delaware Power & Light |
IB2274 | Millstone Nuclear Power Plant |
IB2275 | EVRAZ Steel |
IB2276 | Novacor == Nova Chemicals Incorporated, siehe dort |
IB2277 | Ardent Mills |
IB2278 | Russell Birdsell & Ward |
IB2279 | West Tacoma Newsprint Co. |
IB2280 | Anderons Rail Car |
IB2281 | Arcelor Mittal |
IB2282 | Behr Iron & Metal, Rockford IL |
IB2283 | CHS Drayton |
IB2284 | Highway Paving Inc. |
IB2285 | francon (??) |
IB2286 | Hecla Mining |
IB2287 | Star Mine, Burke ID |
IB2288 | Whitehall Cement Mfg. Co. |
IB2289 | Santee Copper |
IB2290 | Kaiseer Sand & Gravel |
IB2291 | Utah-Pomroy-Morrison |
IB2292 | Rio Grande Cement, Minnequa CO |
IB2293 | Allied Erecting & Dismantling, Youngstown OH |
IB2294 | Niles Iron & Metal, Niles OH |
IB2295 | Kinder Morgan |
IB2296 | Osnabrock Farmers Co-Op Elevator, Nekoma ND |
IB2297 | Coffeyville Resources |
IB2298 | J.E. Meuret Grain Co. |
IB2299 | Ameristeel, Inc |
IB2300 | Boral Material Technologies, LLC |
IB2301 | Alpenglow Rail |
IB2302 | Morgan Engineering, Alliance OH |
IB2303 | Clow Valve |
IB2304 | Muscatatuck Urban Warfare Training Center |
IB2305 | Oklahoma City Producers Coop |
IB2306 | CHS Coop |
IB2307 | Andersons, Walton IN |
IB2308 | FM Div. Colt Inds, Beloit WI |
IB2309 | Greenville Port Terminal, MS |
IB2310 | Imperial Sugar, Renvillee MN |
IB2311 | Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Corp., Renville MN |
IB2312 | KTN Gulfcoast |
IB2313 | Dietzler Construction Co., Yoder WY |
IB2314 | Koch Farms LLC. |
IB2315 | Consolidated Edison |
IB2316 | Exelon Power |
IB2317 | Salt City Energy |
IB2318 | Trigen Energy |
IB2319 | Blue Ridge Paper, Canton NC |
IB2320 | Evergreen Packaging, Canton NC |
IB2321 | Plainsman Switching Co. |
IB2322 | Empire Detroit Steel |
IB2323 | Domtar Paper Mill |
IB2324 | Greenbrier Rail Services, Dothan AL |
IB2325 | Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold |
IB2326 | Valley Grain |
IB2327 | Minnell Milling, Fostoria OH |
IB2328 | Purina Nestle Plymouth |
IB2329 | Millville Quarry |
IB2330 | Pearl Brewery, San Antonio TX |
IB2331 | New Century Air Center, Gardner KS |
IB2332 | Northwest Railroad Institute Trade School, Vancouver WA |
IB2333 | Ft. Worth Railcar |
IB2334 | Cresson Steel, Cresson PA |
IB2335 | Port of Shreveport |
IB2336 | Blue Circle Cement |
IB2337 | Dakota Gasification |
IB2338 | Cargill Malt, Spritwood ND |
IB2339 | Frutchey Bean Co., Oakley MI |
IB2340 | Terminal Switching Service |
IB2341 | Mountain States Construction |
IB2342 | Chesapeake Coal Pier |
IB2343 | Hoffmann Grain Coop |
IB2344 | Bro-Tex International Metals LLC |
IB2345 | Lewis Metal |
IB2346 | JBC Switching Service |
IB2347 | Hillard Enterprises |
IB2348 | Bethlehem Engineering |
IB2349 | Alan Ritchey |
IB2350 | Scrap Corporation of America |
IB2351 | Verso Paper, Quinnesec WI |
IB2352 | GE Railcar Services Corp., Texarkana TX |
IB2353 | Portage Limestone Inc., Kent OH |
IB2354 | CC Metals and Alloys LLC. |
IB2355 | free |
IB2356 | free |
IBCX | Indiana Boxcar Corporation |
IBYU | == TSBY |
IC | Illinois Central Railroad |
IC1 | Illinois Central Railroad (1972 mit GMO --> ICG) |
ICCX | Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co |
ICE | Iowa, Chicago & Eastern [DME] |
ICG | Illinois Central Gulf Railroad ( 2.88 --> IC) |
ICGU | == ICG |
ICGZ | == ICG |
ICMX | Illinois Cereal Mills |
ICRK | Indian Creek Railroad Co. |
ICRX | Island Creek Coal |
ICRX.1 | Island Creek Coal, Red Jacket WV |
ICRZ | == IC |
IDTX | Illinois Department of Transportation |
IESX | Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. |
IGN | International-Great Northern Railroad |
IHB | Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad |
IHRC | Indiana Hi-Rail Corporation (1994 --> WOHO, WAER) |
ILNO | Illinois Northern Railroad |
ILRN | Illinois Railnet [American Railnet] |
ILSX | Independent Locomotive Service |
IMCX | International Minerals & Chemical Global Operations Inc. |
IMFX | == GATX |
IMID | Indiana Midland Railway |
IMRL | I&M Rail Link (2.2002 --> ICE) |
IMRR | Illinois & Midland Railroad [GNWR] |
IMS | Industrial Maintenance Service |
IMSX | International Mill Services |
IMW | Intermountain Western |
IN | Indiana Northeastern Railroad Co., Inc. |
INCO | International Nickel |
INER | Indiana Eastern Railroad [RRC] |
INLX | Incoal Inc. |
INNO | Indiana Northern Railway |
INOH | Indiana & Ohio Rail Corporation |
INPR | Idaho Northern & Pacific [Rio Grande Pacific Corp.] |
INPX | Inland Pacific Railroad |
INRD | Indiana Railroad |
INS | Inland Steel |
INT | Interstate Railroad Co. |
INTS | Interlake Steel Corp. |
IOCR | Indiana & Ohio Central Railroad (--> INOH) |
IOER | Indiana & Ohio Eastern Railroad (--> INOH) |
IOPX | Midwest Power Systems |
IORY | Indiana & Ohio Railway [RailTex] |
IOSR | Indiana & Ohio Scenic Railway |
IPLX | Illinois Power Co. |
IPPX | Intermountain Power Agency, UT |
IPSX | == IOPX |
IPWX | Interstate Power Co,. IO |
IR | Illinois Railnet |
IRLX | Western Railroad Supply, Fontana CA |
IRMX | Illinois State Railway Museum, Union IL |
IRMZ | == IAIS |
IRN | --> CR |
IRR | Ironton Railroad |
IRRC | Iowa Railroad |
IRSX | Inter-Rail Transportation, Mira Loma CA |
IRTX | Inter-Rail Transport, Inc. |
ISCX | Inman Services [WATCO] |
ISGX | International Steel Group |
ISLX | xxxxI |
ISR | Iowa Southern Railroad (1988 ) |
ISRC | Idaho & Sedalia Transportation |
ISRR | Indiana Southern Railroad [RailTex] |
ISRY | Iowa Southern Railway |
ISSR | ISS Rail, New Castle PA (2002 --> NCIR) |
IT | Iowa Terminal Railroad (--> IATR) |
ITAX | Illinois Transit Assembly |
ITC | Illinois Terminal Railroad (1981--> NW) |
ITEC | Industrial Transportation Equipment |
ITIX | Intermodal Technologies Inc. |
ITLX | General Electric Railcar Services Corporation |
ITS | Illinois Terminal Railroad System Company [RRC] |
ITSX | ITS Technologies & Logistics, LLC |
IU | Indianapolis Union Railway |
IW | Illinois Western |
JBHU | J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. |
JBHZ | == JBHU |
JCAC | Johnson County Airport Commission |
JCNX | xxxxJ |
JCTR | Jersey Central Terminal Railway |
JDHX | J.D. Heiskell Grain Co., Tulare CA |
JDNX | J&M Locomotive Inc., Cleveland OH |
JE | Joppa & Eastern Railroad Company |
JECX | Western Resources Inc., KS |
JEFW | Jefferson Warrior Railroad Co. |
JFCX | xxxxJ |
JFDX | John F. Daines [FURX] |
JGDR | Jackson, Gordonville Delta Railroad |
JHMX | == ECGX |
JJRD | J & J Railroad, Inc. [Hardin Grain] |
JKL | JK Lines, Inc. |
JLCX | J&L Consulting |
JLSX | Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation |
JMA~ | JMA Railroad, Connersville IN |
JNSX | JNS Marketing - Coastline Rail Service Div. (D) |
JPAX | Jacksonville Port Authority |
JPEX | John Pratt |
JPR | Joplin - Pittsburg Railway |
JRSX | J.R. Simplot Company |
JRWX | Johnson Railway Service (D) |
JSC | Johnstown & Stony Creek Railroad |
JSCR | Jay Street Connecting Railroad |
JSRC | Jackson & Southern Railroad Co. [CTML] |
JSRW | Jersey Southern Railway |
JSRY | Janesville & Southeastern |
JT | Jacksonville Terminal |
JTCO | == JT |
JTFS | Juniata Terminal Co. |
JTPX | David J.Joseph Co. |
JTRX | David J.Joseph Co. |
JVRR | Juniata Valley Railroad |
JWGX | JWG Joplin, MO |
JWRX | Jim Walter Industries, Birmingham AL |
JXPT | Jaxport Terminal Railway Co. |
KBSR | Kankakee, Beaverville & Southern Railroad Co. |
KBSZ | siehe KBSR |
KCBX | Koch Coal Rail & Water Terminal (ex RWTC) |
KCCX | Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation |
KCCX.1 | KCC - Nevada Mines Div., Ely and McGill NV |
KCCX.2 | KCC - Utah Copper Bingham Mine |
KCCX.3 | KCC - Chino Mines Div., Santa Rita and Hurley NM |
KCCX.4 | KCC - Ray Mines Div., Ray AZ |
KCCX.5 | KCC - Utah Smelter |
KCCX.6 | KCC - Ore Haulage |
KCCX.7 | KCC - Utah Copper Division |
KCDX | Eastman Kodak Co. |
KCEX | Kazco Enterprises |
KCLX | Kansas City Power & Light Co. |
KCMO | Kansas City Mexico & Orient |
KCMX | == PLMX |
KCNW | Kelly's Creek & Northwestern Railroad Co. |
KCPS | Kansas City Public Service Freight Operation |
KCRR | Keewenaw Central Railroad |
KCS | Kansas City Southern Railroad |
KCSU | siehe KCS |
KCSZ | siehe KCS |
KCT | Kansas City Terminal Railway Co. |
KCWB | Kansas City & Westport Belt |
KENN | Kennecott Company Railroad |
KEWH | Kewash Railroad Inc. |
KFR | Kettle Falls International Railway |
KFRX | Kirby Farms Park, Williston FL |
KGBW | Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western Railroad |
KITRR | Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad (1981 -> SOU) |
KJR | Kiski Junction Railway |
KJRY | Keokuk Junction Railway |
KKRR | Knox & Kane Railroad Co. |
KLIX | Klarr Locomotive Industries LLC |
KLSC | Kalamazoo, Lake Shore & Chicago Railway Co. |
KLWX | Knoxville Locomotive Works |
KM | --> KCS |
KMC | Kennecott Minerals Corporation |
KMCX | Kerr-McGee Coal Corp |
KMMX | Keith Marchand Machinery Maintenance |
KMWX | xxxxK |
KNOR | Klamath Northern Railway Co. |
KO | Kansas & Oklahoma [Watco] |
KOG | Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway |
KORR | Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad |
KOSW | Kosciusko & Southwestern |
KPCX | Koppers Industries Incorporated |
KPLX | Kansas City Power & Light Co. |
KPLX.1 | Kansas City Power & Light Co. - Lawrence Energy Center |
KPXX | == ELFX |
KRLX | xxxxK |
KRPD | Kaskaskia Regional Port District |
KRR | Kiamichi Railroad |
KRT | Kanawha River Terminal |
KSCX | Kaiser Steel Corporation |
