Liste der verwendeten Abkürzungen für Bahnverwaltungen

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y 

Kürzel Bahnverwaltung
B Bamberger Electric Railroad
B&S Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad (1932 --> BO)
B&W siehe Roster S. 175 u. 185
BA Boston & Albany (--> NYC)
BACH Barre & Chelsea Railroad
BADX Baden Investment Company
BANU Bank Winter and Co Aktiengesellschaft
BAP Butte, Anaconda & Pacific (--> RARUS)
BAPX Bay Area Piggyback Incorporated
BAR Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co.
BARU Barons Leasing Corporation
BARX Bartlett Grain
BAWX Babcock and Wilcox Company
BAYL Bay Line Railroad, L.L.C. [Watco] [6.2005 --> GW]
BAYU Mobay Chemical Corporation
BAYX Bayer Corporation
BB Buckingham Branch Railroad Co.
BBCX ABB Power Generation, Inc.
BBOH temporarily for Cargill at Bloomingburg OH
BBR Balfour Batty Rail
BBRR Bogalusa Bayou Railroad LLC
BBRR1 Beebe River Railroad (1942 )
BBSZ Barbar Steamship Lines Incorporated
BBTU Bress Bulk International Bulk Transport and Consulting
BC Bellefonte Central Railroad
BCAX Blue Circle Incorporated
BCCX Border Chemical Company Limited
BCDX Borden Packaging and Industrial Products
BCG Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad Co.
BCGX Bay Cities Gas Corporation
BCIU Bay Cities Leasing Company
BCIX Blue Circle Incorporated
BCJU Bay Cities Leasing Company
BCK Buffalo Creek (--> CR)
BCLR Bay Colony Railroad Corp.
BCLU Bibby Bros Company
BCMX Bullet Concrete Materials Company
BCPA Broward County Port Authority
BCQ Bolton's Crown Quality Wheat Express
BCR Bay Coast Railroad
BCRR Boyne City Railroad
BCRX General Electric Railcar Services Corporation
BCTR Big Creek & Telocaset Railroad
BCTX Boise Cascade Corporation
BCTZ Boise Cascade Corporation
BCWX Union Tank Car Company
BCYU Bay Cities Leasing Company
BDCM Blue Diamond Coal Mining Co., Leatherwood KY
BDCX Anchor Glass Container
BDLX BDL Company
BDMX Blue Diamond Mining Incorporated
BDNX Baroid Drilling Fluids Incorporated
BDRV Belvidere & Delaware River Railway
BDTL Ballard Terminal Railroad Company
BDW Bad Water Line
BEBX Biofuel Energy of Fairmont MN
BECX FMC Corporation
BEDT Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal (1983 --> NYCH)
BEEM Beech Mountain Railroad Co.
BENX Investors Property Service
BEPX BioFuel Energy Corp, Pioneer Trail Energy LLC.
BERR Big Eagle Railroad
BFCX Berwick Freight Car Company
BFEX Berthold Farmer's Elevator, Berthold ND
BFHU Bailee Freight Services Limited
BFRR Buffalo Ridge Railroad, Inc.
BFSU Bailee Freight Services Limited
BGCM Bountiful Grain & Craig Mountain Railroad
BGEX GATX Capital Corporation
BGKU Schering AG
BGSX Strata Corporation
BH Bath & Hammondsport Railroad Co.
BHCR Black Hills Central Railroad
BHCU Bridgehead Container Service
BHP BHP Nevada Railroad Company
BHS Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern Railroad
BHW Boot Hill & Western
BI Blairsville & Indiana
BIAX Ocala Recycling Recycling
BIDU Universal Bulk-Handling Limited
BIG Big Bend
BIGA Bingham & Garfield
BIGX Air Liquide America Corporation
BIRR Bellingham International Railroad
BISX Brandenburg Industrial Service Co
BITY Bristol Industrial Terminal Railway
BJGX B. J. Gas Supply Incorporated
BJHX BJ Titan Services Company
BJOX Citicorp Railmark Incorporated
BJRY Burlington Junction Railway
BKLU Bank Line Limited
