Liste der verwendeten Abkürzungen für Bahnverwaltungen
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kürzel | Bahnverwaltung |
LA | Louisiana & Arkansas (93 --> KCS) |
LACTC | Los Angeles County Transportation Commission |
LAE | Louisiana Eastern Railroad |
LAFX | LaFarge Cement |
LAJ | Los Angeles Junction Railway Co. [ATSF] |
LAKX | City of Lakeland, FL |
LAL | Livonia, Avon & Lakeville Railroad Co. |
LAMTA | Los Angeles Metro. Trans. Authority |
LAPT | Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal |
LAPX | == GATX |
LASB | Lackawaxen & Stourbridge Railroad Corp. (1989++) |
LBCR | Lewisburg & Buffalo Creek Railroad |
LBP | Louisiana & Pine Bluff |
LBR | Lowville & Beaver River Railroad Co. [GVT] |
LC | Lancaster & Chester Railway Co. |
LCCRR | Lee County Central Railroad |
LCEX | Lone Star Industries, Inc. |
LCEX.1 | Lone Star Industries, Inc., Limedale, IN |
LCGX | == CGCX |
LCPX | == GATX |
LCR | Lake County Railroad |
LCRR | Lenawee County Railroad (1990 ++) |
LCRX | Lower Colorado River Authority, TX |
LCS | Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad |
LCY | Lake County Railway |
LDCX | Louis Dreyfus Corp., Burlington IO |
LDRR | Louisiana & Delta Railroad Co. |
LDRX | Locodocks, Inc. |
LDSX | Lambton Diesel Services |
LEF | Lake Erie, Franklin & Clarion Railroad Co. |
LEFW | Lake Erie & Fort Wayne Railroad |
LEHX | Lehigh Portland Cement |
LEHX.1 | Lehigh Portland Cement - Leeds AL |
LEHX.2 | Lehigh Portland Cement - Metaline Falls, WA |
LEM | Logansport & Eel River Railroad Museum Inc. (s. auch LER) |
LER | Logansport & Eel River Short Line Co., Inc. (s. auch LEM) |
LETX | LeTourneau Drive Systems Inc. |
LFRR | Langford Railroad |
LGEX | LG Everist Inc. |
LGEXxxx | free |
LGIX | == CGCX |
LH | Lima-Hamilton Corp. |
LHR | Lehigh & Hudson River Railway ( 1976 --> CR) |
LHRY | Longhorn Railway |
LI | Long Island Rail Road |
LINC | Lewis & Clark Railway Co. |
LIRC | Louisville & Indiana Railroad Co. [Anacostia & Pacific] |
LJB | Louisville & Jefferson Bridge & Railroad |
LKP | Lahaina Kaanapali & Pacific Railroad |
LKRR | Little Kanawha Railway Co. |
LLPX | Locomotive Leasing Partners [GATX+EMD] (12.2004 --> GMTX) |
LLX | Luria Brothers |
LM | Litchfield & Madison Railroad |
LMI | Lake Michigan & Indiana |
LMID | Louisiana Midland Railway (1967 --> IC) |
LMIR | Lake Michigan Industrial Railroad, Burns Harbor IN |
LMLX | Livingston Mountain Locomotive Works Inc. |
LMM | Lebanon, Mason & Monroe Railroad |
LMV | --> CR |
LMWX | == CAGX |
LMX | Locomotive Management Services [CR+GE] |
LN | Louisville & Nashville Railroad (1983 --> SBD) |
LNAC | Louisville, New Albany & Corydon Railroad (--> HS) |
LNAX | Lhoist North America of Tennessee |
LNE | Lehigh & New England Railway |
LNER | Lehigh & New England Railroad |
LNOR | Lancaster & Northern |
LNR | Laona & Northern Railway [Museum] |
LNW | Louisiana & North West Railroad Co. |
LNZZ | == LN |
LO | Lorton & Occoquan |
LOAM | Louisiana Midland Railway Co. (1974 - 1985) |
LOCX | Mobile Locomotive Services, Inc. |
LOPG | Live Oak, Perry & Gulf (1971 --> SOU) |
LOS | Lancaster, Oxford & Southern |
LOSX | Locomotive Specialist (D), Waycross GA |
LPB | Louisiana & Pine Bluff Railway (1979 ) |
LPN | Longview, Portland & Northern Railway Co. |
LPRC | Louisiana & Pacific Railway Co. |
LPSG | Live Oak, Perry & South Georgia Railway Co. |
LR | Landisville Railroad Inc. (siehe AMHR) |
LRCX | Livingston Rebuild Center, Inc. |
LRPA | Little Rock Port Railroad |
LRS | Laurinburg & Southern Railroad Co. [G&O] |
LRSX | LRS Companies Inc. |
LRWN | Little Rock & Western Railway Corp. [6.2005 --> GW] |
LRWY | Lehigh Railway LLC. |
LRWY1 | Lackawanna Railway, Inc. |
LRY | Lake Railway |
LS | Luzerne & Susquehanna Railway |
LSBC | La Salle & Bureau County Railroad Co. |
LSBZ | == CRL |
LSCO | Lehigh Stone co. |
LSCX | Locomotive Sales & Leasing Corp. |
LSFZ | == ATSF |
LSI | Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad Co. |
LSIX | Locomotive Specialists Inc., Morris IL |
LSLX | Lone Star Locomotive Leasing Co. |
LSMH | Lakeside & Marblehead |
LSO | Louisiana Southern Railway Co. |
LSOX | Locomotive Solutions |
LSR | Lake Shore Chapter NRHS |
LSRC | Lake State Railway |
LSRR | Lone Star Railroad [Ironhorse Resources] |
LSRX | Lake Superior Museum of Transportation, Duluth |
LSSX | Lone Star Steel, Lone Star TX (siehe auch TN) |
LSTT | Lake Superior Terminal & Transfer Railway |
LT | Lake Terminal Railroad Co. |
LTEX | Larry's Truck Electric |
LTR | xxxxL |
LTVX | LTV Steel Mining Co. |
LUBX | Luria Bros. Division of Connell Limited Partnership |
LUN | Ludington and Northern Railway |
LV | Lehigh Valley Railroad ( 1976 --> CR) |
LVAL | Lackawanna Valley Railroad |
LVR | Luxapalila Valley Railroad |
LVRC | Lamoille Valley Railroad Co. |
LVRM | Lehigh Valley Rail Management |
LVRR | Lycoming Valley Railroad |
LVRX | == NATX |
LW | Louisville & Wadley Railway Co. |
LXOH | Lexington & Ohio Railroad |
LZRX | Lubrizol Corp. |
Letzte Aktualisierung am 09.02.2025