KSE | Kosciusko & Southeastern Railroad |
KSW | Kansas Southwestern |
KT | Kentucky and Tennessee Railway |
KTER | Kingston Terminal Railroad |
KTNX | Katoen Natie Gulf Coast |
KUCX | Kentucky Utilities Co. |
KURX | xxxxK |
KWRR | Keota-Washington Railroad |
KWT | Kentucky West Tennessee Railway Co. [6.2005 --> GW] |
KWUX | Siemens Power Corporation |
KXHR | Knoxville & Holston River [G&O] |
KYLE | Kyle Railroad |
LA | Louisiana & Arkansas (93 --> KCS) |
LACTC | Los Angeles County Transportation Commission |
LAE | Louisiana Eastern Railroad |
LAFX | LaFarge Cement |
LAJ | Los Angeles Junction Railway Co. [ATSF] |
LAKX | City of Lakeland, FL |
LAL | Livonia, Avon & Lakeville Railroad Co. |
LAMTA | Los Angeles Metro. Trans. Authority |
LAPT | Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal |
LAPX | == GATX |
LASB | Lackawaxen & Stourbridge Railroad Corp. (1989++) |
LBCR | Lewisburg & Buffalo Creek Railroad |
LBP | Louisiana & Pine Bluff |
LBR | Lowville & Beaver River Railroad Co. [GVT] |
LC | Lancaster & Chester Railway Co. |
LCCRR | Lee County Central Railroad |
LCEX | Lone Star Industries, Inc. |
LCEX.1 | Lone Star Industries, Inc., Limedale, IN |
LCGX | == CGCX |
LCPX | == GATX |
LCR | Lake County Railroad |
LCRR | Lenawee County Railroad (1990 ++) |
LCRX | Lower Colorado River Authority, TX |
LCS | Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad |
LCY | Lake County Railway |
LDCX | Louis Dreyfus Corp., Burlington IO |
LDRR | Louisiana & Delta Railroad Co. |
LDRX | Locodocks, Inc. |
LDSX | Lambton Diesel Services |
LEF | Lake Erie, Franklin & Clarion Railroad Co. |
LEFW | Lake Erie & Fort Wayne Railroad |
LEHX | Lehigh Portland Cement |
LEHX.1 | Lehigh Portland Cement - Leeds AL |
LEHX.2 | Lehigh Portland Cement - Metaline Falls, WA |
LEM | Logansport & Eel River Railroad Museum Inc. (s. auch LER) |
LER | Logansport & Eel River Short Line Co., Inc. (s. auch LEM) |
LETX | LeTourneau Drive Systems Inc. |
LFRR | Langford Railroad |
LGEX | LG Everist Inc. |
LGEXxxx | free |
LGIX | == CGCX |
LH | Lima-Hamilton Corp. |
LHR | Lehigh & Hudson River Railway ( 1976 --> CR) |
LHRY | Longhorn Railway |
LI | Long Island Rail Road |
LINC | Lewis & Clark Railway Co. |
LIRC | Louisville & Indiana Railroad Co. [Anacostia & Pacific] |
LJB | Louisville & Jefferson Bridge & Railroad |
LKP | Lahaina Kaanapali & Pacific Railroad |
LKRR | Little Kanawha Railway Co. |
LLPX | Locomotive Leasing Partners [GATX+EMD] (12.2004 --> GMTX) |
LLX | Luria Brothers |
LM | Litchfield & Madison Railroad |
LMI | Lake Michigan & Indiana |
LMID | Louisiana Midland Railway (1967 --> IC) |
LMIR | Lake Michigan Industrial Railroad, Burns Harbor IN |
LMLX | Livingston Mountain Locomotive Works Inc. |
LMM | Lebanon, Mason & Monroe Railroad |
LMV | --> CR |
LMWX | == CAGX |
LMX | Locomotive Management Services [CR+GE] |
LN | Louisville & Nashville Railroad (1983 --> SBD) |
LNAC | Louisville, New Albany & Corydon Railroad (--> HS) |
LNAX | Lhoist North America of Tennessee |
LNE | Lehigh & New England Railway |
LNER | Lehigh & New England Railroad |
LNOR | Lancaster & Northern |
LNR | Laona & Northern Railway [Museum] |
LNW | Louisiana & North West Railroad Co. |
LNZZ | == LN |
LO | Lorton & Occoquan |
LOAM | Louisiana Midland Railway Co. (1974 - 1985) |
LOCX | Mobile Locomotive Services, Inc. |
LOPG | Live Oak, Perry & Gulf (1971 --> SOU) |
LOS | Lancaster, Oxford & Southern |
LOSX | Locomotive Specialist (D), Waycross GA |
LPB | Louisiana & Pine Bluff Railway (1979 ) |
LPN | Longview, Portland & Northern Railway Co. |
LPRC | Louisiana & Pacific Railway Co. |
LPSG | Live Oak, Perry & South Georgia Railway Co. |
LR | Landisville Railroad Inc. (siehe AMHR) |
LRCX | Livingston Rebuild Center, Inc. |
LRPA | Little Rock Port Railroad |
LRS | Laurinburg & Southern Railroad Co. [G&O] |
LRSX | LRS Companies Inc. |
LRWN | Little Rock & Western Railway Corp. [6.2005 --> GW] |
LRWY | Lehigh Railway LLC. |
LRWY1 | Lackawanna Railway, Inc. |
LRY | Lake Railway |
LS | Luzerne & Susquehanna Railway |
LSBC | La Salle & Bureau County Railroad Co. |
LSBZ | == CRL |
LSCO | Lehigh Stone co. |
LSCX | Locomotive Sales & Leasing Corp. |
LSFZ | == ATSF |
LSI | Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad Co. |
LSIX | Locomotive Specialists Inc., Morris IL |
LSLX | Lone Star Locomotive Leasing Co. |
LSMH | Lakeside & Marblehead |
LSO | Louisiana Southern Railway Co. |
LSOX | Locomotive Solutions |
LSR | Lake Shore Chapter NRHS |
LSRC | Lake State Railway |
LSRR | Lone Star Railroad [Ironhorse Resources] |
LSRX | Lake Superior Museum of Transportation, Duluth |
LSSX | Lone Star Steel, Lone Star TX (siehe auch TN) |
LSTT | Lake Superior Terminal & Transfer Railway |
LT | Lake Terminal Railroad Co. |
LTEX | Larry's Truck Electric |
LTR | xxxxL |
LTVX | LTV Steel Mining Co. |
LUBX | Luria Bros. Division of Connell Limited Partnership |
LUN | Ludington and Northern Railway |
LV | Lehigh Valley Railroad ( 1976 --> CR) |
LVAL | Lackawanna Valley Railroad |
LVR | Luxapalila Valley Railroad |
LVRC | Lamoille Valley Railroad Co. |
LVRM | Lehigh Valley Rail Management |
LVRR | Lycoming Valley Railroad |
LVRX | == NATX |
LW | Louisville & Wadley Railway Co. |
LXOH | Lexington & Ohio Railroad |
LZRX | Lubrizol Corp. |
MAA | Magma Arizona Railroad Co. |
MACO | McCormick, Ashland City & Nashville Railroad Co., Inc. |
MADOT | Maryland Department of Transportation |
MALX | Mid America Car |
MARC | Maryland Area Rail Commuter |
MARTA | Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority |
MASX | == NATX |
MATT | Mattagami Railroad |
MAX | Metropolitan Area eXpress |
MB | Marianna & Blountstown Railroad |
MB0000 | Denkmal- und Museumsfahrzeuge in USA |
MB0001 | Port Huron & Detroit Historical Society |
MB0002 | Reader Railroad |
MB0003 | Illinois Southern, nur für Filmzwecke 1993 |
MB0004 | Niles Canyon Railway |
MB0005 | Bluegrass Railroad Museum, Versailles KY |
MB0006x | frei 23.12.21 |
MB0007 | Southern Oregon Chapter NRHS |
MB0008 | Ogden Rail Depot Museum, Ogden UT |
MB0009 | Golden Age Railroad Museum |
MB0010 | Dinner Train Ltd |
MB0011 | Joe Eck Railroad |
MB0012 | Age of Steam Railroad Museum, Dallas TX |
MB0013 | Ski Train |
MB0014 | Elgin County Railway Museum |
MB0015 | National Railway Museum, Green Bay WI |
MB0016 | Galveston Railroad Museum |
MB0017 | Railtown 1897 State Historic Park, Jamestown |
MB0018 | Nevada State Railroad Museum |
MB0019 | Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum, Industry NY |
MB0020 | Heart of Dixie Railroad Club, Birmingham AL |
MB0021 | Colorado Railroad Museum, Golden CO |
MB0022 | Saginaw Valley Railroad Historical Society, MI |
MB0023 | Gopher State Railway Museum |
MB0024 | Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Society |
MB0025 | Muskegon Railroad Historical Society |
MB0026 | California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento |
MB0027 | Don Mace |
MB0028 | Railroad and Pioneer Museum, Temple TX |
MB0029 | Midland Railway Historical Society, Baldwin KS |
MB0030 | Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum, MD |
MB0031 | Railroad Museum of Oklahoma |
MB0032 | Wichita Falls Museum |
MB0033 | Iron Horse Historical Society, Parson KS |
MB0034 | Manly Junction Railroad Museum, Manly IA |
MB0035 | Red River Museum, Denison TX |
MB0036 | Utah State Railroad Museum |
MB0037 | Stone Mountain Scenic Railway |
MB0038 | Spirit of Jasper |
MB0039 | Monticello Railway Museum, Monticello IL |
MB0040 | Reading Company Technical & Historical Society |
MB0041 | United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey |
MB0042 | Abilene & Smokey Valley Railroad |
MB0043 | Northeast Kansas Railroad Museum, Atchison KS |
MB0044 | Moody Foundation |
MB0045 | Rails for Ohio == Werbelackierung (X22105 (16)) |
MB0046 | West Kentucky Rail Preservationists |
MB0047 | Florida Gulf Coast Railroad Museum, Parrish FL |
MB0048 | Mad River & NKP Railroad Museum, Bellevue OH |
MB0049 | Steamtown National Historic Site, Scranton PA |
MB0050 | Blue Ridge Scenic Railway |
MB0051 | Western Railway Museum, Rio Vista Jct. CA |
MB0052 | Pacific Locomotive Association, Niles CA (MB0004) |
MB0053 | Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven KY |
MB0054 | Cass Scenic Railroad |
MB0055 | Cole Transportation Museum, Bangor ME |
MB0056 | Newport Dinner Train, Newport RI |
MB0057 | Railroad Museum of New England, Essex CT |
MB0058 | Western Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Society |
MB0059 | Kansas City Railway Museum |
MB0060 | South Carolina Railroad Museum |
MB0061 | Broadway Dinner Train, Nashville TN |
MB0062 | Leelaneau Scenic Railroad |
MB0063 | Indiana Transportation Museum, Nobelsville IN |
MB0064 | Waynoka Historical Society, Waynoka OK |
MB0066 | Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad |
MB0067 | Railroaders Memorial Museum |
MB0068 | Branford Electric Railway Association |
MB0069 | Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania |
MB0070 | Connecticut Valley Railroad Museum ==> MB0057 |
MB0071 | Edaville Railroad |
MB0072 | Westmoreland Scenic |
MB0073 | Winnipesaukee & Pemigewassett Valley Railroad |
MB0074 | Fort Madison, Farmington & Western Railroad |
MB0075 | Western America Railroad Museum, Barstow CA |
MB0076 | Travel Town Museum, L.A. |
MB0077 | Hub City Heritage Museum, Oelwein IO |
MB0078 | Big South Fork Scenic Railway, Stearns KY |
MB0079 | Indiana Railway Museum |