BKRR Batten Kill Railroad Co., Inc.
BKRU Baker Tanks
BKSR Bering, Kiam & Southern Railroad
BKTY Missouri, Kansas, Texas (--> UP)
BLA Baltimore & Annapolis Railroad Co.
BLCX Commonwealth Plan Incorporated
BLE Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Co.
BLH Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton
BLHR Belvidere & Lehigh River Railway
BLKU Bulkhaul Company Limited
BLKZ Mid-American Intermodal Equipment Corporation
BLMR Blue Mountain Railroad, Inc. [WATCO]
BLOL Bloomers Shippers Connecting Railroad Co.
BLOR Bloomer Line
BLR Blacklands Railroad
BLW Baldwin Locomotive Works
BM Boston & Maine Railroad [Pan Am Railways]
BMAZ Transamerica Leasing Incorporated (Better Asset Management)
BMEC Brookville Mining Equipment
BMEX Brookville Mining Equipment Corporation
BMH Beaufort and Morehead Railroad
BMIZ Burlington Motor Carriers
BML Belfast & Moosehead Lake Railroad Co.
BMLP Black Mesa & Lake Powell, AZ
BMRG Blue Mountain & Reading Railroad (7.95 --> RBMN)
BMS Berlin Mills Railway
BMSX Bemis Company Incorporated
BN Burlington Northern Railroad
BNG Blackwell Northern Gateway Railroad
BNGX Bunge North America
BNIU British and Irish Steam Packet Company
BNPZ Pacific Rail Services, Tacoma WA
BNR Blackwell Northern
BNSF Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co.
BO Boston & Ohio Railroad (1986 --> CSXT)
BOCT Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal
BOGU BSL Transport
BOMX B & O Railroad Museum, Inc.
BONU Bond International Limited
BOP Border Pacific Railroad
BORX U.S. Borax Incorporated
BORZ Ecorail Incorporated
BOSU W. BOS Vloeistof Transport B.V.
BOTX Botex International Metals
BPAX Bonneville Power Administration
BPCX Basin Electric Power
BPIX Nova Chemicals Incorporated
BPRR Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad Inc. [GNWR]
BRAN Brandon Corporation
BRC Belt Railway of Chicago
BREX Big Rivers Electric Corp.
BRFD Branford Steam Railroad
BRG Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railroad
BRI Burlington - Rock Island Railroad (1950+)
BRL Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co., AL
BRLX BRS Leasing Co., Inc.
BRMX Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum
BRP Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway (1932 --> BO)
BRR Belton Railroad Co.
BRRC Borinstein Railroad Co.
BRRR Beale River Railroad
BRSC Blue Ridge (SC) Railroad
BRT Blue Rock Transportation Co.
BRW Black River & Western Railroad Corporation
BS Birmingham Southern Railroad Co.
BSCX Bethlehem Steel Corp.
BSCX.1 Bethlehem Steel Corp., Lackawanna NY
BSCX.2 Bethlehem - Pacific Coast Steel, Seattle WA
BSCX.3 Bethlehem Steel Corp. - Johnstown PA
BSDA The Bi-State Development Agency
BSE Birmingham & Southeastern
BSGX Becker Sand & Gravel
BSMX Bay State Milling Company
BSOR Buffalo Southern Railroad
BSPX Otter Tail Power Co.
BSRC Boston Surface Railroad Co.
BSRX Branson Scenic Railroad
BT Bay Shore Terminal Railroad
BTC Birmingham Terminal Co.
BTCO Boston Terminal Co.
BTR Boston Terminal Railroad
BTRR Bush Terminal Railroad, Brooklyn
BUGX Dieselmotive Company Inc. (Bruggere and Monson)
BUKX Louisville Gas & Electric Co.
BVRR Boise Valley Railroad
BVRY Brandywine Valley Railroad Co.
BWC --> CR
BXN Bauxit & Northern Railway Co. [2005 --> RA]
BYCX Battle Ground Yacolt and Chelatchie Prairie RR Assoc.

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