Liste der verwendeten Abkürzungen für Bahnverwaltungen
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kürzel | Bahnverwaltung |
GA | Georgia Railroad (--> CSXT) |
GAAB | Georgia & Alabama Division - South Carolina Central Railroad |
GACX | == GATX |
GAEX | == GATX |
GAHT | xxxxG |
GALX | Georgia Power Co. |
GAMD | Gainesville & Midland Railroad |
GANO | Georgia Northern Railroad (1966 --> SOU) |
GAOX | == GATX |
GARX | == GATX |
GASC | Georgia, Ashburn, Sylvester & Camilla Railroad |
GATU | == GATX |
GATX | General American Transportation Corp. |
GAUX | == GATX |
GAVX | Gavilon LLC. |
GAXX | Gerdau Ameristeel US Inc. |
GAYX | == GATX |
GBL | Georgetown - Breckenridge & Leadville Railroad |
GBPX | Green Bay Packaging |
GBRY | Gettysburg Scenic Railway |
GBW | Green Bay & Western Railroad Co. (1993 --> FVW) |
GBWB | == GBW |
GBWK | == GBW |
GBWM | == GBW |
GBWT | == GBW |
GC | Georgia Central Railway |
GCCX | == GATX |
GCER | Greenbrier, Cheat & Elk Railroad Co. (1961 ++) |
GCFX | Connell Leasing |
GCK | George's Creek Railway |
GCN | Garden City Northern Railway Inc. |
GCRC | The Golden Cat Railroad Corp. |
GCRTA | Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority |
GCRX | Grand Canyon Railway |
GCSR | Gulf Colorado & San Saba Railway [ARCB] |
GCSX | Granite City Steel |
GCTM | Gulf Coast Chapter NRHS |
GCTX | General Chemical Corporation |
GCW | Garden City Western Railway Co. |
GDCX | == GATX |
GEAX | Transcisco Leasing Co. |
GECX | General Electric Corporation |
GECX.1 | General Electric Corporation, Pittsfield MA |
GENR | Gettysburg & Northern [Pioneer] |
GENX | GE Rail Services |
GERR | Greenbrier & Elk River Railroad Co. (1917 --> GCER) |
GETY | Gettysburg Railroad Co. (2001 --> GENR) |
GF | Georgia & Florida Railway (--> NS) |
GFR | Grand Forks Railway Company |
GFRR | Georgia & Florida Railroad |
GFSX | == GATX |
GGE | Galesburg & Great Eastern Railroad |
GGMX | Golden Gate Railroad Museum, San Francisco |
GGPX | == GATX |
GGS | Georgia & Great Southern - South Carolina Central Rd. |
GHH | Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad |
GHRD | Green Hills Rural Development Authority |
GIEX | == GATX |
GIIX | Generation II Locomotives |
GITM | Golden Isles Terminal |
GJ | Greenwich & Johnsonville |
GKLX | Gold Kist |
GLC | Great Lakes Central Railroad |
GLCD | Great Lakes Coal & Dock |
GLCX | Great Lakes Carbon Corporation |
GLCX.1 | free |
GLCX.2 | free |
GLLX | Great Lakes Locomotive |
GLR | Georgetown Loop Railroad |
GLSR | Gloster Southern Railroad Co. |
GLSX | Great Lakes Steel Corp. (--> USX) |
GMAC | General Motors |
GMCT | G & MCT ??? |
GMN | Gulf, Mobile & Northern |
GMO | Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company (1972 mit IC' --> ICG) |
GMR | Georgia Midland (ex Ogeechee Railway) |
GMRC | Green Mountain Railroad Corp. |
GMRY | Great Miami & Scotio Railway Co. |
GMSR | Gulf & Mississippi Railroad |
GMTX | GATX Rail Locomotive Group |
GN | Great Northern Railway (1970 mit CBQ,NP und SPS --> BN) |
GNA | Graysonia, Nashville & Ashdown Railroad Co. (93 --> KCS) |
GNAX | Holcim (US), Inc. |
GNBC | Grainbelt Corp. [Farmrail Corp.] |
GNRR | Georgia Northeastern Railroad Co., Inc. |
GNWR | Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Co. |
GO | Gulf & Ohio |
GOCR | Gold Coast Railroad |
GOCX | Gulf Oil Corporation |
GOHX | == GATX |
GOMX | Avoca Loco Service LLC |
GPEX | == GATX |
GPFX | == GATX |
GPLX | == GATX |
GPRY | Great Plains Railway |
GRCX | Granite Rock Co. |
GRCX.1 | Granite Rock Co. - Aromas CA |
GRCX.2 | Granite Rock Co. - Logan CA |
GRD | Gardendale Railroad, Inc. |
GRDX | Grand River Dam Authority, OK |
GRE | Grand Rapids Eastern Railroad, Inc. [RailTex] |
GREX | Georgetown Rail Equipment |
GRIV | Gauley River Railroad |
GRLW | Greenville and Western Railway |
GRN | Greenville & Northern Railway Co. [Pinsly Railroad Co.] |
GRNW | Great Northwest Railroad [Watco] |
GRR | Georgetown Railroad Co. |
GRRR | Grasse River Railroad |
GRRY | Grand River Railway Co. |
GRS | Guilford Rail System (BM, MEC, ST) |
GRW | Gary Railway |
GRWR | Great Walton Railroad Company |
GRYR | Grenada Railway |
GSCX | == GATX (General American Transportation Corp.) |
GSF | Georgia, Southern & Florida Railway (--> SOU) |
GSLX | George R. Silcott (D), Amridge PA |
GSM | Great Smoky Mountains Railway, Inc. |
GSNX | Gulf States Utility Co., TX |
GSOR | == IHRC |
GSRX | Golden Spike Rail |
GSSX | Gulf States Steel (ex Republic Steel Corp) |
GSW | Great Southwest Railway (1985 --> MP) |
GSWR | Georgia & Southwestern Div. - South Carolina Central Rd. |
GTA | == GTW |
GTI | Guilford Transportation Industries (BM, MEC, ST) (2006 --> PAR) |
GTLX | Great Lakes Railcar |
GTR | Great River Railroad |
GTRA | Golden Triangle Railroad |
GTSC | Glassport Transportation Center, Glassport PA (????) |
GTW | Grand Trunk Western Railroad [CNNA] |
GTWQ | == GTW |
GU | Grafton & Upton Railroad Co. |
GUAX | Georgia Power Co. |
GUCR | Gulf Coast Railroad |
GUEX | == GATX |
GURZ | siehe GU |
GVL | Genesee Valley Leasing |
GVRX | Grapevine Vintage Railroad |
GVSR | Galveston Railway, Inc. [6.2005 --> GW] |
GVT | Genesee Valley Transportation [GVT] |
GWF | Galveston Wharves |
GWI | Genesee & Wyoming Industries |
GWR | Great Western Railway Co. |
GWRC | Georgia Woodlands Railroad Co. |
GWRR | Goodwin Railroad |
GWRX | Great Western Railway Co. |
GWSX | Great Western Sugar Co. |
GWWE | Gateway Eastern [GWWR] |
GWWR | Gateway Western Railway [2002 --> KCS] |
Letzte Aktualisierung am 09.02.2025