MB0080 | Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Historical Society |
MB0081 | Michigan Transportation Museum, Mt.Clemens MI |
MB0082 | Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway |
MB0083 | Boone & Scenic Valley, Iowa |
MB0084 | Moriah Railroad and Mining Museum, Moriah NY |
MB0085 | High Country Railroad |
MB0086 | Huckleberry Railroad |
MB0087 | Hawaiian Railway Society [Museum] |
MB0088 | Hocking Valley [Museum] |
MB0089 | Hobo/Winnipesauke Scenic Railroad |
MB0090 | Little Traverse Scenic Railroad |
MB0091 | Industrial Museum of York County, PA |
MB0092 | Shore Line Trolley Museum, East Haven CT |
MB0093 | St.Louis Museum of Transportation |
MB0094x | |
MB0095 | The Grand Traverse |
MB0096 | Transisco Tours |
MB0097 | Rochester Chapter NRHS |
MB0098 | Northwest Rail Museum, Portland OR |
MB0099 | Silver Throttle Engine Association and Museum, Canton OH |
MB0101 | Buckscahuda & Western (2' Tourist Line) |
MB0102 | West Chester Railroad |
MB0103 | Grand Traverse Dinner Train |
MB0104 | Western Heritage Museum, Omaha Union Station |
MB0105 | Danbury Railroad Museum |
MB0106 | Washington Dinner Train |
MB0107 | Glen Monhart |
MB0108 | Oroville Railroad Heritage Commission |
MB0109 | Alaska Museum of Transport, Palmer AK |
MB0111 | Inland Empire Railroad Museum, Spokane WA |
MB0112 | Southeastern Railway Museum, Duluth GA |
MB0113 | Carrollton-Oneida-Minerva Railroad |
MB0114 | Mad River & Lake Erie Railroad Museum |
MB0115 | Historic Huntsville Depot, Huntsville AL |
MB0116 | Louisiana Railway Heritage Trust |
MB0117 | United Railway Historical Society |
MB0118 | Anthracite RR Historical Society |
MB0119 | Midland Rwy Museum,Kansas City KS |
MB0120 | NRHS Wichita KS Chapter |
MB0121 | Great Western Railroad Museum |
MB0122 | New Jersey RR and Transp Museum |
MB0123 | Hamlet Railroad Museum |
MB0124 | Yuma Valley Chapter NRHS |
MB0125 | Michigan Star Clipper |
MB0126 | NRHS Philadelphia Chapter |
MB0127 | NRHS Promontory Chapter |
MB0128 | Puget Sound Rwy Hist Soc |
MB0129 | Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum |
MB0130 | Kettle Moraine Scenic Railway |
MB0131 | Mid-Continent Railroad Museum, North Freedom WI |
MB0132 | Fantasia Rail |
MB0133 | Bellefonte Historical RR Society |
MB0134 | Roanoke Transportation Museum |
MB0135 | Pennsylvania State RR Museum, Strasburg PA |
MB0136 | Great Plains Transportation Museum, Wichita KS |
MB0137 | Corydon Scenic Railway |
MB0138 | Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum, Calera AL |
MB0139 | St.Louis Car Company |
MB0140 | North Alabama Railroad Museum, Huntsville AL |
MB0141 | Connecticut Trolley Museum, Warehouse Point CT |
MB0142 | Northern Central Railroad |
MB0143 | Western New York Railway Historical Society |
MB0144 | Mercury & Chase [N. Alabama Rd. Museum] |
MB0145 | Museum of Transportation and Industry, Wasilla AK |
MB0146 | Appalachia Railway Museum, Blair TN |
MB0148 | Indian Head Central Railway, Indian Head MD |
MB0149 | Mohawk & Hudson Chapter NRHS |
MB0150 | Pennsylvania Trolley Museum |
MB0151 | Timber Heritage Association Logging Museum |
MB0152 | White River Scenic Railroad |
MB0153 | Milltowne Railway Line |
MB0154 | Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum, Willimantic CT |
MB0155 | Soo Line Historical & Technical Society |
MB0156 | Old Colony and Fall River Railroad Museum |
MB0157 | Gulf Coast Railway Museum, FL |
MB0158 | Tennessee BiCentennial Train |
MB0159 | Rio Grande Preservation Society |
MB0160 | Orangedale Railway Museum, Orangedale NS |
MB0161 | Discovery Bay Railroad Park |
MB0162 | Boulder County Railway Historical Society |
MB0163 | Railroad Museum of New England, Thomaston CT |
MB0164 | Providence & Worcester Railfan Club and Museum, Webster MA |
MB0165 | American Orient Express |
MB0166 | Valley Forge Scenic |
MB0167 | Gold Coast Railroad Museum |
MB0168 | Washington State Historical Society |
MB0169 | NRHS Syracuse |
MB0170 | SamTrak Excursion Train [Dick Samuels] |
MB0171 | Spirit of Oregon Dinner Train |
MB0172 | Railroad Museum of Long Island |
MB0173 | Western Forest Industries Museum, Tacoma WA |
MB0174 | Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association |
MB0175 | Ghost Town & Calico Railroad, Buena Park CA |
MB0176 | Marion Country Railroad, Columbia MS |
MB0177 | Maine Eastern Railroad [M&E] |
MB0178 | Engines Preservation Inc., Bridgeton NJ |
MB0179 | Touristiques des Chaudieres Appalaches |
MB0180 | Arkansas Railroad Museum, Little Rock AR |
MB0181 | Northern Pacific Railway Museum, Toppenish WA |
MB0182 | Oregon Coast Historical Railway (Oregon Coast NRHS Chapter) |
MB0183 | Whippany Railway Museum |
MB0184 | Golden Pacific Railroad |
MB0185 | Rio Grande Scenic Railroad, Alamosa CO |
MB0186 | Iowa Star Clipper |
MB0187 | Calumet Industrial Heritage Project |
MB0188 | Oaks Amusement Park, Portland OR |
MB0189 | Pacific Railroad Preservation Association |
MB0190 | Carroll Park & Western Railroad |
MB0191 | Gold Strike Casino, Boulder City NV |
MB0192 | Northern Counties Logging Museum, Eureka CA |
MB0193 | Tioga Scenic |
MB0194 | Coastal Heritage Society, Savannah GA |
MB0195 | Golden Spike National Historic Site |
MB0196 | Tri-State Railway Historical Society |
MB0197 | C&O Railway Hertitage Center, Clifton Forge VA |
MB0198 | SP Railroad Historical Center, Rocklin CA |
MB0199 | Wheels Museum of Albuquerque |
MB0200 | Colebrookdale Railroad |
MB0201 | Eldon, IA Depot Museum |
MB0202 | Texas Transportation Museum |
MB0203 | Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation |
MB0204 | Youngstown Steel Heritage Foundation |
MB0205x | free 20.10.22 |
MB0206 | Nevada, California & Oregon |
MB0207 | Northwest Railway Museum, Snoqualmie WA |
MB0208 | Lake Whatcom Railway |
MB0209 | Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco TX |
MB0210x | free 3.11.20 |
MB0211 | Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum, North Judson IN |
MB0212 | Raymond New Hampshire Historical Society |
MB0213 | Peninsular Railway & Lumberman Museum, Shelton WA |
MB0214 | Rosenberg Railroad Museum, Rosenberg TX |
MB0215 | Railroad Depot Museum, Tuscumbia AL |
MB0216 | Amarillo Railway Museum |
MB0217 | Dynamic Rail Preservations |
MB0218 | Southern California Chapter, Ry. & Locomotive Hist. Society |
MB0219 | RailGiants Train Museum, Pomona CA |
MB0220 | Lehigh & New England Historical Society |
MB0221 | Inland Lakes Railway, Eustis FL |
MB0222 | Whetstone Valley Railroad |
MB0223 | free |
MB0224 | free |
MB0225 | free |
MBCR | Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad (siehe MBTA) |
MBCX | Material Brokerage Corp. |
MBR | Montpelier & Barre Railroad |
MBRR | Meridian & Bigbee Railroad Co. [6.2005 --> GW] |
MBRX | Milford-Bennington Railroad Co. |
MBTA | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority |
MC | Massachusetts Coastal Railroad |
MC1 | Maine Coast Railroad Corporation |
MCAX | == NATX |
MCC | Morris County Central (--> NYSW) |
MCCX | Mt.Vernon Coal Transfer Co., IN |
MCER | Massachusetts Central Railroad Corp. |
MCEU | siehe MCER |
MCEZ | siehe MCER |
MCHX | Transcisco Leasing Co. |
MCLR | McLaughlin Line Railroad |
MCR | McCloud Railway Company |
MCRR | Monongahela Connecting Railroad Co. |
MCSA | Moscow, Camden & San Augustine Railroad |
MCTA | Minnesota Central [PRC] |
MCVX | Massachusetts Call Volunteer Firefighters Association |
MDDE | Maryland & Delaware Railroad Co. |
MDLE | Mt.Dora & Lake Eustis Railway |
MDLR | Midland Terminal Co. [LTV] |
MDLX | xxxxM |
MDOT | Maine Department of Transportation |
MDR | Mid-Louisiana Rail Corporation |
MDS | Macon, Dublin & Savannah (1958 --> SAL) |
MDT | Merchants Despatch Transportation Corp |
MDW | Minnesota, Dakota & Western Railway Co. |
MDWR | Midwest Rail |
MDWU | == MDW |
MDWZ | == MDW |
MDXX | Mark David Canada Inc. |
ME | Morristown & Erie Railway, Inc. |
MEC | Maine Central [Pan Am Railways] |
MECX | Midland Electric Coal |
MERR | Maine Eastern Railroad |
MERW | xxxxM |
MET | Modesto & Empire Traction Co. |
METR | xxxxM |
METW | Municipality of East Troy, Wisconsin |
METX | Metropolitan Rail, Itasca |
MFRR | Middle Fork Railroad |
MGA | Monongahela Railway (1993 --> CR) |
MGRI | MG Rail, Inc. [Cons. Grain & Barge] |
MH | Mount Hood Railroad Co. (1968 --> UP)(1987 neu gegründet) |
MHHR | Mahony and Hazleton Railway Inc. |
MHLX | == GATX |
MHSF | Morehead & South Fork Railroad |
MHWA | Mohawk, Adirondack & Northern [GVT] |
MIBB | Missouri & Illinois Bridge & Belt Railroad |
MICO | Midland Continental (1970++) |
MIDH | Middletown & Hummelstown Railroad Co |
MIGN | Michigan Northern Railway Co. |
MILW | Milwaukee Road (--> SOO [CP Rail]) |
MILX | == NATX |
MILZ | == MILW |
MIRR | Michigan Railroad |
MISS | Mississippian Railway |
MITX | Mirant Energy Trading |
MJ | Manufacturers' Junction Railway |
MJRX | Railway Service Contractors, Inc. (Mike & Jill Roberts) (D) |
MKC | McKeesport Connecting Railroad Co. |
MKCX | Morrison-Knudsen |
MKT | Missouri, Kansas, Texas Railroad Company (88 --> UP) |
MKTT | == MKT (--> UP) |
MKTZ | == MKT |
ML | Metrolink, Los Angeles |
MLS | Manistique & Lake Superior Railroad |
MMA | Montreal Maine & Atlantic [Railworld] |
MMAX | Martin-Marietta Corporation |
MMF | Morehead & Morgan Fork Railroad |
MMID | Maryland Midland Railway, Inc. [G&W] |
MMRR | Mid-Michigan Railroad, Inc. [RailTex] |
MMT | Mission Mountain Railroad |
MN | Mojave Northern Railroad |
MNA | Missouri & Northern Arkansas [RailTex] |
MNBR | M and B Railroad LLC |
MNC | Missouri North Central Railroad [MRIX] |
MNCR | Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company |
MNCX | Minnesota Corn Processors |
MNE | Manistee & Northeastern Railway |
MNF | Morehead & North Fork Railroad |
MNJ | Middletown & New Jersey Railway Co., Inc. [PICK] |
MNL | Mountain Laurel Railroad Company (4.96 --> GNWR) |
MNN | Minnesota Northern |
MNNR | Minnesota Commercial Railway Co. |
MNRR | Modoc Northern Railroad [UC] |
MNRR1 | Mohave Northern Railroad [SWPX] |
MNRX | Minnesota NorthStar |
MNS | Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railway (1982 --> SOO) |
MNTX | Minnesota Transportation Museum |
MNVA | Minnesota Valley Transportation Co. Inc. (1995 --> MCTA) |
MNZX | Minnesota Zephyr Dinner Train |
MOBX | Mobil Oil Corp. |
MOC | Missouri Central |
MOCX | Mosaic Company |
MOIL | Missouri Illinois (--> UP) |
MON | The Monon (7.71 --> LN) |
MonWes | Montana Western (1970+) |
MoPac | == MP (83 --> UP) |
MOV | Moshassuck Valley (1981 --> PW) |
MOXV | Moxahala Valley Railway Co. |
MP | Missouri Pacific (MoPac) (83 --> UP) |
MPA | Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad [Emmons Ind.] |
MPCX | Michels Pipeline Construction |
MPEX | Motivepower Industries Incorporated |
MPI | == MPEX |
MPLX | == NATX |
MPP | Manitou & Pikes Peak Railway Co. |
MPRX | Motive Power & Equipment Solutions |
MPSX | Missouri Public Service |
MPU | == MP |
MPWX | Muscatine Power & Water |
MPZ | == MP |
MQT | Marquette Rail |
MR | McCloud River Railroad Co. (93 --> MCR) |
MRCX | == NATX |
MREX | Monad Railway Equipment |
MRIX | Motive Rail Industries |
MRL | Montana Rail Link |
MRLX | Mineral Range Inc.(D), Ishpeming MI |
MRNX | == NATX |
MRR | Mid Atlantic Railroad |
MRRX | == NATX |
MRS | Manufacturers Railway Company |
MS | Michigan Shore Division [RailTex] |
MSCI | Mississippi Central Railroad [PRC], umgezeichnet |
MSCX | == NATX |
MSDR | Mississippi Delta Railroad |
MSE | Mississippi Export Railroad Co. |
MSN | Meeker Southern [Ballard Terminal Railroad] |
MSO | Michigan Southern Railroad Co., Inc. |
MSPS | Minneapolis, St Paul & Sault Ste Marie Rr (1961--> SOO) |
MSR | Missouri Southern Railroad |
MSRA | Maryland State Railroad Administration (--> MARC) |
MSRC | Midsouth Rail Corporation (94 --> KCS) |
MSRR | Meridian Southern |
MSRW | Mississippian Railway Cooperative Inc. |
MSTL | Minneapolis & St.Louis (60 --> CNW) |
MSTR | Massena Terminal Railroad Co. |
MSTX | Millstone Railroad |
MSV | Mississippi & Skuna Valley Railroad Co. |
MSW | Monessen Southwestern Railroad |
MSWY | Minnesota Southern Railway |
MTA | Metropolitan Transit Authority (83--> MNCR) |
MTC | == BM |
MTFR | Minnesota Transfer Railway Co. |
MTI | Material Transfer Inc. |
MTPX | Montana Power Co. |
MTR | Mississippi Tennessee Railroad |
MTR1 | Montour Railroad (--> PLE) |
MTRN | Mississippi & Tennessee Railnet |
MTRR | Messena Terminal Railroad [2005 --> RA] |
MTSX | MAX Transportation Service |
MTW | Marinette, Tomahawk & Western (93 --> Tomahawk) |
Muni | San Francisco Municipal Railway |
MUS | Memphis Union Station Railroad |
MV | Midland Valley |
MVP | Missouri & Valley R.R. Corp. |
MVPX | Motive Power Resources Inc. |
MVRY | Mahoning Valley Railway Company |
MVT | Mount Vernon Terminal Railway, Inc. |
MW | Maumee & Western |
MWAX | Martin Marietta Materials Inc. |
MWCL | Midwest Coal Handling Co., Inc. |
MWLX | Midwest Locomotive Leasing |
MWR | Muncie & Western Railraod Co. |
MWRC | Mt. Washington Railway Co. |
MWRL | Molalla Western Railway [Dick Samuels] |
MWRR | Montana Western Railway Co., Inc. |
MWRX | Midwest Rail Holdings Incorporated |
MWRY | Mineral Wells & Eastern Railway (1993+) |
NACR | Nashville & Ashland City Railroad |
NACX | == NATX |
NADX | == NATX |
NAFX | == NATX |
NAHX | == NATX |
NAP | Narrangansett Pier Railroad Co. |
NATX | North American Car Corp. |
NAUG | Naugatuck Railroad |
NB | Northhampton & Bath (1979++) |
NBER | Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad Co. |
NBNR | Nicolet Badger Northern Railroad, Inc. |
NBR | Narrangansett Bay Railroad |
NBW | New Berlin & Winfield |
NC | Nashville, Chattanooga & St.Louis Railway (1957 --> LN) |
NCBX | New Century Rail Transport LLC |
NCCC | Nevada Consolidated Copper Company |
NCCX | Neosho Construction |
NCFX | == NATX |
NCHX | == NATX |
NCIR | New Castle Industrial Railroad |
NCIX | Nova Chemicals Incorporated |
NCLX | Nova Chemicals Incorporated |
NCMX | North Carolina Transportation Museum |
NCMX1 | Niklor Chemical |
NCNG | Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad |
NCO | North Central Oklahoma |
NCPA | North Carolina Ports Authority |
NCPR | North Carolina Ports Railway Commission |
NCRA | North Coast Railroad Authority |
NCRC | Nebraska Central Railroad Co. [Rio Grande Pacific Corp.] |
NCRR | North Coast Railroad |
NCRR' | North Carolina Railroad Co. |
NCRX | == NATX |
NCSL | Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis (1957 --> LN) |
NCTD | North County Transit District (Coaster) (San Diego Northern) |
NCTR | North Central Texas |
NCTX | == PLMX |
NCVA | North Carolina & Virginia Railroad Co. [RailTex] |
NCVB | North Carolina & Virginia Rr., Virginia Southern Division |
NCYR | Nash County Railroad Corp. [G&O] |
NDCR | N.D.C. Railroad Co. |
NDW | Notre Dame & Western |
NDYX | == RUSX |
NECR | New England Central [RailTex] |
NEFT | New England Fuel & Transportation |
NEGS | New England Southern Railroad Co., Inc. |
NEKM | Northeast Kansas & Missouri Railway [RailTex] |
NELX | National Equipment Leasing |
NENE | Nebraska Northeastern Railway Co. [TXNW] |
NEO | Northeast Oklahoma Railway (1967 --> SLSF) |
NERR | Nashville & Eastern Railroad Corp. |
NFD | Norfolk, Franklin & Danville |
NGA | New Georgia Railroad |
NH | New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad (1.1969 --> PC) |
NHCR | New Hampshire Central Railroad, Inc. |
NHL | National Helm Leasing |
NHN | New Hampshire Northcoast Corp. |
NHRR | New Hope & Ivyland Railroad Co. |
NHV | New Hope Valley Railway |
NHVT | New Hampsire & Vermont Railroad Co. |
NIAX | Niagara & Western New York (1.2003+) |
NICTD | Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District |
NIM | == IB0738 |
NIMX | Naporano Iron & Metal |
NIRC | Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corp. (Metra) |
NIS | Nevada Industrial Switching [D. J. Joseph] |
NITX | Norfolk International Terminal |
NIWX | Northern Illinois & Wisconsin Railway |
NJ | Niagara Junction (1976 --> CR) |
NJCT | Napierville Jct |
NJDOT | New Jersey's Department of Transportation(1980 --> NJT) |
NJII | New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad |
NJT | New Jersey Transit |
NJTT | New Jersey Terminal & Transfer |
NKCR | Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway |
NKP | Nickel Plate Road (--> NW) |
NLA | xxxxN |
NLAX | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) |
NLG | North Louisiana & Gulf Railroad Co. (--> MDR) |
NLLX | Northern Line Layers, Billings MT |
NLR | Northern Lines Railway |
NLRX | National Lime & Stone |
NMOR | Northern Missouri Railroad Co. |
NMRX | New Mexico Rail Runner |
NMT | National Museum of Transport, St.Louis |
NN | Northern Nevada Railroad |
NN' | Nevada Northern Railroad |
NNRM | Nevada Northern Railway Museum |
NNSX | Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock, VA |
NNW | Nebraska Northwestern |
NOGC | New Orleans & Gulf Coast [Rio Grande Pacific Corp.] |
NOKL | Northwestern Oklahoma Railroad Co. |
NOLC | New Orleans Lower Coast Railroad [1956 --> MP] |
NOLR | New Orleans Lower Coast Railroad Co., Inc. [RailTex] |
NONE | New Orleans & Northeastern (--> SOU) |
NOPB | New Orleans Public Belt Railroad |
NORX | Northern Indiana Public Service |
NOT | New Orleans Terminal (--> SOU) |
NOUT | New Orleans Union Passenger Terminal |
NOWR | Northern Ohio & Western [OmniTrax] |
NP | Northern Pacific Railway (1970 mit GN,CBQ und SPS --> BN) |
NPBL | Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Co. |
NPPX | Nebraska Public Power District |
NPR | Northern Plains Railroad |
NPRR | Nezperce-Pomeroy |
NPT | Northern Pacific Terminal (1965 --> PTRC) |
NREX | National Railway Equipment Corp. |
NRHS | Baltimore Chapter NRHS |
NRHX | National Railway Historic Society |
NRI | Nebkota Railway Inc. [5.2017 --> NENE ] |
NRL | == NREC |
NRLX.1 | loeschen 22.03.15 |
NRLX.2 | loeschen 22.03.15 |
NRR | Nobles & Rock Railroad |
NRTX | Music City Star (Nashville Regional Transportation Agency) |
NS | Norfolk Southern Railway (seit 1990) |
NS1 | Norfolk Southern Railway Co. (1.1974 --> SOU) |
NSAX | National Steel Corporation |
NSBT | North Sunbury Bulk Transfer |
NSHR | North Shore Railroad Co. |
NSL | North Short Line |
NSMX | Northshore Mining |
NSPX | Northern States Power Company, MN |
NSR | Newburgh & South Shore Railroad |
NSRC | North Stratford Railroad Co. |
NSRR | North Shore Scenic Railroad |
NSSR | |
NSSX | National Salvage and Service Corporation |
NStL | Norwood & St.Lawrence (1975+) |
NSZ | == NS |
NTR | Natchez Trace Railroad (umbenannt in MSC) |
NTRY | Nimishillen & Tuscarawas Railway Co. |
NTZR | Natchez Railway, Inc. |
NUCX | Nucor Steel, Crawfordsville |
NUCX.1 | Nucor Steel - Jewett Plant TX |
NUCX.2 | Nucor Steel - Darlington NC |
NUCX.3 | Nucor Steel - Flora MS |
NUCX.4 | Nucor Steel - Plymouth UT |
NUCXx | Nucor Steel, Crawfordsville |
NVR | Northern Vermont Railroad [2002-->Railworld] |
NVRR | Napa Valley Railroad Co. |
NVTC | Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (siehe VRE) |
NW | Norfolk & Western (6.1982 --> NS) |
NWLX | Nationwide Locomotive Service LLC |
NWP | Northwestern Pacific Railroad |
NWRR | Nashville & Western Railroad Corp. |
NWSX | Northwestern Steel & Wire Co |
NWZ | == NW |
NYA | New York & Atlantic |
NYC | New York Central (1968 mit PRR --> PC) |
NYCH | New York Cross Harbor Railroad Terminal Co. |
NYCStL | New York, Chicago & St. Louis == NKP |
NYCTA | New York City Transportation Authority |
NYGL | New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad |
NYLE | New York & Lake Erie Railroad [Trillium] |
NYNJ | New York New Jersey Rail |
NYOG | New York & Ogdensburg |
NYOM | New York & Oswego Midland Railroad (--> NYOW) |
NYOW | New York, Ontario & Western Railway (1957++) |
NYSW | New York, Susquehanna & Western Railway |
NYSX | New York State Electric & Gas |
NZPR | Nezperce Railroad |
OAE | Oakland, Antioch & Eastern |
OAR | Old Augusta Railroad |
OBPA | Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority |
OCE | Oregon, California & Eastern Railway Co. [Weyerhaeuser] |
OCEX | Oregon Coastline Express |
OCFX | == CSXT |
OCR | Oklahoma Central Railroad Company |
OCRR | Ottumwa Connecting Railroad |
OCS | Ohio Central System |
OCSR | Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad |
OCT | Orange County Transit |
OCTL | Oil Creek & Titusville Lines, Inc. |
OCTR | Octoraro Railway Inc. |
OCW | Ocean City Western (1977++) |
ODRM | Old Dominion Chapter NRHS |
OE | Oregon Eastern [WYCO] |
OER | Oregon Electric Railway (--> SPS) |
OERM | Orange Empire Railway Museum, Perris CA (--> SCRM) |
OERR | Oregon Eastern Railroad |
OFOX | Residco |
OFSX | Tucson Electric Power Co. |
OGEE | Ogeechee Railway Co. (2004 --> Georgia Midland) |
OGEX | Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. |
OGSX | Iowa Southern Utilities Co. |
OHCR | Ohio Central Railroad Co. (1994 --> OCS) |
OHFX | Fluor Daniel Fernald |
OHIC | Ohi-Rail Corporation |
OHIO | Ohio Terminal Railway [Carload Express] |
OHK | O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling, Pixley CA |
OHPA | Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad |
OHPS | Ohio Public Service Co. |
OHRY | Owego & Hartford Railway, Inc. |
OIM | Oliver Iron Mining Co. |
OJGX | Oscar J. Glover (Glover Group) |
OKCX | == LCEX |
OKKT | Oklahoma, Kansas & Texas (--> UP) |
OKRX | Oklahoma Railway Museum |
OLB | Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice Railway Co. |
OLCX | Oakway Leasing Corporation |
OLWX | Ohio Locomotive Works L.L.C. |
OLYR | Olympic Railroad Co. |
OMAX | Omaha Public Power District |
OMID | Ontario Midland Railroad Corp. |
OMLX | OmniTrax Leasing |
OMR | Ozark Mountain Railroad |
OMRR | Ohio & Morenci |
ON | Okmulgee Northern (1964+) |
ONCT | Ontario Central Railroad Corp. (7.2007 --> FGLK) |
ONRY | Ogdensburg & Norwood Railway |
ONW | Oregon & Northwestern |
ONWX | Orlando & Northwestern Railway |
OPE | Oregon Pacific & Eastern Railway Co. |
OPPX | == OMAX |
OPR | Oregon Pacific (ex Molalla Western) [Dick Samuels] |
OPSX | Public Service Co. of Oklahoma |
OPT | Orange Port Terminal Railway |
OPX | Ohio Power Co. |
OR | Oshawa Railway |
ORHS | Orrville Railroad Heritage Society, Orrville OH |
ORL | Oahu Railway & Land Company |
ORMX | Ohio Railway Museum |
ORR | Osage Railroad Co. [WATCO] |
ORRX | Oregon Department of Transportation |
ORT | Ohio River Terminal, Huntington WV |
OSRR | Ohio Southern Railroad Co.. (1994 --> OCS) |
OSSX | OmniTRAX Switching Service |
OTCO | Owensville Terminal Company |
OTR | Oakland Terminal Railway |
OTRX | OmniTrax |
OTSX | On-Track Railway Services Ltd. |
OTT | Ottumwa Terminal Railroad Company |
OTVR | Otter Tail Valley Railroad Co. |
OUCH | Ouachita Railroad, El Dorado AR [DR] |
OUCX | Orlando Utilities Commission, FL |
OURD | Ogden Union Railway & Depot |
OV | Otter Valley Railroad Co. |
OVRR | Ozark Valley Railroad Inc. |
OW | Oneida & Western |
OYLO | Olympia and Belmore Railroad |
P&RV | Potosi & Rio Verde |
PAA | --> CR |
PAAC | Port Authority of Allegheny County |
PACY | Prairie Central Railway |
PAE | Peoria & Eastern (--> PC) |
PAEC | Pan American Engineering Company |
PAL | Paducah & Louisville Railway |
PAM | Pittsburgh, Allegheny & McKees Rock Railroad Co. |
PARX | Pan American Railway Co. (ex Guilford) |
PATCO | Port Authority Transit Corp. of Pennsylvania & New Jersey |
PATH | Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation |
PBLX | == CAGX |
PBNE | Philadelphia, Bethlehem & New England Railroad Co. |
PBR | Patapsco & Back Rivers Railroad Co. |
PBSR | Pinebelt Southern Railroad |
PBSZ | == CSLI |
PBVR | Port Bienville Railroad |
PC | Penn Central ( 1976 --> CR) |
PCA | == PC |
PCB | == PC |
PCC | Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad Incorporated [WATCO] |
PCCX | Peabody Coal Co. |
PCIX | == ACFX |
PCN | Point Comfort & Northern Railway Co. [2005 --> RA] |
PCR | Pine Creek Railroad [Museum] |
PCRC | Panama Canal Railroad |
PCSX | == PLMX |
PCY | Pittsburgh, Chartiers & Youghiogheny Railway Co. (93 --> CR) |
PDRR | Pee Dee River Railway |
PE | Pacific Electric Railway (1965 --> SP) |
PEB | Port Everglades Belt |
PECO | Precision Engineering Corp. (3.1971 --> PNCX) |
PEGX | Pegnato Rail Services |
PENK | Port Edwards - Nekoosa Intermill Railroad [GP] |
PEPX | Potomac Electric Power Co. |
PEX | Potomac Eagle Scenic Railraod |
PF | Pioneer & Fayette Railroad Co. |
PFE | Pacific Fruit Express |
PGR | Progressive Rail Incorporated |
PGRV | Pigeon River Railroad Co. |
PHD | Port Huron & Detroit |
PHDX | Phelps Dodge |
PHL | Pacific Harbor Lines [Anacostia & Pacific] |
PHRR | Port Harbor Railroad Corp. |
PICK | Pickens Railroad Company [Chip Johnson] |
PIR | Pioneer Industrial Railroad |
PIRR | Pittsburgh Industrial Railroad [RailTex] |
PJR | Port Jersey Railroad |
PJRL | Penn Jersey Lines |
PKHP | Pickens Railroad Company - Honea Path Division |
PKMN | Perkiomen Transfer |
PLCX | General Electric Railcar Services Corporation |
PLE | Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company (93 --> PLW ) |
PLEX | == PLMX |
PLLX | Plymouth And Lincoln Railroad Corp. |
PLMX | PLM Leasing Co. |
PLR | Parrish Line Railway |
PLWR | Pittsburgh, Lisbon & Western Railroad |
PLWX | == NATX |
PM | Pere Marquette Railway (1947 --> CO) |
PMOX | Phillip Morris |
PMQC | Pounding Mill Quarry Corporation |
PMRR | Port Manatee Railroad |
PMTZ | == SP |
PN | Pennsylvania Northeastern Railroad |
PN1 | Piedmont & Northern Railway (1969 --> SCL) |
PNCX | Precision National Corp. |
PNER | Pocono Northeast Railway, Inc. |
PNR | Panhandle Northern Railway [OmniTRAX] |
PNRW | Piedmont & Northern Railway |
PNW | Prescott & Northwestern Railroad Co. |
PNWC | Pacific Northwest Chapter NRHS, Inc. |
PNWR | Portland & Western Railroad |
POBR | Port of Greater Baton Rouge |
POC | Pittsburgh & Ohio Central [OC] |
POHC | Pittsburgh & Ohio Central |
POR | Poseyville & Owensville Railroad Co. |
POT | Portland Terminal Co. [Pan Am Railways] |
POTA | Port of Tacoma (Washington) |
POTB | Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad |
POTX | == GATX |
POV | Pittsburgh & Ohio Valley Railway Co. (1993 --> CSXT) |
POVA | Pend Oreille Valley Railroad |
POWX | Power Silicates, Inc. |
PPBD | Port of Palm Beach District Railway |
PPCX | American Association of Private Railroad Car Owners (AAPRCO) |
PPGX | PPG Industries Inc. |
PPHW | Peoria, Peoria Heights & Western Railroad |
PPLX | Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. |
PPRR | Pioche Pacific Railroad |
PPU | Peoria & Pekin Union Railway (--> TZPR) |
PR | Pacific Rail |
PRAX | Pacific Rail Leasing Corp. |
PRC | Pioneer Rail Corporation, siehe PREX |
PRDX | Pacific Rail Dismantling |
PREX | Pioneer Railroad Equipment [PRC] |
PRGX | Progress Rail Service |
PRI | Port Railroads, Inc. [KYLE] |
PRL | Penn Eastern Rail Lines (2007 --> ESPN) |
PRLX | Progress Rail Service |
PROX | Procor Limited |
PRR | Pennsylvania Railroad (1968 mit NYC --> PC) |
PRR2 | Pennsylvania Railroad [NS] |
PRSL | Pennsylvania Reading Seashore ( 1976 --> CR) |
PRSX | Progress Rail Service |
PRT | Parr Terminal Railraod |
PRTD | Portland Traction Co. |
PRV | Pearl River Valley Railroad Co. |
PRY | Pioneer Industrial Railroad |
PRYL | Port Royal Railroad [SCPR] |
PS | Pittsburgh & Shawmut Railroad Co. (4.96 --> BPRR) |
PSAP | Puget Sound & Pacific |
PSCC | Pennsylvania & Southern Railway |
PSCX | Public Service Co. of Colorado |
PSIX | Public Service of Indiana |
PSL | Peabody Short Line (1961 --> IC) |
PSLL | Plymouth Short Line, Ltd. |
PSNIX | Public Service of Northern Illinois |
PSOX | Puget Sound Power & Light Co. |
PSPX | Phillips Petroleum Co. |
PSR | Petaluma & Santa Rosa Railroad |
PSWR | xxxxP |
PT | Peninsula Terminal Co. |
PTDX | ABB Power T & D Company, Inc. |
PTLX | == NATX |
PTM | == POT |
PTR | Port Terminal Railroad [SCPR], siehe SCPR |
PTRA | Port Terminal of Houston, TX |
PTRC | Portland Terminal Railroad Co. (Oregon) |
PTRR | PT Railroad Services Ltd (siehe PT) |
PTRY | Prairie Trunk Railway |
PTS | Pacific Transportation Service |
PTSC | Port Terminal Railroad [SCPR], siehe SCPR |
PUCC | Port Utilities Comission of Charleston [SCPR], siehe SCPR |
PVAL | Panther Valley Railroad Corp. |
PVFX | == CAGX |
PVGX | Peavey Grain |
PVGXx | loeschen |
PVJR~ | Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad |
PVRR | Pioneer Valley Railroad Co., Inc. [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
PVS | Pecos Valley Southern Railway Co. |
PW | Providence & Worcester Railroad |
PWRY | Peoria & Western Railway [PRC] |
PWRZ | == PW |
PWSX | Power Source Supply Inc. |
PWTX | Prairie West Terminal |
PWV | Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway (1964 --> NW) |
QBT | Quincy Bay Terminal |
QITX | siehe CDN-QITX |
QOCX | Quaker Oats Chemical Co. |
QRR | Quincy Railroad Co. |
QSL | Quapaw Short Line |
QT | Quaboag Transfer, Palmer MA (1998+) |
QTL | Quincy & Torch Lake |
QTS | Quality Terminal Switching [OmniTRAX] |
R&L | Rick and Larry == IB0609 |
RAFX | Rose Acres Farmer, Parker AZ |
RAHX | Rohm & Haas, Louisville KY |
RAIX | == UCFX |
RAMX | xxxxR |
RAR | Raritan River Railroad |
RARW | RARUS Railway Co. |
RAWX | Platte River Power Authority |
RA~ | RailAmerica |
RBB | == BN |
RBBN | == BN |
RBBQ | == BN |
RBBX | Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus |
RBCS | == BN |
RBKR | Red Bank Railroad Co. (4.96 --> GNWR) |
RBMN | Reading, Blue Mountain & Northern Railroad Co. |
RBOX | Railbox Company |
RBW | == BN |
RCBT | Roaring Camp & Big Trees [Museum] |
RCER | Raritan Central Railroad |
RCIX | Rail Connection |
RCLZ | == CSXT |
RCPD | xxxxR |
RCPE | Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern |
RCRY | |
RCRZ | == CSXT |
RDG | Reading Company (--> CR) |
RDGN | Reading & Northern (== RBMN!!!) |
RDSZ | == CSXT |
RDTZ | == GTW |
RECX | Central Louisiana Electric Co. |
RELX | Relco Tank Line Inc. |
RETX | Rail Equipment and Transportation Inc. |
RFP | Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac (1993 --> CSXT) |
RFPU | == RFP |
RFPZ | == RFP |
RFRX | Rick Franklin Corp., Lebanon OR |
RGEP | Rio Grande & Eagle Pass Railroad |
RGRZ | == CSXT |
RGS | Rio Grande Southern |
RGTU | == DRGW |
RGTZ | == DRGW |
RHSL | Rawhide Shortline |
RI | == CRIP (Rock Island) |
RIMX | xxxxR |
RJCC | R.J. Corman Railroad Corp. |
RJCL | R.J. Corman Railroad, Clearfield PA |
RJCM | R.J. Corman Railroad, Memphis Line |
RJCO | R.J. Corman Rail Co. (Ohio Division) |
RJCP | R.J. Corman Rail Co. (Pennsylvania Division) |
RJCR | R.J. Corman Railroad Corp. |
RL | Republic Locomotive |
RLCX | Relco - Railway Equipment Leasing Co |
RLDX | R & L Development Company, New Alexandria PA |
RLIX | Rail Link |
RLNZ | == CSXT |
RLPX | Rail Power Services LLC |
RMDI | RMDI, Duryea PA |
RMDX | American Refrigerator Transit Company |
RMGX | Railcar Limited |
RMI | xxxxR |
RMNZ | == CSXT |
RMPX | Rail Management |
RMRR | Rocky Mountain Railcar & Railroad |
RMSI | Rail Management System, Inc. |
RMSX | Harsco Track Technologies |
RN | Rail Net |
RNCX | North Carolina Dept Of Transportation |
RNDX | == ACFX |
RNRH | Roanoke Chapter NRHS, Inc. |
RNRX | Road & Rail Services Inc |
RNWZ | == NS |
ROPX | Rail Operators Inc. |
RPCX | Railroad Passenger Car Numbering Bureau |
RPIX | Rhone-Poulenc Incorporated |
RPRC | Richmond Pacific Railroad Co., Richmond CA |
RRC | Respondek Railroad Corp., Granite City IL |
RRC1 | Redmont Railway |
RRFZ | == CSXT |
RRG | Red River & Gulf |
RRPX | RR Power Leasing |
RRVW | Red River Valley & Western Railroad |
RRWX | Rockton Rion & Western |
RSCX | Republic Steel (--> LTV) |
RSCX.1 | Republic Steel - Canton OH |
RSCX.2 | Republic Steel - Gadsden |
RSCZ | == CSXT |
RSIX | |
RSM | Railroad Switching Service of Missouri [Ironhorse Resources] |
RSMX | Reserve Mining (--> NSMX) |
RSNR | Red Springs & Northern Railroad Co. |
RSOR | Riceboro Southern Railway |
RSP | Roscoe, Snyder & Pacific Railway Co. |
RSR | Rochester & Southern Railroad |
RSRU | == NS |
RSRZ | == NS |
RSS | Rockdale, Sandow & Southern Railroad Co. [2005 --> RA] |
RSSX | Rail Switching Service (RailServe) |
RT | River Terminal Railway Co. (2002 --> CWRO) |
RTA | Regional Transportation Authority == METRA |
RTDX | River Terminal Development Corp, Newark NJ |
RTEX | Rail Trust Equipment |
RTRY | Richmond Terminal Railway |
RUSX | USL Capital Railcar Services |
RUT | Rutland Railroad (1961+) |
RV | Rahway Valley Railroad Co. |
RVPR | Riverport Railroad |
RVRR | Rio Valley Railroad, Inc. [Ironhorse Resources] |
RVSC | Rio Valley Switching Company |
RVT | Rogue Valley Terminal Railroad |
RWSX | Scherer Electric Generating Facility, AL |
RWTC | Rail To Water Transfer Corporation (--> KCBX) |
SA | Savannah & Atlanta |
SAL | Seaboard Air Line (1967 --> SCL) |
SAMX | == CRGX |
SAN | Sandersville Railroad Co. |
SAPT | Savannah Port Terminal Railroad Inc |
SARX | Southern Appalachia Railway Museum, Oak Ridge TN |
SATX | City Public Service Board of San Antonio, TX |
SAUG | San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf |
SAV | Sacramento Valley |
SB | South Buffalo Railway |
SBCA | State Belt of California |
SBD | Seaboard System (1986 --> CSXT) |
SBDZ | == SBD |
SBG | Savage Bingham & Garfield Railroad |
SBK | South Brooklyn Railway Co. |
SBLN | Sterling Belt Line Railroad |
SBR | Sunbelt Rail |
SBRR | Stourbridge Railroad Co. |
SBSG | South Bend Sand & Gravel |
SBS~ | Saginaw Bay Southern [LSRC] |
SBVR | South Branch Valley Railroad |
SC | Southern California Railroad |
SCA | South Central Arkansas Railroad |
SCBG | Santa Cruz, Big Trees & Pacific Railway Co. |
SCC | Southern Switching Company |
SCCTA | Santa Clara County Transportation Agency |
SCFE | South Central Florida Railroad Co. |
SCFR | Sioux City Falls Railway |
SCIH | South Chicago & Indiana Harbor [ISG] |
SCJX | == CHVX |
SCL | Seaboard Coast Line (1983 --> SBD) |
SCLZ | == SCL |
SCM | Strouds Creek & Muddlety Railroad |
SCMB | Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay Railway |
SCOX | Scoular Grain Company |
SCOZ | == COER |
SCPA | South Carolina Ports Authority |
SCPR | Palmetto Railways (South Carolina Public Railways) |
SCR | Seaport Central |
SCRF | South Carolina Central Railroad Co. [RailTex] |
SCRM | Southern California Railway Museum, Perris CA |
SCRR | Sweetwater Central Railroad [ARCB] |
SCRX | Santa Clarita Railway - James Clark and Company |
SCS | Squaw Creek Southern Railroad [RRC] |
SCT | Sioux City Terminal |
SCTR | South Central Tennessee Railroad Co., Inc. |
SCWX | South Carolina Public Service |
SCXF | South Central Florida Express |
SCXY | St Croix Valley Railroad [RailAmerica] |
SDA | San Diego & Arizona Railway (Museum) |
SDAE | San Diego & Arizona Eastern |
SDIV | San Diego & Imperial Valley Railroad Co. (1.2000--> SDIY) [RailTex] |
SDIY | San Diego & Imperial Valley Railroad Co. (ex SDIV) [RailAmerica] |
SDNR | San Diego Northern Railroad |
SDRM | San Diego Railway Museum |
SDRX | Sound Transit, Seattle |
SDSU | == SOO |
SDTZ | == GTW |
SECX | Southeast Coal |
SEKR | Southeast Kansas Railroad Co. [WATCO] |
SEMTA | Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority |
SEPTA | Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority |
SEPX | Southwestern Electric Power Company |
SERA | Sierra Northern Railway [Sierra Railroad] |
SERR | Sanford & Eastern (1961+) |
SERX | == ACFX |
SFBR | San Francisco Belt Railroad |
SFGX | private Grain Railroad in Kansas |
SFIX | System Fuels Inc. |
SFLC | == ATSF |
SFLR | Shore Fast Line, Inc. (--> SRNJ) |
SFNV | San Francisco & Napa Valley |
SFQ | == ATSF |
SFR | Sunflour Railroad |
SFRC | == ATSF |
SFRTA | South Florida Regional Transportation Authority |
SFS | Santa Fe Southern Railway |
SFSA | San Francisco-Sacramento Railroad |
SFTU | == ATSF |
SFTZ | == ATSF |
SFVZ | == ATSF |
SG | South Georgia (1971 --> SOU) |
SGLR | Seminol Gulf Railway |
SGVY | Saginaw Valley Railway Company, Inc. |
SGWZ | == GTW |
SH | Steelton & Highspire Railroad Co. |
SHG | Shreveport, Houston & Gulf |
SHPX | == ACFX |
SHRX | Smokey Hill Railroad Museum |
SHSZ | --> HS |
SI | Spokane International (1958 --> UP) |
SIGX | Southern Indiana Gas & Electric |
SILX | S & I Locomotive Services |
SIND | Southern Indiana Railway, Inc. |
SIRC | Staten Island Railway Corp. |
SIRTOA | Staten Island Rapid Transit Operating Authority |
SIRX | Southern Illinois Railcar Incorporated |
SIXX | 636 Leasing LLC |
SJLC | St.Johnsbury & Lamoille County |
SJRRC | San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission |
SJRT | St Johns River Terminal |
SJVR | San Joaquin Valley Railroad [KYLE] |
SKAN | Skaneateles Short Line |
SKO | South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad, Inc. [WATCO] |
SLAL | South Plains Lamesa Railroad, Ltd. |
SLAW | St.Lawrence Railroad |
SLBE | St.Louis & Belleville Electric Railway (1956 --> PSL) |
SLC | San Luis Central Railroad Co. |
SLCC | St.Louis Car Company |
SLCR | St.Louis & Chain of Rocks |
SLCS | Salt Lake City Southern Railroad Co., Inc. [RailTex] |
SLE | Short Line Enterprises |
SLGG | Sydney & Lowe Railroad, Inc. |
SLGW | Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Railway Co. |
SLH | Sugar Loaf & Hazleton Railroad |
SLRG | San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad |
SLRR | St.Lawrence & Raquette River Railroad |
SLRS | SMS Rail Service Inc. |
SLSF | St.Louis - San Francisco (1980 --> BN) |
SLWC | Stillwater Central |
SM | St.Marys Railroad |
SMA | San Manuel Arizona Railroad Co. |
SMCZ | == MEC |
SMEX | South Mississippi Electric Power |
SMR | Southern Michigan Railroad [Museum] |
SMRR | Sisseton Milbank Railroad |
SMS | Switching Market Services, Bridgeport NJ (siehe SLRS) |
SMTX | Solvents and Metals, Inc |
SMV | Santa Maria Valley Railroad Co. |
SN | Sacramento Northern Railway (--> WP) |
SNC | Saratoga & North Creek Railway |
SNCT | Seattle & North Coast Railroad (1984+) |
SO | South Orient Railroad |
SOEX | Shell Oil Company |
SOGX | == DAX |
SOM | Somerset Railroad |
SOO | Soo Line Railroad [CP Rail, Canada] |
SOOZ | == CP, Trailerfahrzeuge |
SOT | South Omaha Terminal (1976+) |
SOU | Southern Railway (6.1982 --> NS) |
SOUU | == SOU |
SOUZ | == SOU |
SP | Southern Pacific Lines |
SPAX | siehe SEPTA |
SPCX | Southern Pacific Construction Services |
SPDU | == SP |
SPDZ | == SP |
SPEG | Spencerville & Elgin Railroad Co. |
SPFE | Southern Pacific Fruit Express |
SPFZ | == SP |
SPGU | == SP |
SPLZ | == SP |
SPQ | == SP |
SPRR | Semo Port Railroad |
SPS | Spokane, Portland & Seattle (1970 mit GN,NP und CBQ --> BN) |
SPSF | Southern Pacific - Santa Fe |
SPSR | San Pedro & Southwestern Railroad |
SPSX | Progress Rail Service |
SPTZ | == SP |
SPUD | St Paul Union Depot Company |
SQVR | Sequatchie Valley Railroad Co. |
SR | Southrail Corporation |
SRC | Strasburg Rail Road Co. |
SRD | Scenic Rail Dining [Museum] |
SRLC | Sheridan Railway and Light Company |
SRLX | == GATX |
SRN | Sabine River & Northern Railroad Co. |
SRNJ | Southern Railroad of New Jersey |
SROX | Savannah River Operations, US Dep. of Energy |
SRRC | Springfield Rail Road Co |
SRRR | Swan Ranch Railroad |
SRS | Sperry Rail Services |
SRSR | Savannah River Site |
SRYC | Sierra Railway Co. of California (1937 --> SERA) |
SS | Sand Springs Railway Co. |
SSAM | Sault Ste.Marie Bridge Co. (--> WC) |
SSBR | Springfield Suburban Railroad |
SSC | Southern Switching Company |
SSDK | Savannah State Docks Railroad Co. |
SSE | xxxxS |
SSH | South Shore Railway (Holloway Gravel) |
SSL | South Short Line (--> CSS) |
SSLV | Southern San Luis Valley Railroad Co. |
SSOR | Sisseton Southern Railway Co. |
SSR | Railway Service Contractors |
SSRR | Sacramento Southern Railroad [CSRM] |
SSRR1 | Saratoga & Schuylerville (1956 ) |
SSRX | S&S Shortline Leasing LLC |
SSS | Surrey, Sussex & Southhampton |
SStP | Stillwater & St.Paul Railroad |
SSW | St.Louis - Southwestern Railroad Co. (Cotton Belt) [SP] |
SSWN | SPCSL Corporation |
ST | Springfield Terminal Railway Co. [Pan Am Railways] |
STBX | Sterling Bomba LLC |
STE | Stockton Terminal & Eastern Railroad |
STJB | St Joseph Belt Railway |
STJT | St Joseph Terminal Railroad |
StLB | St Louis and Belleville Railway |
StLBM | St Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railroad |
StLIMS | St Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern |
StLOF | St Louis & O'Fallon |
STMA | St.Maries River Railroad Co. |
STMZ | == TM |
STR | Shawnee Terminal Railway Co. |
STRT | Stewartstown Railroad Co. |
STVT | Springfield Terminal Railway (Vermont) |
SUAB | Southern Alabama Railroad Co., Inc. |
SUEX | Rail Holdings Inc. |
SUN | Sunset Railway Co. (--> ATSF) |
SUR | State University Railroad Co. |
SV | Shenandoah Valley Railroad |
SVGX | Savage Inc. |
SVIL | Saltville Railroad Co. |
SVR | Sumpter Valley Railroad [jetzt Museum] |
SVRR | Shamokin Valley Railroad Co. |
SVTX | Seaview Transportation |
SW | Southwestern Railroad Co. |
SWGR | Seagraves, Whiteface & Lubbock Railroad Co. |
SWKR | San Pedro & Southwestern Railway [KYLE] |
SWLZ | == SSW |
SWPR | Southwest Pennsylvania Railroad Co. [Carload Express] |
SWPX | Southwest Portland Cement, Victorville CA (--> Cemex) |
SWRX | Southwind Shortline, Mt.Vernon IN [CGRX] |
SWTZ | == SSW |
TAG | Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Railway Co. |
TANX | Titan Rail, Inc. |
TASD | Terminal Ry. Alabama State Docks |
TaTo | Tama & Toledo Railroad |
TAW | Toledo, Angola & Western Railroad |
TBCX | The Boeing Company |
TBER | Terre Haute, Brazil & Eastern Railroad (2.1993+) |
TBR | Twin Branch Railroad |
TBRT | Taconic & Berkshire Rail Technologies |
TBRX | Taylor Rail Group Incorporated |
TBRY | Thermal Belt Railway |
TC | Temple & Central Texas |
TC1 | Tennessee Central |
TCBL | Texas Central Business Line |
TCCA | xxxxT |
TCG | Tucson, Cornelia and Gila Bend Railroad |
TCGZ | == CAGY |
TCI | Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad |
TCKR | Turtle Creek Industrial Railroad, Inc. |
TCRA | TRI-RAIL (Tri-County Rail Authority) (2005 --> SFRTA) |
TCRC | Tri Cities Railroad Company (2002 --> TCRY) |
TCRX | Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville TN |
TCRY | Tri Cities & Olympia Railroad |
TCT | Texas City Terminal Railway Co. |
TCWR | Twin Cities & Western |
TCX | == GATX |
TDIX | Transdynamics (dealer/leaser) |
TE | Tacoma Eastern |
TECO | Tennessee Eastman Co |
TECX | Tennessee Energy, Kingsport TN |
TENN | Tennessee Railway Co. [Southern Railway System] |
TER | Texas Electric Railway |
TEXC | Texas Central Railroad Co. |
TF | Tallulah Falls Railway (1961+) |
TG | Tremont & Gulf |
TGRX | Transglobal Rail |
TGSX | Texas Gulf Sulphur |
THBE | siehe TBER |
THNR | Three Notch Railroad [G&O] |
TIBR | Timber Rock Railroad |
TILX | Trinity Industries Leasing Co. |
TIOC | Tioga Central Railroad Co. |
TIPP | Tippecanoe Railroad Co. |
TIR | Toledo Industrial Railroad |
TIRL | Tonawanda Island Railroad, Inc. |
TIRZ | == UP |
TISH | Tishomingo Railroad |
TKEN | Tennken Railroad Co., Inc. |
TLCX | == NATX |
TLEW | Toledo Lake Erie & Western |
TLKX | Tuco, Inc. |
TLLX | Trinity Leasing |
TLSX | Texas Locomotive Solutions |
TLTD | Texas Limited |
TM | Texas-Mexican Railway [KCS] |
TMBL | Tacoma Municipal Belt Line Railway (7.1998 --> Tacoma Rail) |
TMLX | Temco Corp. |
TMPX | Texas Municipal Power Authority |
TMSL | Towanda - Monroeton Shippers Lifeline, Inc. |
TN | Texas & Northern Railway Co. [Lone Star Steel] |
TNER | Texas Northeastern Railroad [RailTex] |
TNM | Texas - New Mexico (--> UP) |
TNMR | Texas & New Mexico Railroad [RailTex] |
TNO | Texas & New Orleans (SP) |
TNOR | Texas North Orient [ARCB] |
TNR | TennRail [MSRC] |
TOC | --> CR |
TOE | Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad [Weyerhaeuser] |
TOEN | Toledo & Eastern Railroad |
TORCO | Toledo Ore Railroad |
TOV | Tooele Valley Railway |
TP | Texas & Pacific (10.1976 --> MP) |
TPBX | == GATX |
TPIU | Tropicana Products Incorporated |
TPIX | Tropicana |
TPMP | Texas & Pacific/Missouri Pacific Terminal Railroad |
TPRX | Texas Power & Light Company |
TPT | --> CR |
TPW | Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway [RailAmerica] |
TPWZ | == TPW |
TPZ | == TP |
TR | Tomahawk Railway [6.2005 --> GW] |
TRAX | RailTex |
TRC | Trona Railway Co. |
TRCX | Trinity Railcar |
TRE | Trinity Railway Express |
TRI | Trinidad Railway Company |
TRIX | == IOPX |
TRLX | xxxxT |
TRMW | Tacoma Rail |
TRR | Tongue River Railroad |
TRRA | Terminal Railroad Association of St.Louis |
TRSX | Texas Railroad Switching |
TS | Tidewater Southern Railway (--> WP) |
TSBY | Tuscola & Saginaw Bay Railway (--> GLC) |
TSCR | Trilby, San Antonia & Cypress Railroad |
TSE | Texas South-Eastern Railroad Co. |
TSNR | Tyson Railroad, Inc. |
TSR | Texas State Railroad |
TSRD | Twin State Railroad |
TSRHP | Texas State Railroad Historical Park |
TSRR | Tennessee Southern Railroad |
TSU | Tulsa - Sapulpa Union Railway Co. |
TSWR | Toppenish, Simcoe & Western Railroad |
TT | Toledo Terminal Railroad |
TTC | AAR Technical Center, Chicago |
TTCI | Transportation Test Center, Pueblo CO |
TTIS | Transkentucky Transportation Railroad |
TTR | Talleyrand Terminal Railroad [RLIX] |
TTRX | Trans Texas Railcar |
TTX | Trailer Train Company |
TTZX | Trailer Train Company |
TUGX | Texas Utilities Generating Co. |
TUGX.1 | Texas Utilities Generating Co. - Martin Lake TX |
TVAX | Tennessee Valley Authority |
TVRM | Tennessee Valley Railway Museum |
TVRR | Tulare Valley Railroad Company |
TW | Turlock Western |
TWRY | Tradewater Railway [Costain Coal] |
TXGN | Texas Gonzales & Northern Railway Company [TXNW] |
TXIX | Texas Industries Corp. |
TXIX.1 | Texas Industries - Midlothian TX |
TXNW | Texas North Western Railway Co. |
TXOR | Texas & Oklahoma Railroad Company |
TXPF | Texas Pacífico Transportation Ltd. |
TXR | Texas Rock Crusher Railway |
TXSR | Texas Southern Railroad [Museum] |
TXTC | Texas Transportation Co. |
TXXX | Texas International Terminals LLC |
TYBR | Tyburn Railroad Co. |
TZPR | Tazewell and Peoria Railroad [GW] |
UB | Union Belt Railway |
UBCU | == UFC |
UC | Utah Central |
UCFX | Union Carbide Corporation |
UCLX | == VULX |
UCRY | Utah Central Railway |
UELX | == ADMX |
UFC | United Fruit Co. |
UFIX | Houston Lighting & Power Co. |
UFRR | Union Freight Railroad |
UHRX | Upper Hudson River R.R. Corp. |
UIR | Uintah Railroad |
UMP | Upper Merion & Plymouth Railroad Co. |
UNCX | == CGTX |
UNI | Unity Railways Co. |
UNPX | Procor Limited |
UNSX | == IOPX |
UO | Union Railroad of Oregon |
UOCX | == GATX |
UP | Union Pacific Railroad |
UPBZ | == UP |
UPFE | Union Pacific Fruit Express |
UPNZ | == UP |
UPP | == UP |
UPR | == UP |
UPRQ | == UP |
UPRR | == UP |
UPRX | == UPFE |
UPRZ | == UP |
UPS | Union Pacific, Slugs |
UPY | Union Pacific, Yard Locomotive |
UPZ | == UP |
UR | United Railway |
URGX | UniCapital Railway Group |
URHS | United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey, Inc. |
URR | Union Railroad |
URSC | United Railway Supply Co. |
URTN | Union Railway of Tennessee |
URTX | == GATX |
URY | Union Railway of Memphis |
USACE | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
USAEC | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission |
USAF | U.S. Air Force |
USAQC | U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps |
USAR | U.S. Army |
USAR.1 | Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, Dayman IA |
USAR.10 | Fort Wingate Ordnance Depot, Gallup NM |
USAR.11 | Redstone Ordinance Depot, Huntsville AL |
USAR.2 | U.S. Army, McAllister OK |
USAR.3 | U.S. Army, Bayonne NJ |
USAR.4 | Clear Air Force Station, AK |
USAR.5 | U.S. Army - Sierra Army Depot, Herlong CA |
USAR.6 | Marietta Air Force Station, Marietta PA |
USAR.7 | Tooele Army Depot |
USAR.8 | U.S. Army, Concord CA |
USAR.9 | U.S. Army - Benicia Arsenal, Benicia CA |
USAX | == USAR |
USGX | Holly Sugar Co. |
USL | U.S. Leasing |
USLX | == NATX |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USN | U.S. Navy |
USN.1 | Hunters Point Naval Shipyard |
USN.2 | U.S. Navy - Mare Island |
USN.3 | U.S. Navy - North Island CA |
USN.4 | Puget Soung Naval Shipyard |
USN.5 | U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Burns City IA |
USRC | Utah Southern Railroad (E2011 --> ) |
USRP | U.S. Rail Corporation |
USSC | U.S. Sugar Corp. |
USSX | U.S. Steel |
USSX.1 | U.S. Steel/Kobe Steel - Lorain OH |
USSX.10 | U.S. Steel - Maple Creek Mine |
USSX.11 | U.S. Steel - Wellington Coal Wash Plant, Wellington UT |
USSX.12 | U.S. Steel - Gary Works |
USSX.13 | U.S. Steel - Geneva Division UT |
USSX.14 | U.S. Steel - South Works |
USSX.15 | U.S. Steel - Lorain Works |
USSX.16 | U.S. Steel - Edgar Thompson Works |
USSX.2 | U.S. Steel - Oliver Iron Mining |
USSX.3 | U.S. Steel - Agri-Chemical Division (--> LaRoche Industries) |
USSX.4 | U.S. Steel Leasing |
USSX.5 | U.S. Steel - Homestead Works |
USSX.6 | U.S. Steel - Fairless Works |
USSX.7 | U.S. Steel - Pittsburg CA |
USSX.8 | U.S. Steel - Baytown |
USSX.9 | U.S. Steel - Great Lakes Works |
USTC | xxxxU |
USWD | U.S. War Department |
USWX | Waste Management |
UTAH | Utah Railway Co. |
UTAX | Utah Transit Authority |
UTCX | Union Tank Car Co. |
UTCX.1 | Union Tank Car Co. - Marion, OH |
UTCX.2 | Union Tank Car Co. - Valdosta, GA |
UTCX.3 | Union Tank Car Co. - Evansto, WY |
UTLX | == UTCX |
UTRY | Union Terminal Railway |
UV | Unadilla Valley Railway (1960+) |
VALX | Sierra Pacific Power Co. / Idaho Power Co. |
VAMD | Virginia & Maryland Railroad (1981 --> ESHR) |
VAPX | Virginia Power & Light |
VBR | Virginia Blue Ridge Railway |
VC | Virginia Central |
VCRR | Verde Canyon Railroad |
VCY | Ventura County Railway Co. |
VE | Visalia Electric Railroad Co. (93 --> SP) |
VECX | Verasun Energy |
VEPX | == HELX |
VGN | Virginian Railway (--> NW) |
VLIX | Vintage Locomotive Inc. (D) |
VMHX | Valient Management & Holdings LLC |
VMSX | Valero Marketing & Supply Co. |
VMTX | Virginia Museum of Transportation |
VMVX | VMV Enterprises, Inc. |
VR | Valdosta Railroad [6.2005 --> GW] |
VRE | Virginia Railway Express |
VRR | Valley Railroad |
VRRC | Vandalia Railroad Co. [Pioneer RR] |
VRS | Virginia Railway Services |
VS | Valley & Siletz (1985+) |
VSO | Valdosta Southern Railroad Co. (93 --> VR) |
VSR | Victoria & Southern Railway |
VSRR | Virginia Southern Railroad [RailTex] |
VT | Virginia & Truckee Railroad (1950++ , heute Museum) |
VTGU | Vereinigte Tanklager und Transportmittel GmbH |
VTR | Vermont Railway |
VTRL | == VTR |
VTRZ | == VTR |
VULX | Vulcan Materials Co. |
VULX.1 | Vulcan Materials Co. - Wichita KS |
VULX.2 | Vulcan Materials Co. - Calera AL |
VULX.3 | Vulcan Materials Co. - Enka VA |
VVR | Vermillion Valley Railroad |
WA | Western Railroad of Alabama (--> CSXT) |
WAB | Wabash Railway (3.1970 --> NW) |
WABCO | Westinghouse Air Brake |
WABV | Wabash Valley Railroad |
WACR | Washington County Railroad Corp. |
WAER | Wabash & Erie |
WAG | Wellsville, Addison & Galeton Railroad (1979+) |
WAMX | Webb Asset Management [WATCO] |
WATX | Watco |
WAWE | Washington-Western Railway |
WBCR | Wabash Central |
WBH | Wilkes-Barre & Hazelton Railway |
WBR | Wolfboro Railroad |
WBSR | West Baden & Southern |
WC | Wisconsin Central Limited |
WC1 | Wisconsin Central (1961 --> SOO) |
WCCH | Will County Coal Handling [CWEX] |
WCDX | == FLIX |
WCIX | WCI Steel (Warren Consolidated Industries) |
WCLC | Waccamaw Coast Line Railroad Co., Inc. - Clinton Division |
WCLR | Waccamaw Coast Line Railroad Co., Inc. |
WCLX | WC Oxford Leasing |
WCLZ | == WC |
WCOR | Wellsboro & Corning Railroad |
WCOX | WC Oxford Leasing |
WCQ | == WC |
WCRC | Washington Central Railroad Co., Inc. (12.96 --> BNSF) |
WCRL | West Chester Railroad Company |
WCTR | White City Terminal & Utility Railway |
WDBS | Wildwood & Delaware Bay Shortline |
WDTX | Washington State Department of Transportation |
WE | Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company |
WECX | Westinghouse Electric Corporation |
WEMCO | Westinghouse Electric & Manufactoring Company |
WEMX | Western Milling |
WEPX | Wisconsin Electric & Power Co. |
WEYU | Weyerhaeuser Co. |
WFAX | Western Fuels Assoc. Inc., CO |
WFIX | == NATX |
WFRX | Wells Fargo Rail Corp. |
WFS | Wichita Falls & Southern |
WGCR | Wiregrass Central Railroad Co. [G&O] |
WGNR | Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad |
WGR | Willamina & Grand Ronde |
WGRY | Wabash & Grand River Railway Co. [PRC], umgezeichnet |
WHBX | xxxxW |
WHEP | Wheeling & Pittsburgh Railway |
WHN | Wharton & Northern Railroad |
WHOE | Walking Horse & Eastern Railroad Co., Inc. |
WIC | Western Iowa Co-Op |
WICT | Wisconsin & Calumet Railroad (93 --> WSOR) |
WIM | Washington Idaho & Montana (1981 -> BN) |
WIMX | Wimpey Minerals |
WIR | Washington & Idaho Railway |
WISX | Wisconsin Power & Light Co. |
WIWR | Wisconsin Western |
WJ | West Jersey Railroad Corp. [PRC], umgezeichnet |
WJRR | == PWJ |
WJSL | West Jersey Short Line Inc. |
WKRL | Western Kentucky Railway [6.2005 --> GW] |
WKS | Wanamaker, Kempton & Southern Railroad [Museum] |
WLO | == WRY |
WM | Western Maryland (1986 --> CSXT) |
WMATA | Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority |
WMCR | White Mountain Centrail Railroad |
WMI | West Michigan |
WMR | Wisconsin & Michigan Railroad (1995+) |
WMSR | Western Maryland Scenic Railroad |
WMWN | Weatherford, Mineral Wells & Northwestern Railway Co. |
WN | Wisconsin & Northern Railroad |
WNFR | Winifrede Railroad Co. |
WNOH | xxxxW |
WNYP | Western New York & Pennsylvania [LAL] |
WOBX | == BN |
WOD | Washington & Old Dominion Railway (1968+) |
WOHO | Wabash & Ohio |
WORR | Western Ohio Railroad |
WOVR | Warren & Ouachita Valley |
WP | Western Pacific (82 --> UP) |
WPEX | Wabash Power Equipment Co. |
WPIX | Wholesale Power, Inc. |
WPMU | == WP |
WPMW | == WP |
WPRR | Willamette & Pacific Railroad Company (--> 12.2000 PNWR) |
WPS | Western Plant Services |
WPSX | Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel Company |
WPTZ | == WP |
WPXZ | == WP |
WPZ | == WP |
WR | Winona Railroad |
WRA | == WA |
WRDX | Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric |
WRIX | Western Rail Inc. |
WRNX | == CHVX |
WRPX | == PSIX |
WRR | Warrenton Railroad |
WRRC | Western Rail Road |
WRRX | Waldens Ridge Railroad |
WRT | Warrior River Terminal |
WRWK | Warwick Railway (1984 --> PW) |
WRY | Waterloo Railway Co. |
WS | Walkersville Southern Railroad |
WSCO | Weirton Steel Company |
WSL | West Side Lumber Co. |
WSOR | Wisconsin & Southern Railroad |
WSOZ | == WSOR |
WSR | Warren & Saline River Railroad Corp. |
WSRC | West Shore Railroad, Milton PA |
WSRY | Winamac Southern Railway Company |
WSRZ | == WSOR |
WSS | Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Co. [CSXT] |
WSTL | Wheeling Steel Corporation (--> WPSX) |
WSTX | Whitestone Supply Company |
WSYP | White Sulphur Springs & Yellowstone Park Railway |
WT | Washington Terminal |
WTA | Wichita Terminal Association |
WTCX | Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. |
WTIS | WATCO Transload & Intermodal Services |
WTJR | Wichita, Tillman & Jackson Railway Co. |
WTL | West Texas & Lubbock Railroad |
WTNN | West Tennessee Railroad Corp. |
WTRM | Warren & Trumbull Railroad Company |
WTRR | Wyandotte Terminal Railroad |
WTRY | Wilmington Terminal Railroad, Inc. [6.2005 --> GW] |
WTSE | West Shore Railroad Corp. |
WURR | Wallowa Union Railroad |
WUT | Wichita Union Terminal |
WVC~ | West Virginia Central |
WVN | West Virginia Northern Railroad Co. (+ 11.1999) |
WVR | Willamette Valley Railway |
WVRD | Willamette Valley Railroad Co. |
WVRR | Whitewater Valley Railroad |
WVS | West Virginia Southern |
WVSR | Willamette Valley Southern Railway |
WW | Winchester & Western |
WWR | Western Washington Railroad LLC. |
WWRC | Wilmington & Western Railway Corp. |
WWV | Walla Walla Valley Railroad |
WYCO | Wyoming Colorado Railroad, Inc. |
WYEC | Wye Transportation Corp. |
WYS | Wyandotte Southern (1986+) |
XFEZ | == FEC |
XMCZ | == MEC |
XNWZ | == NS |
XRFZ | == CSXT |
XSCZ | == CSXT |
XSLZ | == SOO |
XTRA | xxxxX |
XXX | unbekannter Eigentümer |
YARR | Youngstown & Austintown Railroad Co.. (1994 --> OCS) |
YCR | Yakima Central Railroad |
YDC | Yankeetown Dock [2007 --> SCS] |
YKR | Yorkrail, Inc. [Emmons Ind.][2.2002 --> GNWR as YRC] |
YMSP | Yosemite Mountain - Sugar Pine Railroad [Museum] |
YN | Youngstown & Northern (1981+) |
YRC | York Railway Company (ex YKR) |
YRR | Yancey Railroad |
YS | Youngstown & Southern Railway Co. [PLW] (--> CCPA) |
YSLR | Yolo Shortline Railroad Co. [11.2003 --> SERA] |
YSRR | Youngstown and Southeastern Railroad |
YSTX | Youngstown Sheet & Tube |
YVRR | Yadkin Valley Railroad Co. [G&O] |
YVRY | Yuma Valley Railway |
YVT | Yakima Valley Transportation |
YW | Yreka Western Railroad Co. [KYLE] |
Letzte Aktualisierung am 11.09.2024